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U.S. Marine

Former U.S. Marine Trial Lawyer and US-Based Brain Injury Firm. We Fight For Brain-Injured Victims Nationwide.
USA Brain Injury Law Quick Reference:
Ehline Law Firm is US-based, practicing law in federal and state courts. Our offices in Los Angeles can help almost any brain injury victim wounded in the U.S. in partnership with experts around the globe.
These are inter-jurisdictional victims wounded by negligence while traveling. We aim to obtain maximum damages from the at-fault party’s insurance carrier.
We assist wounded families or their loved ones suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI). A TBI is a traumatic, disabling, and deadly injury caused by head trauma, including violent jarring and shaking.
Our brain injury attorneys know your daily life routine can change after suffering a TBI. You and your injured loved one will be more vulnerable than ever. For instance, brain injury survivors face limitations in mood, interacting, and performing normal physical functions.
These cases can be especially challenging for parents with small children to manage. Head injury victims may need expensive medical care, child care, and assistive living devices. A live-in nurse for life may be necessary.
We’ll seek compensation from the at-fault party or parties who caused your condition. We will pursue lost earnings, including therapy, surgery, pain, suffering, and lifetime care.
Put our experience to work for you to get the maximum payout on your terms. Learn more about brain injury lawsuits—call (833) WIN-CASE.
You’ll be treated with respect by those that are responsible for your injuries. We’ll fight for you aggressively as this duty binds us.
We believe being of service is the highest calling of one’s life. We approach every case with empathy, professionalism, and tenacity.
Promptly engaging with counsel is essential. Time is of the essence post-injury. We’re available 24/7 to discuss your matter.
It’s no great secret that Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys work hard for our clients, as evidenced by our numerous 5-star reviews.
Why Hire A Brain Injury Lawyer?
Please consider why hiring our brain injury lawyer can help you recover maximum compensation for a head wound.
- Stability: Finding the right lawyer means you’ll be on top of the laws and gather the records. Our focus remains on the defendant’s failure to keep you safe.
- Contingency Fee: Our policy is no recovery or obligation to pay us fees. There is nothing to charge you for unless we meet these standards.
- Free Consultation: Everything you discuss will be confidential and privileged, even if you don’t hire our firm.
- Millions Recovered: We have recovered over $150 million since 2005. We’ll pursue the highest verdict or settlement dollars throughout the process.
By retaining our United States injury lawyers, you can take a step toward negligence claim financial relief.
Why Select Ehline Law Firm?
We Fight Insurance Companies On Your Behalf
Filing a lawsuit can be time-consuming, stressful, and physically demanding. Hiring the wrong accident lawyer or accepting your first settlement offer is stupid.
Get the settlement you deserve. Caving in this manner may leave you stuck paying many accident-related expenses and losses. Let us fight your negligence claim!
We are experienced in representing clients through all phases of negligence litigation. Our best brain injury attorney does everything possible to obtain an optimum result.
Some of our own families suffer from these types of wounds. We have compassion for these people. Maximizing the compensation for brain injury cases remains vital to our law offices. From day one, we will offer personalized attention to help you overcome this terrible experience.
We maintain the skills and expertise to pursue justice thanks to our decades of legal work. If you or your close family were hurt in a United States accident, you must learn about the long-term implications.
Our lawyers will work with your medical team and experts to determine and prove the nature and extent of your accident injuries.
Common Causes Of Brain Injuries?
Motor Vehicle Accidents, including:
- Military Vehicle Explosions
- Passenger Car Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- A Bicycle Accident.
Some circumstances include vehicle occupants ejected through a windshield during a high-speed collision. In many states, sidewalks or roads may be poorly illuminated or maintained.
The claimant could have compensation claims against many at-fault defendants. But we’ll use the community accident history and witness testimony to establish negligent party relationships.
Premises Claims
A primary reason for head injuries is a slip and fall case, especially for elderly folks falling on the ground. Usually, a slippery floor is the culprit. Allowing this situation makes the entity liable for failing to post a warning sign during cleaning activities.
Assault & Battery / Contact Sports
Sometimes children are injured during organized sports. Other times, long-term contact sports involving violence, like Hockey and Football, result in a CTE, altering lives forever.
Product Liability
Sometimes the airbags may fail, or a poorly labeled or designed product such as a car, escalator, or elevator part fails, causing severe injuries and deaths. For example, a motorcycle accident could be caused by bad tires or failed brakes.
Other Practice Areas:
- Medical Malpractice
- Work Accidents.
If we cannot settle, your case may go before a judge during a jury trial.
Award-Winning United States Brain Injury Law Firm
Our results speak for themselves. Here are some of our most notable TBI cases:
- $10.5 million for a TBI survivor after a motorcycle v. heavy truck accident
- $3.265 million for a brain injury survivor in a motorcycle collision
- $8.7 million for a motorcycle accident survivor with post-concussive syndrome and severe bodily injuries.
- $2.3 million for a motorist suffering severe injuries, including a head injury.
If you have a high risk of debilitating injury, having experienced legal representation from a dedicated lawyer with proven case results in all practice areas can make all the difference.
If you suffered a TBI recently, contact an attorney at Ehline Law Firm immediately. Our team of experienced professionals helps individuals nationwide.
Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury strives to provide the best legal representation for your success. Our personal injury firm offers confidential, free FREE consultations!
How Is Brain Damage Diagnosed?
