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U.S. Marine

We have all seen them. Mall cops ride Segways, and young tourists, as well as kids all over the world, especially while visiting the beach. Personal injury attorneys will be the first to tell you that California Segway accidents can easily result in serious injuries.
First off, what is a Segway?
A Segway is a machine designed to:
- Propel a human being forward.
- But it can also move in the direction the rider wishes to go when he or she leans in that particular direction.
- The innermost apparatus that controls the velocity, balance, and automation relies on sensors that detect fluctuations in a rider’s position on the vehicle, which will then determine its direction, acceleration, or deceleration.
- The machine itself is based on balance.
Important: If the machine halts and you are already leaning forward, you can easily get thrown off and could end up doing a faceplant.
- This technology, which amazed many people, was considered a breakthrough in personal transporters in its infancy.
Now, many law firms like Ehline Law Firm are getting personal injury cases involving allegations of:
- Defects
- Malfunctions that are causing severe injuries for riders and bystanders.
Throughout the United States, product liability attorneys are evaluating the potential cases of Segway accidents that have resulted in severe or permanent injuries. Our law firm has already settled several of these cases and is ready to assist anyone else who was injured.
Who are the People We Help With Segway Cases?
In particular, we help those hurt while riding on beach boardwalks in the Santa Monica, San Francisco, and Southern California beach communities.
With millions of dollars recovered for victims of bad personal injuries, we are eagerly awaiting your call and want to help. Call us at (213) 596-9642 now.
- What is the Litigation Status of The Segway? To date, there are approximately 13 people who have filed Segway lawsuits claiming there have been malfunctions.
- Some complaints have been that sensors would, without warning, stop the vehicle quickly, tossing the rider, or would out of the blue, go into reverse, achieving the same thing.
- Other complaints arise from dead batteries instantly stopping the vehicle and slamming the rider to the ground with zero chance of avoiding the wreck.
From Ehline Law Firm’s perspective, the company itself does not seem to be too interested in issuing recalls. So it is more or less up to us lawyers to hold them accountable for these known defects.
Segway Inc. is the company that sells the two-wheeled personal transporter was:
- Invented by Dean Kamen
- Introduced to the public in 2003.
- It is built to balance a single rider on two wheels, whether it is moving or standing still, through a control system, sensors, and propulsion mechanisms.
- The system and stabilization technology enables the Segway to balance a human and control the movement with a shifting weight.
- Accelerometers are designed to distinguish changes in the terrain and the position of the body.
Recalls Prove the Design Was Flawed Upon Release to the Consumer?
En mass, it was rapidly discovered it was released to market much too early for many in the consuming public.
- There were approximately 6,000 Segways were recalled soon after their release to the public in 2003 (View Source.) That particular recall was due to a defect that caused the sudden stopping of the transporter when the batteries were discharged.
- A second recall was issued in 2006 of approximately 23,500 transporters for a defect that suddenly caused them to run in reverse at high speeds.
What are the Current Complaints About Segways?
Based upon the calls we get, and cases we take involving Segways, these machines have other safety issues that have not resulted in recalls, like:
- Software glitches
- Manufacturing defects
- Other product failures have also been reported.
For example, there have been reports of Segway calamities by users when the transporter did not act in response to controls. As discussed in the introduction, they have also been reported to cause users to be thrown from the unit when it stopped suddenly or jerked unexpectedly.
Injuries can be severe due to the high speeds the transporter can travel.
What Do Segway Injuries Typically Include?
The injuries riders face from Segway Injuries Include:
- Death
- Concussions
- TBI and MTBI
- Bad Cuts and Bruises
- Whiplash and Soft Tissue
- Back Injuries, Cervical Lordosis
- Slipped or Fractured Discs and Bones
- Badly Broken Legs, Knees, and Arms from Bracing Falls.
What Are Some Difficulties in Suing Segway?
Going after a product manufacturer for manufacturing and design defects is no walk in the park. Manufacturers attempt to escape legal responsibility for badly designed or hazardous products by using different red-herring arguments.
For example, they will:
- Claim the Segway was used improperly
- That the product itself complies with various governmental standards.
- But safety regulations are a small floor and not a ceiling. The duty to make products for the consuming public does not stop with approval by Uncle Sam. These are merely the bare minimum standards.
If Your Injury Was Foreseeable By Segway, Liability Applies?
Negligence law says if the personal injury is foreseeable, in other words, that someone can be easily injured. The manufacturer knew or should have known of these risks to life and health but failed to act to prevent it. The defendant is liable in tort.
- Every person must avoid desecrating their duty of reasonable care to their fellow citizens.
So from the Standpoint of Segway, the Foreseeability Test Would be as follows:
- First, would a reasonable, trained inventor, engineer, or technician at Segway have foreseen the troublesome situations we discussed above?
For example, the gyroscope automation operates in the many different riding conditions that a relatively inexperienced rider could face.
- And what about the lack of redundant and preventative countermeasures and protective devices?
- And even the viability of roll cages or other methods of protecting passengers from bad falls, such as restraining devices, is at play here.
What Makes Us Such Great Segway Injury Attorneys?
What makes us so great? Well, for one thing, we take the “foreseeability test” very seriously. In addition to inspecting the incident scene ourselves, our legal advocates employ expensive and highly educated safety engineers, design experts, biomechanical specialists, and even accident re-constructionists to determine predictability. And we do this to prove beyond a reasonable doubt; it was not your fault!
You see, we want to prove your case beyond a shadow of a doubt to a jury. Our goal is to ensure the insurance adjuster, in-house carrier, umbrella, and excess carriers know they have high exposure to a possible runaway verdict.
And we do so before we even dare step one foot into the courthouse. And this is because our firm is in it to win it. We front-load our cases rather than wait until the last minute after doing little to build the value of your case.
Ehline Law Firm is steeped in advanced technical and scientific knowledge due to our specific background in these types of injury claims. A highly motivated, inactive Marine runs us, and we are primed, locked, and loaded. Our lawyers are ready right now to take on your grave and crucial case.
Will Ehline Law Firm Come to You?
Yes! We are willing to travel to your home, office, or hospital bed. No ego problem here. We are servants to the consuming public. We are charged with the vital duty to defend your rights to justice.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Segway Accident Lawyer In Los Angeles
Call our powerful, award-winning Segway accident attorneys to learn more. If you got injured on a Segway, contact an experienced California Segway accident lawyer now at (213) 596-9642. You can also use our convenient contact form on our website.