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Early Prison Release – Can I Sue California for Releasing Pedophiles


Early Prison Release – Can I Sue California for Releasing Pedophiles

A new investigations report revealed thousands of sex offenders released from prison after serving just a few months. Let’s explore the details of the incident with Ehline Law and our child abuse personal injury attorneys.

Investigative Report Reveals Shocking Early Prisoner Release Numbers

A Daily Mail investigation found California releasing more than 7,000 sex offenders convicted of lewd or lascivious acts with minors, especially children under the age of 14, and possessing child pornography.

Daily Mail senior reporter Josh Boswell, leading the investigations, spoke to the media about how he got access to the data. According to Boswell, he used a bit of code to retrieve the necessary information, bypassing the limitations of California’s Megan’s Law website.

Megan’s Law requires that the state publish publicly information about sex offenders.

Clinton Administration Passes Megan’s Law after the Rape and Murder of 7 Years Old Girl

The Clinton administration passed Megan’s Law to provide information on registered sex offenders to enhance community safety. Following the murder of the 7-year-old Megan Kanka in 1994, her family and the community raised their voice, pressurizing the New Jersey’s governor to sign the Law the same year, eventually leading to President Bill Clinton signing the federal legislation in 1996.

Boswell expressed his shock after seeing the data, stating many registered repeated sex offenders and those possessing child pornography spent only a few months in prison, with some spending a couple of days before being released into the public.

Serious Sex Offenders Back on the Street Poses Threat to Citizens

Law enforcement is casually releasing the pedophiles in California as if they didn’t commit any serious offense, but 19,000 out of the 55,000 registered sex offenders Boswell examined were convicted of molesting children under 14. It’s shocking that these criminals are spending only a few months for such heinous acts before returning to the community and carrying out the same act again.

When asked about the report’s findings, many officials started pointing towards the policies endorsed by the California Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, who lobbied for shorter prison sentences and early release of convicted sex offenders and other criminals. 

According to Boswell, the California District Attorney and Gavin Newsom’s office ignored his inquiry.

No One Is Willing to Take Responsibility for Early Prisoners Release

Most government officials are passing on the blame, stating that it is not their problem but the local courts who should oversee such issues or the District Attorney’s office. 

In a recent statement to Fox News Digital, the governor’s office reiterated the responsibility of district attorneys to prosecute offenders and hold them responsible under the law.

Gavin Newsom’s office also reminded the public that the government expanded funding to apprehend online predators and conduct sting operations under law enforcement agencies to prevent human trafficking.

Can Sex Offenders Sue California?

Megan’s Law sought to inform people of nearby offenders to protect their children. It also warns against vigilantism, stating that those attacking an offender or his or her family would be subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability. 

However, that didn’t stop a couple of vigilantes from attacking sex offenders after reading their profiles on the online sex offender database.

Lack of Timely Information Prompted Vigilantes to Attack Two Registered Sex Offenders

In 2015, two registered sex offenders filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court after vigilantes attacked them as relevant authorities did not update the Megan’s Law website. 

The California Department of Justice manages the Megan’s Law website, and they failed to update the registry about the plaintiff’s conviction and release dates, prompting vigilantes to attack them.

Lax Management Deprived the Offenders of Their Rights and Adequate Housing

Plaintiffs alleged lax management of the Megan’s Law website exposed registered offenders to physical harm and employment discrimination and deprived them of their rights, such as access to housing.

The plaintiff, Roy Matagora, stated that a vigilante shot him after viewing his profile. Matagora’s profile on the website mentions his convictions but does not reveal dates of conviction and release.

According to the complaint, another plaintiff, Frank Lindsay, had an encounter with an assailant who broke into his home with a sledgehammer and an intention to kill after finding out about the convict. The complaint alleges that the bank denied the lease for his business after viewing his profile on the Megan’s Law website.

Lawsuit Filed in Los Angeles Superior Court Seeks Updated Records

Both the registered offenders sought the Department of Justice to update the information on the online sex offender database so that they don’t face further issues for their past crimes.

Can I Sue California for Releasing Pedophiles?

The state must ensure that the convicts behind bars complete their sentences before releasing them. As reported in the investigative report, releasing convicts earlier could have devastating consequences for the legal system and the citizens, putting society at harm.

Convicts who get an early release for crimes such as molesting minors can go on to commit the same crime, thinking they would have to spend only a few months behind bars before running scot-free once again. It also sends a negative message to the public, especially those who become victims at the hands of repeated pedophiles.

Parents may bring civil actions against the state for releasing prisoners onto the streets and causing harm to their children.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law

If your child suffered at the hands of a sex offender who the state released from prison early, contact us at (833) LETS-SUE for a free consultation to learn more about your legal options.


Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of the largest motorcycle accident settlements in U.S. History. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves in being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride, and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.

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