Hollywood Weekly Christmas Party Shows Glamour, Skill and the Law
Hollywood Weekly Christmas Party Shows Glamour, Skill and the Law
Best of the Attorney and Hollywood Season
Saturday, December 3rd’s Christmas Party for Hollywood Weekly was a blast. Bringing together many of the finest and ritziest citizens of Southern California and beyond, it was a chance to wine, dine, and socialize. While the event was a great chance to catch up and rub elbows, it was also a chance to understand some of the season’s more prominent spirits.
Awards Given to Movers and Shakers
Peers gave awards were given to several key individuals that helped the greater Los Angeles area go round. These include individuals that tirelessly dedicate themselves to a variety of goals. Some revolve around Hollywood and the film industry, which remains worthy of dreams.
Others focus on community philanthropy and service. So the event, based in Santa Monica, CA, was just down the street from the Ehline offices on 201 Wilshire, which made it convenient for many local attendees. Santa Monica is famous for Cheech and Chong movies, traffic accidents, and celebrities.
Michael Ehline was happy to attend the event. And this time, it focused on independent films, celebrating the arts, and supporting Hollywood Weekly supporters.
Giving Back
It’s this second category that is particularly interesting. In some ways, it would appear that volunteerism is dying in America, especially in larger cities. However, Hollywood Weekly did an excellent job expressing the richness of community spirit existing in Southern California.
There is perhaps a no better example of that than local son Michael Ehline. Ehline joined the Marine Corps as a young man and was discharged following injury. As a disabled former Marine, he had to decide how to serve the area that reared him. He took on multiple jobs before reading the law to pass the bar. In the same manner, as Abraham Lincoln, Ehline became a respected fighter for the little guy.
“It’s not about me,” he said, “It’s about how to protect people that can’t do so themselves.”
As a result, Ehline has fought and won for accident victims against reckless and drunk drivers, corporations that cut corners, and faceless government agencies. You name them, Ehline Law has taken them on– and won. Ehline won the 2016 Attorney of the Year Award by Hollywood Weekly.
This was a prestigious award on one of the magazine’s most important days of the year. Ehline is humbled by the experience, hoping it shows how others can also get involved in local service. As a result, Ehline will return to his practice next week with a renewed mission to help the people of Los Angeles.
Michael Ehline
Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of the largest motorcycle accident settlements in U.S. History. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves in being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride, and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
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