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Dog attacks another dog

Pit Bull Community Bans in California Orwellian or Good?


Pit Bull Community Bans in California Orwellian or Good?

The Dangerous Dog Sterilization Ordinances Discussed

Pit Bull Community Bans in California Orwellian or Good?
Pit Bull Community Bans in California Orwellian or Good?

Physical Control Matters Not!

Ultimate Guide to Understanding Dangerous Dog Sterilization Law. Do you think Pitbulls are dangerous dogs? Many progressive lawmakers believe they should be able to force you to sterilize yours. Even if it is a potentially dangerous dog, should you be barred from being an owner or keeper? Should the so-called dangerous dog be sent to be euthanized at an animal shelter in the name of public safety?

I am Michael Ehline of Ehline Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. Established in 2005, we are the premier premises liability and dog bite injury law firm in CA. I am here to discuss pertinent information about dangerous dog ordinances for new owners, families, and even law enforcement personnel wanting to learn about the people and animals affected.

We see local municipalities increasingly ignoring the Constitution and passing laws to restrict others of their life, liberty, and property. The new generation seems to believe that the government knows best. They are ceding many rights our founders fought and died for, especially regarding the Second Amendment, and apparently against a dog’s owner, even though they are domestic animals.

Reasons People Surrender Your Rights?

The new mentality that it’s the other guy’s rights, not mine, seems pervasive. Society is increasingly voting itself into an Orwellian, statist inferno. Most individuals are happily doing it, just like the concentration camp victims of the ’30s and 40’s flocking to the cattle carts.

What is this new extinguishment of freedom that many are happily giving up? It has to do with a particular breed of allegedly dangerous dogs that people are afraid of, Pitbulls. Municipalities often see pit bulls as a significant risk of attack and severe physical injury or death.

There Is Now a Severe Reduction in Impounded Pitbulls

Across the country and often led by California cities, municipalities single this breed out. Many of these actions started with San Francisco, which passed a dangerous dog determination pit bull ban in 2006, causing many an impounded dog by local animal control.

This eventually led to a severe reduction of pit bulls in local pounds and the euthanasia rate, regardless of whether these were vicious dogs or had inflicted severe injury on anyone. ABC News reported that Riverside County had enacted brutal new actions against potentially dangerous dogs. This domestic animal law included ordering all pit bulls over four months old to be spayed or neutered regard. This occurred after the county said it had been impounding 3,500-4,000 pit bulls annually to prevent such dogs from harming others with dog bites, etc. Only police dogs are exempt from animal control agency enforcement.

These actions happened after a wave of reported physical injury claims by pit bulls.

  • This breed, in particular, has been blamed for hundreds of physical injury cases annually in California.

Most of all that occurred after the breed became popular with new residents in the 909 and 951 area codes. Municipalities consider new laws against pit bulls and other animals each year. Each direction adds more precedent.

Why So Many Dangerous Dog Cases in the Inland Empire?

Not mentioned as a reason for, or in the dangerous dog ordinance itself, is why there are so many Pit Bull attacks suddenly in the Inland Empire. Could it be all the gang types, thugs, and welfare cases that have been flocking to Riverside and San Bernardino for the last six years? Are they moving due to the high cost of living in LA, their old hoods, and taking their dangerous dog with them?

Gang Bangers Love Them?

This particular breed of dog is popular with gang bangers and hoodlums since these dogs make them look “tough.” So naturally, the owners train these dogs to be vicious. And, of course, the responsible Pit Bull owner is hurt by these laws since criminals do not abide by these bad laws like gun laws.

  • There are already negligence laws on the books to deal with dog attacks
  • Municipal laws are an emotion-based, knee-jerk response to news spikes.

Furthermore, immediate medical attention is needed if you or a loved one is involved in a pit bull attack. How the event happened, and a detailed injury record should be kept. Especially this remains true, considering there could be many long-term recovery issues involved with such an attack.

Children Make Up Many Dangerous Dog Bite Victims

Children are statistically more likely to get bit and could face years of scarring and humiliation. Owners of these animals are usually legally responsible for such attacks. This is true, especially if they violate local laws regarding these dogs. But liability attaches irrespective of whether a statutequires dogs to be sterilized, etc.

In Need of Dog Bite Representation?

In addition to medical coverage, legal representation is also necessary. Having an advocate who can fight for the costs of your recovery and understands the pain you are suffering can make all the difference. Whether you think all is good and well and that Orwell is now normal and acceptable, you will still need legal help.

This remains true even if it was a puppy that bit you. Get it? No matter what type of breed bites you, it can still mess you up. So these laws that make law-abiding citizens into criminals will not change the fact that you need compensation for your injuries.

After all, the sterilization ordinance pays the municipality and its career bureaucrats, who are more concerned about their pensions and how much a politician will give them from their paycheck. This remains a key reason why many government employees vote Democrat. They want more government and more regulations.

For example, tickets and fines. In other words, money earmarked for victims is often reserved for government employees, bloated pensions, and big government.

Get a Free Consultation to Learn More About Dangerous Dogs and the Sterilization Regulations Governing Them

A dangerous dog means different things to different people. The dangerous dog law, including Draconian sterilization and licensing requirements, can ultimately hurt dog owners and families. In any event, Ehline Law works in this oppressive plutocracy on behalf of the little guy hurt by all parties, the dog owner, the government, and for the overall protection of the dog bite victim. We offer a free consultation to help you understand your rights and duties.

We will go into criminal court and administrative hearings to get restitution. And we do this work on top of any civil amounts we can recover from the third-party liability insurance. Call the Ehline Law Firm at (213) 596-9642 for more information about the attacking dog bite law and penalties, or use our handy contact us form today.

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633 W 5th Street #2890 Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 596-9642.
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Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
