633 W 5th Street #2890
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 596-9642.
2323 S. Voss Rd, Suite 244
Houston, TX 77057
(832) 592-1260.
Date Modified: February 8, 2025
Personal injury cases involve very nasty situations for injury victims, so we highly recommend you get a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. It can sometimes be challenging to focus on finding a skilled personal injury lawyer, as you also need to take care of your injuries and pay for all your financial losses. Still, getting a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney is one of the best things you can do, as they will take a massive weight off your shoulders and help you manage your case as smoothly as possible.
Ehline Law is a highly professional Placer County Law Firm. We’re ready to provide you with dedicated personal injury counsel and give you a free consultation. Call (833) LETS-SUE to meet with one of our fantastic Placer County personal injury lawyers.
Compensation for Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Placer County, CA
In Placer County, CA, the plaintiff can be compensated for damages caused by the other person’s negligence. However, the personal injury lawyer must discuss this with their clients during the free consultation, as this will help them calculate the actual cost of their losses.
Most of these losses can be categorized into economic and non-economic, but some of the most common are the following:
Medical Bills
Nearly everyone involved in a personal injury case in Placer County, CA, will need medical care to treat their injuries. In some cases, they may even develop a disability which will require ongoing medical treatment. The plaintiff will probably end up spending thousands of dollars on medical expenses, which gives them the right to be financially compensated by the liable party.
Some of the possible expenses are the following:
Initial treatment
Ongoing therapy
Lost Wages
After motor vehicle accidents, victims are likely to need some time to rest, which will cause them to miss work and lose their valuable income. They can also become permanently disabled, which will make them unable to go to work again. If that’s the case, the victim should discuss their situation with their lawyer during a free consultation to calculate how much their case is worth.
Pain and Suffering
This type of compensation is sometimes difficult to calculate, as it is based on the victim’s pain and suffering. The rewards for this type of compensation can exceed a million dollars, but the personal injury lawyer will need a lot of evidence to prove it.
Some pieces of evidence that can be displayed to prove this type of compensation are:
Medical records
Photos and videos of the injury, etc
That’s why being proactive about your medical treatment is crucial. This can help you win much more money in the long run.
According to the United States District Court, there’s no standard amount people should get for pain and suffering, but you may hear about a “multiplier” calculation. In reality, the jury will award you this type of compensation based on merely subjective factors backed up by the evidence your personal injury lawyer brings to the court.
Emotional Distress
This type of compensation is awarded when a person’s mental and emotional state has been compromised after an accident.
It is scientifically proven that accidents can cause various kinds of mental disorders, such as the following:
Chronic stress and trauma
Therefore, you will need to get an appointment with a Placer County psychologist or psychiatrist for them to diagnose you and receive this type of compensation.
Wrongful Death
Wrongful death claims are probably the worst outcome of an accident, as it means one or several loved ones were killed due to someone else’s negligence. If this is the case, you should consider getting a free consultation with a Placer County personal injury lawyer who can help you through this difficult time. This is especially tough when the dead person is the household’s breadwinner, as this will put a massive weight on your shoulders, and you will need to take care of all expenses.
Therefore, you’re entitled to get financially compensated to ease the weight of losing a loved one, and you can find out more about this during a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.
Loss of Consortium
In Placer County, CA, you can also get financially compensated for the loss of consortium or companionship, which means you will get compensated if your spouse gets killed in an accident. This is also subjective compensation, which should be discussed with your personal injury lawyer during a free consultation.
Punitive Damages
According to the United States District Court, the final type of compensation you can get in Placer County, CA, is punitive damages awarded to the victims if the defendant’s actions were terrible and negligent enough. It is used as a punishment to ensure they don’t repeat it. In most cases, these acts were intentional, such as a bad faith medical malpractice or a drunk driver who crashes against another car. If you want to know more about this and whether your case qualifies for it or not, you can ask your personal injury lawyer during a free consultation.
When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer
Suppose you’re considering getting personal injury representation from a personal injury lawyer. In that case, you must consider several aspects of your case and all the benefits you will get if you hire one. Remember, there are no actual guidelines on finding the best personal injury lawyer in the world, but the following advice can help you find an aggressive personal injury attorney who can provide legal representation at the district court. Always arrange a free consultation with your Placer County personal injury lawyer before you hire one.
Discussions with Insurance Carriers
Dealing with an insurance company can be frustrating, but a Placer County personal injury lawyer will know how to get the highest compensation for your losses. However, the sooner you meet them at their law office for a free consultation, the better. Therefore, you should contact your Placer County personal injury lawyer and set up a free consultation as soon as you leave the emergency room.
Avoid Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitation Issues
Medical malpractice claims in Placer County, CA, can be a bit of a hassle, mainly due to their statute of limitations. That’s why you should act as fast as possible and contact your Placer County personal injury lawyer as soon as you believe you are a victim of medical malpractice. Then, you can arrange a free consultation to discuss the case’s details and file the suit.
Insurance Companies Will Have a Personal Injury Attorney; You Should Too
Most insurance companies in Placer County, CA, already have an experienced personal injury lawyer ready to manipulate you into accepting a lowball offer. That’s why you mustn’t talk to them until you’ve arranged a free consultation with your Placer County personal injury attorney, as this will give you as much advantage as them. Remember that insurance companies in Placer County, CA, only care about saving as much money as possible. So, you should set up a free consultation with your personal injury attorney, who can negotiate with them and get to a fair middle ground.
Have the Right Medical Team Around You
If you got in an accident resulting in a personal injury claim, you would need appropriate medical attention, and your personal injury attorney can help you with that. Most know the right medical professionals in Placer County, CA, to treat your injuries. They will also provide accurate medical records to use as evidence if you need to go to court, and you can arrange all of these meetings during your free consultation to save some money.
Personal Injury Law Firms Have Support Staff
Aside from having medical personnel around, your personal injury attorney may have other professionals who can help you during your case, such as the following:
Expert witnesses
Medical professionals
These professionals will help your personal injury attorney build a solid case to get the highest possible financial compensation for your personal injury claim.
Expediting Your Claim
If you try to file your injury claim, months can go by without it being expedited. Therefore, the best thing to do is to arrange a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Placer County, CA, so that they can take care of all the complicated paperwork and legal procedures. Your personal injury attorney will also make the process much smoother and faster, as they will be focused on getting things done to bring you the compensation you discussed during your free consultation.
Representing You in Court
In some cases, it will be impossible to reach a settlement agreement, so your personal injury attorney will have to file a lawsuit against the liable party. Therefore, you must ensure during your free consultation that your personal injury attorney has enough litigation experience to manage your personal injury case in court.
Remember, you always have the option to represent your personal injury case. Still, you will always get a better result if you have a professional personal injury lawyer in Placer County, CA.
Get a Free Consultation from Ehline Law, the Best Personal Injury Law Firm in Placer County, CA
If you’ve been looking for a personal injury law firm in Placer County, CA, you no longer have to search. Here at Ehline Law, we have a team of fantastic personal injury lawyers ready to fight for your personal injury case. All you have to do to get a free consultation from a personal injury attorney is call (833) LETS-SUE and tell us about your case.
Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients.
We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.