Experienced Los Angeles Tight Handcuff Amputation Attorney
Over $150 Million Won

If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

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U.S. Marine

Handcuffs, also known as torture cuffs, are designed as a restraining measure. They are adjustable, which helps to ensure that law enforcement can use them on just about anyone without too much discomfort. However, there are still cases in which they are secured too tightly, which can lead to blood flow issues for those being transported.
Even when pleas are made to loosen them, they may be ignored as bad cops pound your head, leading to a skull fracture or wrongful death. While some people are fortunate enough not to be in them for too long, others are not so lucky. By the time the handcuffs are removed, irreparable harm has been done, which may initially cause chronic pain. Even if you make a remarkable recovery, nerve damage and PTSD are often residuals. Unfortunately, medical professionals may not be able to save the limb, which means that an amputation must occur.
Losing a Limb Is Difficult Physically and Emotionally
Like a mild traumatic brain injury or a wrongful death claim, a handcuff amputation matter can bring a lot of distress with it. This extends to loved ones who must adjust to this new life alongside the affected party.
Many factors will influence the extent of the effect. For example, there may be a situation in which the plaintiff suffered an amputation and was a manual laborer with no other skills. Suddenly, it’s no longer possible to earn an income. This is even more devastating risk, when the injured party is the sole breadwinner in the household. Imagine a truck driver losing his feet. It’s the same principle.
Even if the focus isn’t on work and earning, doing basic tasks becomes a hassle without using both hands. This can lead to severe frustration and emotional distress.
Why Is It a Good Idea to Hire a Los Angeles Amputation Attorney?
In any situation where a plaintiff claimed damages for an amputated arm, they suffered a life-changing phenomenon. Remember that the use of limbs is second nature for humans. It’s not something that much thought goes into. However, this kind of personal injury changes that norm. Now, prosthetics may be needed, and there will undoubtedly be a drop in the victim’s quality of life.
Whether it’s soft tissue injuries, orthopedic injuries, or full-on amputations, affected parties deserve to be compensated for what they are going through. In any situation where the plaintiff alleged that they are suffering differently, the defendant will try everything to reduce or avoid compensation altogether.
Having a Los Angeles amputation attorney in your corner is the best decision you can make as you navigate the legal minefield that is getting compensation for your injury. After suffering an amputation because of someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to a settlement for the effects it may have had on you.
What Kinds of Damages Can Be Recovered?
Assuming the plaintiff sued the defendant successfully, what kinds of damages are to be expected? Each case is unique, as the specific set of effects can differ from one plaintiff to the next. However, damages usually fall under the economic, non-economic, and punitive categories.
Economic damages are relatively easy to calculate, as the amounts are verifiable via documentation. For example, medical bills and lost wages would fall under this category. A part of the desired settlement amount will be the sum of all the economic damages that apply to the victim.
Next, there are non-economic damages. These are not easy to calculate, as they are rooted in the quality of life principle. For example, after having a hand amputated, there will likely be some level of pain and suffering. It’s not easy to put a price tag on that. However, an experienced Los Angeles handcuff amputation attorney has the skills to provide an accurate valuation.
Finally, there are punitive damages. These are not motivated by the need to compensate the victim. Instead, they punish the defendant for gross negligence or an intent to cause harm.
The Ehline Law Firm Difference
Ehline Law Firm is not the only one in Los Angeles willing to assist clients through the legal process of seeking compensation for amputation injuries. However, should you choose to work with us, you will get access to years of real-life experience with these matters. Not only do we have an outstanding list of achievements, but we can also assist victims in filing a personal injury claim and getting a fair settlement.
Michael Ehline, a former marine lead attorney, is one of the best people to understand the pain and suffering that you may be going through. Furthermore, he can demonstrate outstanding empathy in these situations. This is because he has friends and former clients who have suffered amputations.
Experience with Amputation Cases
Our experience with amputation matters goes way beyond tight handcuff incidents. We’ve dealt with cases where a negligent defendant driver caused a victim to lose a limb. There are also many workers’ compensation career matters we have dealt with. This is after people end up suffering amputations on the job.
We know that traumatic and surgical amputations are some of the worst things that anyone can go through. Even if the limbs are reattached, there may be a loss of sensation and the development of cancer.
Our expertise in amputation injuries includes:
- Toe amputation
- Transhumeral amputation
- Elbow disarticulation
- Knee removal
- Shoulder disarticulation
- Nose loss.
Sometimes, doctors find themselves being forced to perform an amputation because of how dangerous an injury is. Perhaps you began to suffer an infection after the tight handcuffs were removed. Therefore, removing the limb was the only way to prevent further complications. This is a costly process, sometimes requiring you to pay tens of thousands of dollars.
The Life of an Amputee
As indicated before, amputees go through many challenges after they lose a limb. For example, there may be a lack of financial resources to support yourself or your loved ones.
You may find that your home structure begins to change completely after your accident. That’s because your loved ones may worry about the family’s future. In turn, you could end up going through a deep depression, which may be accompanied by a consistent fear surrounding what is to come.
Some people will have insurance policies that may help them to traverse this tough time, but this is not always the case. Those without that coverage cannot reliably pay for everything that the injury comes with.
Of course, life does not just stop because you are injured, which means you now need to understand what you can do in your current state. This may give rise to the need for vocational training. Therefore, you end up with yet another expense that needs to be taken care of.
This is why we have dedicated our services to ensuring clients get the compensation they deserve. You are only in this situation because someone else was negligent. How is it fair that the financial consequences fall solely on you?
We are not going to stand for that, and neither should you. Let us help you get a fair settlement for all the consequences of the amputation that you are now dealing with.
Is an Amputation Lawyer Mandatory?
As is the case with other personal injury matters, no law requires you to retain the services of a lawyer. However, those who want the best possible outcome understand that doing so is best.
Remember that you are getting a free case evaluation, which allows us to understand the parameters of your case and what strategy we will need to use as we approach it.
Our case-building methodology is also top-notch, allowing us to ensure that once your claim is filed and it is time to move forward, the information we will use to seek compensation is consistent.
Negotiation is one of our strong suits, too, so we have closed many of these matters without them going to trial.
Nevertheless, we are experienced trial lawyers. Therefore, if the matter needs to go before the courts, we stand ready, willing, and able to assist to ensure a fair award.
Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Los Angeles Tight Handcuff Amputation Attorney Today!
It is never easy to deal with an amputation. This is especially true when the injury was avoidable. Handcuffs are adjustable, so if you request them to be loosed for comfort, there should be no problem. Unfortunately, these requests are sometimes ignored, and it is the victim who is left to suffer from an eventual amputation. Even if you are LEO injured during training, you may be able to bring a claim against a workers compensation carrier.
Ehline Law Firm is here to ensure that those who suffer this fate can get the compensation they deserve. Schedule your free consultation today by calling (833) LETS-SUE. You will have the support of a compassionate personal injury attorney who has your best interests at heart. We are ready to communicate and hear what you have to say anywhere in Los Angeles County, CA!