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West Hollywood is a diverse and vibrant city with a population of approximately 36,000 people.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the demographics of West Hollywood:
What is the ethnic makeup of West Hollywood?
The city of West Hollywood is known for its diverse population.
According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the ethnic makeup of West Hollywood is as follows:
- White: 75.2%
- Hispanic or Latino: 12.9%
- Asian: 5.7%
- Black or African American: 3.8%
- Two or more races: 2.2%
- Other race: 0.2%.
2. What is the age distribution in West Hollywood?
The median age in West Hollywood is 39.5 years old. The age distribution is as follows:
- Under 18: 8.6%
- 18-24: 9.9%
- 25-34: 27.8%
- 35-44: 22.1%
- 45-54: 15.6%
- 55-64: 8.8%
- 65 and over: 7.3%.
3. What is the gender breakdown in West Hollywood?
The gender breakdown in West Hollywood is roughly equal, with slightly more females than males.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the gender breakdown is as follows:
- Male: 48.8%
- Female: 51.2%
4. What is the average household income in West Hollywood?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in West Hollywood is $69,732. The per capita income is $55,056.
5. What is the education level of West Hollywood residents?
West Hollywood is a highly educated city, with a large percentage of residents holding college degrees. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the education level of West Hollywood residents is as follows:
- High school diploma or higher: 94.7%
- Bachelor’s degree or higher: 68.6%
- Graduate or professional degree: 34.3%.
Population Shifts
The 2010 Census states that West Hollywood’s population is 34,399 people, and in the past ten years, it has shown a 3% decrease. Within that 34,000 population, there are various races, ages, religious views, and sexual orientations. The racial demographic is predominantly white, making up 84.2%.
The next race with the most extensive presence is Latinos at 10.5%, then following them are Asians at 5.4% and African-Americans at 3.2%. West Hollywood has a very minute population of Native Americans and Pacific Islanders. Combined, their presence in the community totals less than half of a percent (0.4%).
The general age of West Hollywood’s population is on the older side, with 88% of the population being over the age of 25. Moreover, the largest age group ranges from 25-44 years old. People of the age of 19 years old or younger only made up approximately 5% of the population.
Data taken on one’s sexual orientation showed that approximately 40% of the male population was gay. There was no finite data taken on the sexual orientation of the female residents. However, one can accurately assume the percentage of gay women would be higher than in most other cities since West Hollywood is the most friendly gay city in America.
Out of the gay population in West Hollywood, 1,321 households were same-sex couples. For opposite-sex couples, there were 3,060 households. The remaining 18,000 households in town were occupied by single occupants or people married with children.
A large portion of West Hollywood’s population is active voters. According to the LA Almanac, 27,761 residents are registered to vote. The majority of the registered voters were affiliated with the Democratic Party, with a total of 17,096 registered voters. The Republican Party only had 2,463 registered voters within the city.
There are many dangerous traffic corridors in West Hollywood. But there are only a few excellent, award-winning injury lawyers. One firm with these types is Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. Below are driving directions to the firm from Beverly Blvd.
- Head northwest on Beverly Blvd toward S San Vicente Blvd. 157 ft.
- Turn right at the 1st cross street onto N San Vicente Blvd. 1.1 mi.
- Use the right lane to turn right onto Sunset Blvd—0.1 mi.
- Turn right onto Holloway Dr. Destination will be on the right in 299 ft.
- Arrive at Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. 8752 Holloway Dr., Suite 304, West Hollywood, CA 90069.
There’s a very small disbursement of voters between the Green Party and others, but many people chose to opt out of state their political affiliation (6,965 people).