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  • Can Smart Watches Save Injured Bicyclists?

    Can Smart Watches Save Injured Bicyclists?

Yes they can, and this article showcases multiple stories about bicycle accident injuries. Besides exercise, a write monitor like this offers safe tech alerting the authorities to their tracking locations for a bike rescue. Each iteration of the Watch offering sees improved battery life, along with the Fitbit Premium App. Calories burned and heart rate are standard, as well as GPS location to track you during movement. In this case, wearing an Apple Watch was a very smart decision for a California news broadcaster on September 29, 2023.

Joe Chili’s radio long running background as a radio broadcaster and love for cycling set the stage for our story today. He shared with us on Youtube that he typically rides around 20 miles a day, showcasing his passion for riding. He credits his smart watch with calling for help after a life-threatening injury, making it easier to get him emergency services rapidly. Below, our lawyers will use their decades of training and experience to measure the benefits of gadgets like this smartwatch phone.

See the Joe Chili YouTube Video Here

Of all the workout types there are, motorcycling and bike riding are among the most liberating. As you can see, Joe rides to help take stress out of his day, and he probably never expected riding would lead to weeks, months or years of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Devices like this are constantly integrating new features, and already proving to mitigate injuries and save lives. Let’s see what Joe and the reporters had to say about Joe’s harrowing experience.

Since a primary part of our law practice revolves around South Bay bicycle accidents, lead counsel, Michael Ehline wanted to share his ideas about not just avoiding a bicycle crash, but swift triage and location information access to medical rescue personnel. The Hermosa Beach police, or other agency like Torrance are always busy, as Strand maintains miles of pristine bike paths.

Sadly, there are a lot of TikTokers and others loitering, distracted by Smartphone texting, etc. Before we get too far into Joe’s story, let’s lay a foundation about Apple Watches and what sets them apart for the elder and infirm, motorcyclists, bicycle riders and other potential injury victims.

How Does the Apple Watch Contact Emergency Services?

When the watch senses that you’ve had a fall, it initiates a 60-second timer. If you’re fine and conscious after the fall, you have the option to halt the timer before it contacts emergency services. However, if the fall renders you unconscious, or detects a low body temperature, the Apple Watch will automatically dial 911 to alert the first responders. (In a case we worked on, the Hermosa Beach police received an emergency SOS.) The Apple Watch is designed to tell emergency services you’ve experienced a severe fall. Additionally, the system will provide the precise location where the fall occurred, indicating a range of possible locations. It is also capable of storing emergency contacts and keeps improving.

Fall detection works with Apple Watch SE and Apple Watch Series 4 or later. Last fall, Apple updated the watch software to improve fall detection performance during workouts including cycling. The optimization is based on recognizing specific motion and impact from falls during cycling and other activities. The watchOS 8 update also allows fitness trackers to enable fall detection only during workouts, not just their workout intensity and overall fitness metrics. WatchOS 10 rolled out a power meter, speed sensor as well as a proprietary cadence sensor. So for serious cyclists this is a great benefit, but probably not something Joe Chili needed on that tragic day.

Can Apple Fall Technology Work With an Android Phone?

Yes. Indeed, it sure does. If you’re operating an Apple Watch with Android 12 or a more recent version, simply choose “About Phone” in the Settings menu instead of “Users & Accounts.” The remaining steps remain unchanged whether you want it set for detecting a hard fall or not. For those seeking an alternative method to showcase their Medical ID information on an Android device, there are other user-friendly, free apps available, such as Medical ID, which provide convenient ways to record any health data concerns you might have. This serves as a valuable tracker connection to inform first responders, perhaps even before their arrival.

How Apple Watch Fall Detection Rescued Chili and Others?

In the city of Hermosa Beach, located in Los Angeles County, California, an unusual incident unfolded during the late hours of the night making these electronics invaluable. It all began when an Apple Watch, equipped with a unique feature, alerted emergency services to a distressing situation where a bicyclist was bleeding profusely. The local police department received a 911 call directly from an Apple Watch fit snugly around the wrist of a biker with a iPhone.

