Can I Get Paid For Work Related OTJ Stress?

Can I Get Paid For Work Related OTJ Stress?
Job Stress, or OTJS, is a real issue in today’s bustling world. And yes, with the proper legal counsel near you, you can claim if you can prove your case. According to the PAL REPORT, OTJS impacts all of us – and on an increasing basis. Since economic and technical trends encourage workers’ high-stress environments, it is unlikely that stress within the work environment will see its end anytime soon. Since there is no end to OTJS insight, and because the health of our lives on a business and a personal level is vital to overall financial stability for everyone involved.
So, addressing the issue head-on, both at a corporate level and as an individual one, is essential. The best way to start is to find a way to manage the stress that accounts for individual differences among workers. While some individuals perform well under pressure – some even seem to enjoy it – the same strain can impact others self-destructively.
Stress Response And Individual Differences
There are many different responses to stress, which means the factors contributing to these differences are also numerous.
Some of these differences may be from one or more of the following factors:
- Burn-out.
- Obsessive thinking.
- Emotional trauma experienced during childhood.
- Self-esteem levels.
- Learned responses to stress.
- Depression or anxiety.
- Self-degradation.
These factors may coexist and must be fully considered to deal with an individual’s stress management needs. Identifying unique physical symptoms of OTJS can also help an individual figure out a plan to manage stress. For example, chronic emotional agitation is one symptom that may arise as a result of OTJS. By finding relaxing activities that directly combat this feeling, an employee may be able to decrease their constant feelings of tension and lead a happier and more productive life in the workplace.
Internal Tensions
As the global economy’s needs keep changing in spurts of technology, the nation’s employees face added internal tension. As more products come to market, competition escalates, and the nation’s workforce works longer hours under stress induced by enormous performance pressure. With such internal and external pressure amidst all the constant marketing changes, employees may face unemployment, job retraining, or job loss. This physical and emotional pressure and anxiety lead to a sensation known as “on-the-job Stress.”
Physical Signs
Most of the signs associated with excessive stress are physical. While the focus is not always wrong, effectively recognizing and monitoring pressure remains essential as stress levels enhance energy to meet mind and body challenges sure to come. Adrenalin’s extra strength and heightened awareness can help the individual meet challenges, solve problems, and reach goals in the workplace. However, some chemical reactions inside the body can be harmful and result in irritability, anxiety, headaches, fatigue, stomach irritation, and physical illness.
Stress Reactions
The body produces stress from an unfamiliar, threatening, or exciting new environment or situation. Individual bodies remain genetically programmed for a “flight or fight” response to stress or threats. Physically, the body starts sweating, the heart pumps faster, and your breathing accelerates. Your muscles tense in preparation to run or fight. Also, your mouth will dry, and vasoconstriction will increase your blood pressure. Stress prepares the body for sudden movement needed to survive, flee, or fight off impending doom.
OTJS Sources
“On-job stress” comes from many workplace sources. Your first step in managing stress is identifying emotion-based causes. Some possible sources include personal belief systems, company expectations of success, the physical work environment, negative internal dialogue, and uncooperative co-workers. As the economy expands and contracts during the ups and downswings, general financial trends associated with economic developments create more OTJS.
Cognitive Foundations
Knowing what can and cannot be changed is essential in altering self-expectations and providing a foundation for effective internal stress management. Psychologists can help using cognitive rehearsal, visual imagery, deep relaxation breathing, and exercise programs. Since every person is different, finding a stress management method that works for each individual is vital in managing tension and anxiety. They are finding techniques that will allow the positive aspects of stress to rise to the surface at the workplace and diminish the negative features of OTJS.
Overcoming O.T.J. Stress
Over the past two decades, our world has changed faster than ever. Technology is advancing “faster than a speeding bullet.” As new tech toys and products rush to the forefront of marketing, product price wars have become “more powerful than a locomotive.” Corporations are finding difficulties staying in business as other smaller companies “leap buildings with a single bound.” Yes, this Superman world becomes unstable, with economies falling and rebounding every other week. As currency comes and goes, big tech takes over the world. Who has the kryptonite to bring down our economy?
Childhood Experiences And OTJS
Congenital predispositions can also affect our emotional disturbances and stress responses. However, our childhood experiences significantly affect our stress response and overall emotional development. Understanding how childhood relationships affect our adult interactions is essential to dealing with OTJS. Imagine an employee who is resistant to supervision. Individuals may develop a rebellious attitude toward authority figures caused by a negative relationship with an abusive parent during childhood. Suppose this person can learn how this early experience has affected their adult feelings. In that case, the individual can become a happy and productive team member at their company.
Environmental Stressors In The Workplace
Environmental stressors specific to an employee’s workplace are another crucial consideration that must be made when evaluating OTJS. Some stressors on the job may need only a simple fix to help an employee improve their mental wellness. For example, if a constant and irritating sound is present in a worker’s office, there may be a simple fix to end the sound and improve the individual’s OTJS. When we understand that our adaptation to our environment relies mainly on our childhood experiences, it becomes easier to understand that different workers have different ways of dealing with and experiencing OTJS.
Both internal and external adaption can help to remedy symptoms of OTJS. However, adapting approaches tailored to the individual unique needs helps support maladaptive stress responses with healthy emotions. Individuals can now be offered happy and successful work opportunities. If you suffered work-related OTJS, another psychological injury, or malaise, consider calling a worker’s compensation injury lawyer at Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. The call is confidential. Our advocates near you offer a free case evaluation to earn your trust. Call (213) 596-9642 and learn more about your money damages compensation rights. You are now one step closer to getting money for your work-related OTJS.
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Michael Ehline
Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.