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Mike Ehline

Will U.S. Stay Committed to Toxic Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam? The Latest Update on the Sites


Will U.S. Stay Committed to Toxic Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam? The Latest Update on the Sites

Will U.S. Stay Committed to Toxic Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam? The Latest Update on the Sites
Will U.S. Stay Committed to Toxic Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam?
Will the U.S. Stay Committed to Toxic Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam?

Vietnam Suffered From Chemical Warfare?

Ultimate Guide to Understanding Agent Orange Toxicity in Vietnam

Due to the war in Vietnam, people have had much to say about toxic Agent Orange sites. However, when the APEC Summit was getting ready for President Trump’s arrival, they ensured that the significant dioxin contamination site, Da Nang International Airport, was cleaned and prepared to be shown. This is an excellent step for America to help Vietnam with the toxic Agent Orange cleanup, but people wonder if this will last.

Learn more about the latest news from PBS Newshour on the toxic Agent Orange sites after the Vietnam War on this page!

Major Dioxin Contamination Site

Vietnam’s Danang International Airport was cleaned and completed to prepare for President Trump’s arrival for the APEC Summit. However, just a year before, it was considered a significant dioxin contamination site in Southern Vietnam.

During the Vietnam War, Da Nang was heavily affected by the flights carrying Agent Orange. It has been discussed that the U.S. should clean up the mess left behind, which has now become the Agent Orange legacy.

However, Americans want to stay committed to toxic cleanup in Vietnam because it is morally right. There have been reports of health defects that have occurred due to the contamination.

Da Nang and Agent Orange

PBS Newshour did explain how Da Nang and two other bases stored Agent Orange throughout the war. This toxic combination was used as a defoliant during this time. According to the information provided by the Vietnamese Government, the dioxin was able to contaminate wetlands and other areas around the airport. Also, many people blame it as the reason why there were so many congenital disabilities in Vietnam.

However, for President Trump’s arrival, it took nearly three years and around $110 million to complete this toxic Agent Orange cleanup. One of the strategies used was to build an oven the size of a football field and bake dirt inside for three weeks at a time to remove the toxins.

Charles Bailey

Charles Bailey has been raising funds and researching Agent Orange and Vietnam since the 90s. He joined the PBS Newshour to speak about what is happening in Vietnam. Bailey said it is an American obligation to fix the mess left behind. Recently, he published a new book about Agent Orange’s history and the cleanup efforts made by the U.S.

Also, President Obama said it was an American obligation to continue the cleaning efforts in Vietnam when he visited the country.

Moreover, during the PBS Newshour, Bailey continues to speak about how the Democrats and the Republicans agree regarding this issue.

Toxic Agent Orange Sites

Other Agent Orange sites were mentioned during the PBS Newshour with people talking. The Vietnamese Government was the U.S. to stay committed to toxic Agent Orange cleanup, but that means they will need to head towards an even more dangerous site.

There have been talks about going to a base near Saigon, Bien Hoa. However, this site is five times larger and would cost the U.S. almost half a billion dollars to clean up. There are a few things that make this American obligation challenging to complete.

Additionally, during the PBS Newshour, it was explained that the base is on higher ground, meaning that every time it rains, the contaminated soil will run down and spread. Also, the area to clean up is larger because this is where loading and storage happened for over a decade. Sadly, this Age Orange has seeped its way into the nearby lakes, where the locals go to get their fish. This has caused new generations to suffer from muscular and neurological problems.

Is This an American Reclamation Project?

During the PBS Newshour, correspondent Mike Cerre reports whether this American reclamation project should be underway because it is not believed to be America’s responsibility to clean up the toxins. However, many people believe that it is the moral duty of the American people to complete this task.

Senator Patrick Leahy and the Senate’s Appropriations Committee created the Leahy War Victims Fund. The money goes towards helping cleanup efforts and Vietnamese people affected by Agent Orange. However, there will need to be additional funding if Bien Hoa is to be cleaned.

Also, the Aspen Institute has been very vocal about the American reclamation efforts that are going on in Vietnam. The institute will stay committed to raising funds and bringing awareness to what is happening. Spokespeople have said that the U.S. has a moral responsibility to continue with the Agent Orange cleanup in Vietnam.

What Does the Future Look Like?

Since correspondent Mike Cerre’s reports were made public, the American Government has continued to stay committed to helping Vietnam. The USAID marked the Bien Hoa for environmental remediation. Four times the amount of dioxin found at this base compared to the Danang Airport.

However, since 2021, an official 10-year clean has been implemented, which seems optimistic for the governments and the citizens. Also, the Ford Foundation has been putting money towards the cleanup efforts since 2000, and the group appears to want to stay committed to toxic cleanup efforts.


People with any toxin that has been contaminated should contact a personal injury lawyer immediately because they may be entitled to compensation. Otherwise, they might lose out on what they are owed. Every victim deserves a reward when something has happened, which is why people call the Ehline Law Firm team.

They are always here to speak with victims who need support. A team member is available and can be reached at (833) LETS-SUE.


Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of the largest motorcycle accident settlements in U.S. History. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves in being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride, and a a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.

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