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Most truck drivers are required to devote entire days to traveling, transporting cargo from one place to another. A long-haul driver might work up to 11 hours every day for several days. Therefore, drivers often become fatigued, increasing the risk of truck accidents.
Suppose you are involved in any truck accident because you suffer injuries due to someone else’s negligence. In that case, Ehline Law personal injury attorneys are eager to assist you in receiving substantial and just compensation from one of our local offices in California.
Truck Accidents are More Deadly than Car Accidents
Trucks are much larger than regular cars, which means that when a truck accident takes place, it is much more dangerous, with a greater risk of severe injury or fatality. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there are over 500,000 interstate cargo haulers in the United States. In total, the U.S. has around 10,900,000 heavy trucks registered for use. According to the FMCSA, heavy trucks are implicated in more than 783 truck accidents daily across the country.
Get in Touch with an Experienced Accident Lawyer
At Ehline Law, we have successfully represented clients for several years, always with leadership, competence, charisma, and strong commitment. Ardent advocates for all of our clients, whether their injury claims are large or small, we bring our ingenuity, finesse, and knowledge of California law to bear as we battle to win clients the highest possible settlement or verdict for their medical expenses and lost wages, resulting in a serious disability, and horrific pain and suffering.
Our legal team wants to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve so you can mend properly emotionally and physically from your latest upheaval.
By putting your legal case into our capable hands, you are freed of the complexities of confusing paperwork and running around necessary to prove you deserve fair compensation. In California, as elsewhere, our services cover a wide range of personal injury cases.
For example, suppose you were involved in a truck accident involving large trucks, either as a truck driver or a motorist, which resulted in severe injury and property damage. In that case, you should contact a truck accident lawyer from Ehline Law Firm to get the legal assistance you need.
Truck accident lawyers can hold trucking companies, vehicle manufacturers, drivers, and other negligent parties responsible for their role in the truck accident. Contact Ehline Law Firm today for a free consultation and a free case evaluation with an experienced truck accident attorney.
What Causes a Truck Accident?
Truck accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. These may be grouped into two categories, namely driver errors and mechanical errors.
Driver Errors
In 2016, more than 475,000 truck accidents occurred in the United States. Driver error accounted for almost 90 percent of these accidents, with driver fatigue being among the most prominent factors. Below is a list of the driver errors that often lead to truck accidents.
- Driver fatigue
- Distracted driving
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Insufficient training.
Mechanical Errors
Driver error isn’t the only reason for truck accidents. Mechanical defects can also cause these issues. The trucking company is responsible for assessing its vehicles each time they leave for deliveries. If a truck accident claim is due to these errors, we can help file a truck accident case against the trucking company. The following mechanical defects often lead to accidents involving trucks in the United States:
- Brake failure
- Damaged tires
- Heavy or incorrectly secured cargo
- Non-functional lights and signals.
Why Drivers Are Prone to Driver Fatigue
While one out of every 25 persons in the United States is affected by fatigued driving, it is even more dangerous when a commercial truck driver falls asleep or becomes drowsy while they are behind the wheel. An 18-wheeler carrying 40 tons moving at a speed of 65 to 70 mph on a highway might cause significant damage to a 1.39-ton car and its occupants when truck accidents occur.
Significant rig drivers typically cover great distances to transport products from one place to another. Traveling for extended periods can become monotonous and boring, and it can be challenging to get a good radio signal when commercial trucks are traveling in rural areas, which can cause truckers to get bored and drowsy when they are behind the wheel. Below are some of the reasons why a truck driver may become tired while on the road.
Pressure from the Truck Company
Trucking companies routinely encourage truck drivers to make their deliveries according to strict deadlines. As a result, drivers may be more unwilling to stop for a break for fear of not being paid, which results in fatigue. Falling asleep or dozing easily causes a trucking accident.
Truck Drivers Are Paid According to the Distance They Travel
Generally, drivers are paid depending on the distance they travel to deliver a load. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, trucking companies usually pay drivers between $0.28 and $0.40 per mile. As a result, they must travel considerable distances in order to make a living. Rushing and speeding while driving commercial trucks is common practice for drivers who want a fair wage.
Truck Driver Shortages
Truck drivers are in short supply around the country. Regrettably, this means drivers are forced to make more trips to keep up with consumer demands. This is likely to cause drivers to be burnt out and weary, resulting in trucking accidents.
Poor Sleeping Habits
In addition, drivers must adhere to strict delivery dates. They typically get a few hours of sleep to meet demands. According to studies, driver weariness has been linked to difficulties such as slow reaction times and difficulty focusing. As a result of these performance losses, fatigue can raise the likelihood of a commercial truck accident.
Poor Eating Habits
Inadequate food options at truck stops may not equip truckers with the nutrition they need to make it through the extended periods they spend on the road.
Additionally, many commercial truck drivers drink caffeinated drinks to stay awake while traveling long distances. Caffeine has proven to help people remain alert and attentive. However, they are essentially stimulants, which means that they can inhibit us from recognizing the body’s natural fatigue danger signs.
Loading and Unloading Cargo
Fatigue is also exacerbated by the physical labor involved in loading and unloading items onto and off trailers. While there may be other employees to help with this, many truck drivers have to oversee the process, reducing their time for breaks and periods of rest.