This extraordinary event transpired at 1:00 a.m. when a man, while riding an electric bicycle, experienced a sudden crash, resulting in a tumble. Prompted by the Apple Watch, the police swiftly responded to the 911 call generated by the smart device. Upon arrival at the scene, they encountered a cyclist who was unconscious and bleeding from a head injury. The severity of the injury necessitated several days of hospitalization for the cyclist.

Besides a Smart Watch, What are Other Tips For Bicyclists Who Took a Hard Fall in Hermosa Beach? If you’ve personally experienced a hard fall while cycling in Hermosa Beach or any other location, here are some important tips to consider:

  • Assess Your Condition: Don’t move or continue cycling. Evaluate your physical condition for injuries, pain, or discomfort. If so, wait for medical assistance and get treated.
  • Remain Calm: Stay composed and don’t panic. All this can make the situation worse, so make sure and focus on your breathing and clear thinking.
  • Call for Help: If you’re able to, use your smartphone and call 911. Assuming the wearer did not alert officers already, give the police details about the incident.
  • Use Safety Gear: Always wear safety gear, including a helmet and protective clothing so you can reduce the risk of head injuries and abrasions if you get hit or fall.
  • Stay Put: Unless it’s unsafe to do so, and conscious, remain where you are unless you are sure you won’t worsen your situation by moving.
  • Alert Others: If you have access to a whistle, horn, or other signaling device, use it to attract the attention of nearby pedestrians or motorists who can help or call for assistance.
  • Keep Hydrated: If you’re conscious and able to, drink water to stay hydrated. Dehydration can exacerbate the effects of an injury.
  • Inform Others: If you were cycling with a group, inform your fellow riders about the situation. They can provide support and assistance until help arrives.
  • Medical History: Consider keeping a document or note with your medical history, allergies, and emergency contacts in your cycling gear or with your smartphone. This can be crucial information for medical professionals.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Once medical help arrives, cooperate fully with the responders and follow their advice. If they recommend a trip to the hospital for further evaluation, it’s generally best to comply.
  • Post-Fall Checkup: Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s advisable to seek a follow-up medical examination to ensure there are no hidden issues or complications. If not, you can get active again, and dial in your survival watch function once more.
  • Reflect and Learn: After your recovery, take some time to reflect on the incident. Consider what led to the fall and if there are any adjustments you can make to your cycling habits or equipment to prevent future accidents. To you credit, your watch may have gotten you that crucial care when needed most.

Remember that safety should always be a top priority when cycling, and being prepared for potential emergencies is crucial to ensure a swift and effective response in case of a hard fall. The doctor should always be a last resort. We hope this insight helped you become less worried about the legal/medical process involved post bicycle accident.

Ehline’s Observations on the Apple Watch Series?

Our assumption is that many individuals who find value in fall detection didn’t necessarily purchase an Apple Watch solely for this feature. Much like A-fib detection and monitoring low blood oxygen levels, fall detection is one of those functions you hope never to require. It’s the features you use in your daily life that truly make you appreciate wearing the watch. Perhaps you adore the Apple Watch for its convenience in quickly checking notifications without having to reach for your phone, or for the ability to personalize watch faces with information that matters to you.

In such cases, the watch becomes an invaluable addition, and it’s an added bonus when a health and safety feature steps in to connect you with the necessary support during a critical moment. Finding yourself unconscious on a public street late at night is a terrifying experience, and the situation could have taken a much darker turn if it weren’t for the Apple Watch promptly seeking help. Apart from taking up walking, have you considered alternative outdoor activities that offer less risk than cycling or riding a Harley? We’re eager to learn about these alternatives so that we can assist consumers and others in need.

If you possess expertise in connectivity, navigation, fitness tracker Bluetooth controls, or any other facets of safe cycling, let’s collaborate on a podcast to share your insights. By doing so, we can provide valuable information to consumers and recognize and promote your contributions about things like the Apple Watch. This recognition also includes offering feedback on behalf of serious injury victims in Los Angeles and Texas.

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Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
