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Senior Abuse – Signs, Symptoms and Spotting Techniques


Senior Abuse – Signs, Symptoms and Spotting Techniques

Forms of Elder Abuse – Exhaustive List

Senior Abuse - Signs, Symptoms and Spotting Techniques

Abuse of the elderly is a problem that is growing. We don’t know why it happens or how to stop the spread of this kind of behavior. Below, our Los Angeles elderly abuse lawyers created an exhaustive list of elder abuse in its many forms.

For the list of the more common types, go here. One of the things that can be done is for the concerned person to know the warning signs. That way, if a possible problem exists, people can call for help. Our firm stands ready in service any way needed. Contact us for more info today.

Physical Abuse Defined

The definition of physical abuse is the use of force, which can result in bodily injury, impairment, or physical pain. This damage can include acts of violence, such as hitting, slapping, pinching, and striking. And this could be done with or without using an object.

For example, pushing, shoving, shaking, beating, kicking, and burning could be the method, not limited to using force. There can also be the inappropriate use of physical restraints, force-feeding, use of drugs, and any physical punishment. All are also physical abuse.

What Are Some Physical Abuse Signs and Symptoms of Elder Abuse?

These are the most detailed results of physical abuse but are not limited to these signs or symptoms.

  • A report by an older adult of being mistreated, hit, slapped, or kicked.
  • Caregiver’s refusal to allow the older adult to be seen by visitors alone.
  • Sudden changes in the older adult’s behavior.
  • Physical signs of being subjected to punishment.
  • Signs of being restrained include wrist and ankle bruising, lacerations, or red marks. There may be signs of a lack of proper circulation to the heels.
  • They have broken eyeglass frames.
  • Unexplained or frequent bruising, lacerations, and welts.
  • Sprains and dislocations.
  • Fractured bones, broken bones, and skull fractures.
  • Open wounds, cuts, and punctures.
  • Signs of untreated wounds in various stages of healing.
  • Rope burns.
  • Internal injuries and bleeding.
  • Underuse of prescribed drugs.
  • Laboratory findings of medication overdoses.

Sexual Abuse Of Dependents.

Sexual abuse is a form of physical abuse, which is the act of non-consensual contact with an elderly adult. This mistreatment can be sexual contact with anyone incapable of giving consent.

Sexual abuse and rape are not limited to unwanted touching. So this includes all types of sexual assault and battery, including rape, sodomy, sexually explicit photos, and coerced nudity.

Sexual Abuse Signs And Symptoms

In addition, signs include:

  • The report by an older adult of being sexually assaulted or raped.
  • Bruising around the breasts or genital area.
  • Stained, torn, or bloody underclothing.
  • Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding.
  • Genital infections
  • Venereal disease

Emotional Or Psychological Abuse

The definition of emotional or psychological abuse is the infliction of pain, distress, or anguish by verbal or non-verbal acts. In addition, this type of abuse includes verbal assaults, insults, intimidation, humiliation, harassment, and threats. Secondly, there are no limits on the types of elder abuse.

Isolating an elderly person from their family or activities or giving them the “silent treatment.” These are all forms of forced social isolation. Hence, they are forms of emotional or psychological abuse. Threatening a senior is analogous to the abuse of an infant. After all, they depend on the healthcare provider or nursing home staff.

Emotional Or Psychological Abuse Signs And Symptoms

These are common signs and symptoms of emotional or psychological abuse but are not limited to these.

  • Reports by the older adult of being verbally or emotionally mistreated.
  • Extremely withdrawn behavior.
  • Non-communicative
  • Non-responsive
  • Unusual behavior, which could be attributed to signs of dementia, is not in reality, including rocking, sucking, and biting.

More Signs Of Elderly Neglect

Neglect can take several forms, generally refusing the elderly adult shelter, food, water, personal hygiene, personal safety, medicine, comfort, and other essentials, which are agreed upon or implied in the caretaker’s responsibility to an older adult.

Neglect can be the failure or refusal in any way of a person or staff member obligated duties to the older adult. It can also be a failure on the part of a person who has fiduciary roles.

So it’s a failure to provide care for the older adult.

  • Part of eldercare means paying for necessary home care services or long-term care facility costs.
  • Failure to disburse funds for this care can be a failure of an in-home service provider. For example, you are giving the necessary attention.