Why Truck Driver Fatigue Is So Dangerous for Other Motorists and Passengers
A driver must always be vigilant, accurate, and aware of what is happening on the road when operating such a massive and dangerous vehicle. When a motorist is fatigued, it affects their cognitive behavior, focus, response time, and motor abilities in a variety of ways while driving large trucks on the road.
This could involve the following:
- A delay in response times
- Inability to focus
- Vision impairment
- Poor decision-making when navigating traffic
- Becoming angered easily by other motorists
- Poor motor skills
- Speeding
- Drifting between lanes
- Rolling at red lights and stop streets
In extreme circumstances, a commercial truck driver can fall asleep behind the wheel, causing the truck to swerve off the road, causing an accident.
You could be entitled to maximum compensation if you have suffered because of another driver’s negligence. To arrange a free consultation with one of our highly skilled and professional personal injury lawyers, call Ehline Law Firm immediately.
The Duty of Care That a Driver and Truck Company Has
Drivers must be able to take frequent rest intervals, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), to lessen the risk of fatigue-related commercial truck accidents. The driver and the trucking company must ensure that these standards are met as part of their duty of care while transporting goods on U.S. highways.
In personal injury cases, personal injury lawyers must prove that the defendant had a duty of care to keep the plaintiff safe.
Suppose the defendant failed to act responsibly, and the plaintiff suffered truck accident injuries as a result of the driver’s negligence. In that case, the plaintiff may be entitled to compensation for his or her injuries. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you hold the responsible party liable when this kind of semi-truck accident occurs.
Common Injuries That Occur as a Result of Trucking Accidents
A truck accident differs from a car-on-car accident because of the sheer size and weight of the truck involved. Many commercial truck accidents lead to catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord injuries and even death. Here are some common examples of injuries that victims experience because of a truck crash:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Neck injuries
- Lacerations, cuts, and bruises
- Permanent disabilities
- Spinal cord injuries
- Burn wounds
- Amputations and disfigurements
- Internal injuries
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Physical pain
- Whiplash.
When a truck accident occurs, an essential step that you can take is to seek medical care. Never leave the accident scene without being assessed by emergency medical services or having your condition assessed by a doctor at a hospital. The truck accident victim must get to the hospital quickly if serious injuries are involved.
If you require assistance in finding a doctor who works according to medical liens, you can contact a personal injury law firm like Ehline Law to direct you to one in your area. You can receive medical treatment without paying out-of-pocket expenses following a semi-truck accident by seeing such a doctor.
A Truck Accident Can Lead to Death
Thousands of people die yearly in collisions involving heavy trucks, which is a terrible truth. Those involving a tractor-trailer are 10 times more likely to lead to a fatality than collisions involving other vehicles.
If a close relative was killed in a truck accident, you should consider pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit instead of a truck accident injury case. A wrongful death lawsuit is meant to provide compensation to the family members of someone who died unexpectedly because of someone else’s negligence.
We understand that no amount of money can bring your loved one back. However, wrongful death claims can help ease the financial burden you may feel because of your loss.
When you lose a loved one in a truck accident, you need experienced truck accident lawyers on your side who can hold the company, trucker, motorist, or vehicle manufacturer liable. Your personal injury lawyer can pursue the remuneration you and your family require to cover funeral expenses, medical bills, and other expenses.
Expert Truck Accident Injury Lawyers Can Help
Ehline Law Firm’s reliable lawyers can assist you in preparing your claim and calculating a fair settlement amount in your specific truck accident case.
The insurance company can try to settle the claim quickly by offering you an unfair settlement amount. This is why you should never accept an offer from an insurance company without consulting with your lawyer.
Suppose you have been injured in a car accident or a truck accident. In that case, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your damages, which includes compensation for lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses. You may also claim for intangible losses such as emotional distress and mental anguish.
A truck accident lawyer can help you compile your medical records and obtain evidence, such as statements from expert witnesses and evidence from employers regarding lost wages.
They can also help you deal with insurance companies to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve, holding all liable parties responsible. Book your free consultation today, so an attorney can get to work right away building your personal injury case.
Here are a few reasons to choose Ehline Law for your claim:
- There are no upfront legal fees – our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they do not get paid unless you do
- We have years of experience working with large corporations and insurance companies
- We have a proven track record, having won more than $100 million in compensation for our clients, so you can rest assured that you stand the best chance of receiving a settlement when you choose us.
Contact a Successful Port Truck Injury Lawyer Today
If you are seriously injured in a port truck accident or lose a loved one in such a mishap due to the negligence of an employer or other driver, you deserve to receive full and fair compensation. There is no smarter way to ensure that this occurs than to consult with Ehline Law’s trucking injury attorneys.
We are always on your team, fighting powerfully for your rights. Our long-term know-how and extensive legal training will be put to work on your behalf when you engage our legal services.
We have the expertise and resources to investigate your case’s details and gather the necessary evidence, including police reports, visual images and media, eyewitness statements, and possibly even expert testimony.
We leave no stone unturned to make sure you receive just compensation. Ehline Law’s personal injury attorneys can be contacted through the form on our website or by telephoning (213) 596-9642