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Dealing With the Tragedy of Backing Over a Kid


Dealing With the Tragedy of Backing Over a Kid

Child backing out accident. Dealing With the Tragedy of Backing Over a KidChild backover accidents are undoubtedly among the most tragic accidents occurring almost daily in Los Angeles. A backover accident happens when an automobile traveling in reverse gear collides with human obstacles or fixed objects.

One thing our Los Angeles car accident attorneys already know, small children remain directly threatened by reverse backup accidents. A responsible vehicle driver reversing from their driveway cannot expect children to act wisely and intelligently while playing or riding their big wheel or bicycle outside.

So a car operator backing out of their driveway on residential streets must look out for animals, kids, and other objects naturally hidden from plain sight. And you can’t just rely on your car’s video monitor or “backup” camera. Sadly, most governments pay little attention to these accidents, but good people’s recent efforts force governments to do something about them.

These Accidents Are Common And Shocking

You would be surprised to know that most child back-over accidents involve family members, i.e., the driver and the child who gets hit are relatives. And this makes sense because most of these vents happen on residential driveways. Although these accidents remain uncommon on public roads, they are common in parks, fast food eateries, and school zones where small children’s abundance exists. As noted, residential zones are the most fantastic hot zone for a kid getting backed over.

And news reports online abound with stories of children backed over near residential driveways and garages. Did you know that every week around 50 children get run over by cars backing up over in the United States alone?

Most of these incidents take place with large-sized vehicles, i.e., SUVs and pickup trucks. But just because your passenger vehicle or sports car is lower to the ground does not mean you can always see a child at or near your reverse path. Even if you maintain clear reverse vision, a small child can dart behind you from any neighboring yard or sidewalk. So if you think such accidents can be easily avoided just by a rearview mirror or camera monitoring system, you are mistaken.

First, when such accidents occur, the child often stands or crawls around in the so-called “blind zone” of the backing vehicle. The blind zone is an area that a driver cannot see while sitting behind the steering unless he is getting some digital help or is continually checking by leaning out of the vehicle.

Another thing that breaks the heart about these hundreds of accidents occurring every month in the US is that most children backed over by cars are still babies. Even when you are alertly checking around, there is a chance you might miss the child in the blind zone.

Here are a few ideas for drivers to keep children safe when cars are backing out of parking stalls, driveways, and other places where small children are present.

  • Do Not Call It A Blind Spot

We are often in the habit of calling the area behind our vehicle a “blind spot.” However, this is not the right word you should use for such a large area that the driver cannot see. This area remains a sizeable blind zone, meaning you should check for your child in certain large blind spots before entering or reversing your car. Take some time looking for children playing behind your tires before getting inside your vehicle, certifying a child-free backup zone.

Suppose you can take help from someone around you to confirm that there is no one behind the car; even better. But even forklift drivers can’t always get a spotter. Use common sense and exercise your system to keep from harming or killing a child near you.

  • There Is A Law To Prevent This Incident

The Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act has made inroads into helping the children win big. According to the new standards, a certain level of visibility must be maintained in all vehicles starting in 2014. Vehicles manufactured after passing this new standard follow it, but we still cannot say that this is enough to prevent such a tragic incident, even in newer cars. And as noted, it could create an overreliance on sensors and cameras that are not foolproof.

California Vehicle Code Section 22106 states that no driver can move a stopped vehicle in a car park, driveway, or highway unless he has reasonable safety. The law is in place, but rules don’t stand on people’s heads and tell them what’s about to happen. So it is up to people like you to spread the word and lobby your local, state, and federal political representatives, family, and neighbors. We expect people to be alert at all times while getting in their vehicles, but we can never give a 100% guarantee they will be able to avoid the accident or not. All we can do is lessen the odds with education.

  • Final Words

A child blindly runs after their mother or father, wanting their parent’s company no matter where they travel. Moreover, small kids rarely inform you they are present. You might be lost in thoughts, ignoring their existence. Even while you constantly check your rear, these incidents occur within seconds, with slight distractions sufficient to cause a deadly car accident involving a child.

Furthermore, you can’t expect the child to act wisely in this situation because the child thinks you can see him. After all, he can see you. First, parents should be cautious while entering their vehicles, alertly scanning to see any children near their vicinity. Children may move from a vehicle’s front to rear within seconds, leaving you oblivious to their location. You installing cheap rearview vehicle cameras may help you avoid accidents while reversing your car.

It would be best if you drove safely. Parents seeking help from suffering their child or baby’s loss caused by a reverse backup accident must contact Ehline Law Firm. Our crack team of lawyers and staff will attentively hear you, listening and skillfully advising your actions. Tell us about your grief and how it has affected you as we devise a legal theory to pay for all of your troubles and financial struggles since the loss.

Speak With a Car Backing Up Expert At Ehline Law Firm Today for More Info

A brave, honorable, and talented personal injury lawyer is standing by today to consult and console survivors. Most of all, Ehline has won millions of dollars and gained international notoriety as a passionate advocate. Use our online contact form or call us at (213) 596-9642 to discover your pathway to justice and fair compensation under California law.


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Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