What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Neglect?

Furthermore, common signs include:

  • Reports of neglect by the elderly adult.
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Untreated or unattended health issues.
  • Untreated bedsores and other wounds.
  • Unsafe living conditions. Secondly, hazardous living conditions can include no running water, no heat, and improper wiring.
  • Unsanitary or unclean living conditions. Likewise, this filthy life can include dirty living conditions, urine/ fecal odor, inadequate clothing or soiled clothing, soiled bedding, fleas, and lice.

What Is Abandonment?

The definition of elderly abandonment abuse is the desertion of an older adult by the individual who has assumed the responsibility of caring for them or by an individual who has physical custody of the older adult.

Abandonment – Signs, And Symptoms?

The signs and symptoms of abandonment can include the following but are not limited to them:

  • A report by an elderly person of abandonment
  • Despondency
  • Bedsores
  • Fear of hands
  • Many more signs here.

Desertion of an older adult at any of the following:

  • Shopping centers
  • Public locations
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing facilities
  • Long-term healthcare facilities
  • The abandonment of the elderly adult in any other places

Financial Or Material Exploitation?

The definition of financial or material exploitation is the improper or illegal use of a senior’s funds, assets, or property, by another. This abuse can be cashing the older adult’s checks without permission or authorization. It could include forging their signature, stealing or misusing their possessions or money.

Deceiving or coercing an older adult to sign documents, contracts, or wills is part of it. But it can also be the improper use of guardianship, power of attorney, or conservatorship. Seniors in exceptional homes often do not realize the issue. They usually do not know it until it is too late. A steady eye prevents many of these serious concerns. Children or grandchildren play a vital role in preventing these issues.

Signs And Symptoms Of Financial Or Material Exploitation?

These are common signs and symptoms of financial or material exploitation of an older adult. Not limited to:

  • A person is reporting strange financial transactions. This includes bank statements.
  • Unnecessary and costly transactions. These include large purchases.
  • Unpaid bills, even when there is adequate availability of financial resources.
  • Relatives or strangers not involved in care declaring their rights to the property.
  • People are adding themselves to bank cards.
  • Sudden changes in banking practices or bank accounts. This can mean an individual’s withdrawal of large sums of money and may be accompanied by an elderly adult.
  • Sudden transfers of assets to a family member or someone that is not related to the elderly adult.
  • Sudden changes in financial documents or wills.
  • Forgery of the older adult’s signature for financial transactions or titles of their possessions.
  • Withdrawals using the older adult’s ATM cards to remove their funds.
  • The unexplained disappearance of funds or possessions.

Self Neglect

This self-inflicted harm can occur and is not so easily spotted unless the care provider is on their game. This insecurity occurs when an older adult’s behavior threatens their safety. This insecurity typically happens with an older adult who refuses or fails to provide themselves with shelter, adequate food, water, and clothing. Often, personal hygiene or prescribed medications, as well as practicing safety precautions, are at risk.

Self-neglect does not include situations where the older adult is mentally competent. It means they must have complete faculty of their decisions. This is a conscious or voluntary decision to act in a way that could threaten their health or safety and is a choice. So it means they know, rather than unaware of the results.

What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Self Neglect?

In addition, common signs of self-neglect often include, but are not limited to:

  • Malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Improper or untreated medical conditions.
  • Lack of proper personal hygiene.
  • I am living in unclean or unsanitary conditions. This condition can include insects, urine or fecal odor, non-working toilet, and animal waste.
  • Unsafe living conditions. This includes having no running water, indoor plumbing, heat, or improper wiring.
  • They were living in unfit housing.
  • It is being homeless.

Contact Us

Above are the many signs and symptoms of elder abuse and neglect. Furthermore, if you have seen this in a person under care or elderly, do the right thing. Report this to law enforcement and help the victim get an elder abuse attorney. Root out the problem at its source. Contact the police as soon as you can.

Our attorneys care about each of our clients. The firm’s head is Michael Ehline. Ehline is a former Marine who angers at the thought of our elders’ abuse. We answer the phone day and night. Our firm also comes to you wherever you are. We offer a free, no-pressure visit. Our decades of experience are on full display. See why our former clients trust us so much. In summary, contact us for more information.

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Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
