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Ultimate Guide to Compensation for Paraplegia spinal cord injury claims in Los Angeles at your fingertips is just what you needed if you suffered a catastrophic injury and you also landed on this web page. Spinal cord injuries and loss of muscle function when I grew up had far less discussion at the dinner table. A Los Angeles paralysis claim comes with a lot of extra luggage. For example, these physical conditions also had far less of a survival rate than now. But with brave scientists, spinal cord injury cases have been elevated to the forefront of cervical spine science, healing, and repair. I am Los Angeles paraplegia injury lawyer Michael Ehline. I have been a paralegal and now a lawyer for over 30 years, helping paralysis and other victims brutalized by ignorant individuals and billion-dollar corporations. I am going to share some of my expertise with you below, and, in the end, a few tips to avoid being taken advantage of by wrongdoers. Oh, and of course, I will share with you how my staff and other experts can help you win compensation against evil-doers who only care about their bottom line when facing a Los Angeles paralysis case.
Statistics show that one out of 50 people in the United States live with some form of paralysis injury or related personal injury claim. This condition restricts motion and prevents the individual from feeling anything in the affected areas. Stroke is the leading cause of paralysis and is closely followed by spinal cord injury. Have you suffered any injury to your spinal cord caused by another person leading a coma or death after a Los Angeles paralysis happened?
Have you had expensive surgery as a result of a Los Angeles paralysis injury, but your doctors say complications like damaged nerves and muscles mean you will be unable to walk again? Do you think your claim has not been given the appropriate attention it deserves? Ehline Law has a Los Angeles paraplegia lawyer ready to take on the party responsible for your permanent injury.
Our best Los Angeles paralysis injury attorney will help you get maximum compensation and pursue punitive damages from insurance companies for how you have been treated leading up to your paraplegia case. Paralysis victims suffering loss effects can access legal assistance from our lawyers at no charge through our free consultation service. Our world-famous Los Angeles paralysis lawyer, Michael Ehline, has recovered millions for clients using our advanced resources and services to assist any paralyzed Los Angeles, CA, victim. Our brilliant, award-winning staff and legal research team has a world-recognized reputation for taking on insurance companies and winning huge returns in the form of vast monetary compensation.
What Are Paralysis Injuries?
Paralysis may have the following symptoms:
- Loss of sensation in the body.
- Restricted movement.
- Muscle spasms.
- Loss of bladder control.
The body part affected defines the type of paralysis injury a victim has suffered.
- Quadriplegia Injuries: This injury type affects all four limbs and pelvic organs. They can further be grouped into complete or incomplete quadriplegia.
- Paraplegia Injuries: Paralysis from such injuries affects only the lower body, such as the legs, trunk, and pelvic regions. The victim can move their upper extremities in this case.
- Hemiplegia Injuries: These injuries cause paralysis that affects one-half of the body instead of the upper or lower extremities. It is more common in victims that developed a stroke prior.
Our Los Angeles office is available to help you with medical experts to help you assess your situation. Call us if you develop any of these injuries from automobile accidents.
How to Categorize Spinal Cord Injuries?
Spinal cord injuries represent nearly 27% of all paralysis cases. Emotional trauma and medical expenses can mean life or death to families relying on a breadwinner.
The level of sensation a person maintains after an injury to the spine defines the kind of paralysis they carry which might include:
- Complete Paralysis: This is when the victim loses all feelings below the point of the spinal injury.
- Incomplete or Partial Paralysis: In this case, the victim still has some sensation or motor function below the point of the injury.
About half of all spinal cord injuries in the United States affect people between 16 and 40 years of age, spending an average of 11 days in intensive care. Men make up most of the new cases. Most law firms are not properly trained in paralysis injury claims. The medical expenses alone require many hours of professional documentary research.
Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injury
Not every spinal cord injury qualifies as an accident injury. Though some may be due to non-accidental situations, a chunk of them in the U.S. are from accidents and violent attacks. These can have devastating consequences for victims.
Below are some of the causes of spinal injuries:
- Car accidents
- Falls
- Medical malpractice
- Work accident
- Sports
- Assault
- Gunshot.
It is difficult living with the consequence of catastrophic injuries like being paralyzed from the waist down. The sadness after the loss of enjoyment of life, suffering tingling sensations, and being forced to take powerful pain medication, can create severe depression.
These qualify as personal injury cases, and you can get support for your medical bills and physical therapy if you get an injury lawyer with proper training and skills. Contact Ehline Law if any of the above has led to you developing a paraplegia injury.
You will talk to an experienced Los Angeles paralysis attorney from our law firm who will guide you through the legal process to get the compensation and back pay you deserve from the insurance company or a judge. When paralysis occurs, you had no responsibility for creating, or very little responsibility, for causing it; our very best injury lawyer will be there to handle your problem.
Living with Paraplegia Injury
The medical costs that come with living with a paraplegia injury are expensive. Restricted movement can also lead to the victim developing secondary conditions such as chronic pain, urinary tract infections, loss of bowel control, nerve damage, blood clots in limbs, etc. This assumes that the person didn’t also suffer a brain injury in the accident.
Since there is no cure for paraplegia, many patients have to live with the condition for the rest of their life. Lost wages, alongside present and future medical care, can be overwhelming. This is particularly unfair if the personal injuries are due to the negligent actions of a third party.
Our law firm is prepared to provide a paraplegia injury lawyer to help you or your loved one get financial compensation for this life-changing situation. We have attained fair settlement in many paraplegic cases. The Ehline Law office maintains a zero-fee guarantee for clients that come for free consultations.
Making a Solid Liability Case
If you feel a loved one’s paralysis or loss of mobility is due to a person’s negligence or suffering a loss from a car accident, contact our personal injury attorneys to help you fight for your trauma case.
Preserving the Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations for a severe injury can differ depending on the plaintiff and the defendant. If your paraplegia was caused by medical malpractice, the patient has one year from the discovery of their bodily injury. (Or three years after being injured to sue.) This varies from the normal statute of limitations. Children and underaged minors, including the mentally ill or physically incapacitated people, have a longer period to bring a claim. Also, who the defendant is (government only allows you six months to file a claim against their agency), and the defendant’s location will make a difference in the statute deadline to sue.
We are the right firm to help you assess economic and non-economic damages like pain, suffering, and emotional depression claims. Our lawyers can help you get compensated for the pain if you are in Los Angeles, CA, or anywhere in Southern California. If we can’t get a large insurance settlement, our team has no qualms about bringing a lawsuit on your behalf to recover maximum compensation till we achieve financial success.
Hire The Best Paraplegia Attorneys in Los Angeles for Your Negligence Case
Ehline Law will provide an experienced Los Angeles paralysis lawyer to represent you or a loved one when injured by no fault of your own. Fighting for people in wheelchairs is a crucial part of what makes us the best lawyers to achieve top settlements and verdicts on a contingency fee basis. Schedule a free consultation with our law firm if you are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County, or anywhere in California.
This is for general information purposes and a way for potential clients to build an attorney-client relationship while establishing legal representation in your individual case with a superior injury attorney. Our injury attorneys are the best to help you establish liability if you call us at (213) 596-9642 or use our convenient online website contact us form via email.