In America, up to 1.7 million people suffer a TBI yearly, and 70k suffer long-term disabilities due to this personal injury.
Almost half of TBIs are caused by trips, slips, or falls. Falling or slipping is most common among older adults.
1. Disorientation or confusion
2. Amnesia near the time of injury
3. Neurological or neuropsychological problems
4. A score of 13 or higher on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).
After a personal injury accident, some may receive a favorable prognosis. But not every individual will recover quickly or entirely. Some may take longer than others to get better. Not everyone will fully recover despite resources and the passage of time.
Common TBI Injury Symptoms
• Dizziness (Ex: Oxygen deprivation from smoke, fire, or drowning)
- Bad Bruising
- Blurred vision
- Headaches (Plaintiff may also undergo pain and suffer from migraines)
- Loss of vision
- Death.
Cognitive symptoms of a traumatic brain injury
• Short and long-term memory loss
- Poor Concentration
- Disorientation
- Amnesia.
Emotional symptoms of a traumatic brain injury
• Personality changes in general
- Emotional Distress
- Appetite Changes
- Depression
- Irritability
- Agitation.
Call For a Free Case Evaluation
Brain injury attorneys in the United States, like hospital nurses, are necessary when injured. Brain injuries can be complex, going unnoticed for years after the injury-causing accident. The defendant will deny everything, even when documents prove your hospital visits and lengthy rehabilitation.
Steps To Settle Before Filing Brain Injury Lawsuits
You’re mistaken if your think insurance sends you money for your losses. You know how thThat’scess works. Civil negligence litigation costs the plaintiff valuable time, money, and life enjoyment. The first step in getting paid is hiring a tort lawyer.
Your lawyer will answer your questions. Ultimately, proving negligence damaged you is how we win. The difference between small jury verdicts and a large settlement outcome amount depends on the lawyer.
Proving Negligence in Brain Injury Cases
To prove your type of case, the evidence must show that the defendant breached their duty of reasonable care. Or it would help if you established a causal connection with an aggravated, pre-existing physical condition. However, employees generally have no-fault coverage through their job.
Defeating “Minor TBI” Argum”nts
The C”enters for Disease Control (CDC) claims that TBIs comprise 1/3 of all U.S. injury-related deaths. Some TBI symptoms may appear minor, short-term, and subtle. Hence, claims adjusters and insurance defense lawyers attempt to level or minimize undeniable brain injury claims or loss expenses.
These corporate mouthpieces will allege your condition was minor and you experienced full rehabilitation. However, 10-15% of short-term TBI patients won’t recover as won’t a year after. This person will endure persistent headaches, neck pain, or dizziness.
Our lead brain injury lawyer is educated in medicine and law. Our office knows that even minor brain injuries can result in long-term suffering. We’ve seen firsthand how low-iWe accidents can lead to chronic disabilities. Our office will fight this opprobrious tactic and the many risks it poses.
Insurers May Dispute Your TBI Diagnosis.
Yes, they will! Insurance adjusters often dismiss verified tests proving you suffered a traumatic brain injury as inconclusive. These bullies will argue your X-Ray or another test was negative or your surgeon was wrong about your case.
Often, these empty arguments are used against unrepresented brain injury victims. Our professional traumatic brain injury lawyers will question these bullying, strongarm tactics, defeating them with science and logic.
- Defeating MRI/CT Scan Inconsistencies
As noted, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results can miss unobserved microscopic lesions and damaged neurons. Diagnostic testing has improved over the past 20 years. With help from your doctor, we’ll counter red herring situ wells created by the at-fault party’s legal team.
Sometimes party’srgency room’s neuropsychology tests aroom’spear normal, offering no clear evidence of a disability. Services from a second neurologist can help resolve these situations.
- Working With The Best Physicians On Your Behalf
Our traumatic brain injury lawyers might work with neurologists on a medical lien to further assess everything on your behalf. The doctor will look at the patient’s cognitive and functipatient’sirment and compare the patient’s medical historypatient’sst condition.
After suffering a TBI, our brain injury attorneys can help you file compensation claims or lawsuits. We will fight insurance company tactics. We strive to get survivors money to pay for the considerable damages they will suffer over life.
Can Our Advanced Knowledge Help Prove Your Brain Injuries?
Yes. We are experts at finding trouble as it surfaces. First, we’ll document your complaint with the assistance of high-quality medical experts; our investigators will review every page of your medical evaluation report.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
Head injuries are common during vehicle collisions. They can be closed or open MTBI.
Post-concussion syndrome brain injury symptoms can include:
- Unable to concentrate
- Difficulty sleeping
- Memory loss
- Headaches
- Depression
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Anxiety.
These ailments warrant prompt attention. Post-concussion syndrome, an extended repercussion of a concussion, can significantly inhibit your ability to perform tasks and interfere with many job functions.
Low-quality physicians may overlook concussions or focus more on orthopedic injuries and organ damage. You are neglecting the other ramifications that follow a patient’s initial head injury patient’smedical malpractice. Hiring a greatIt’ssician in your community to treat traumatic brain injuries is essential.
Concussions Constitute A Life-threatening Injury Requiring Treatment
Diagnosis of post-concussion syndrome is based on the patient’s history, including the patient’s neurological examination results. Sometimes, other diagnostic tests can rule out a more severe brain condition.
Medical treatment for post-concussion syndrome is geared toward relieving symptoms and prevention:
- Medication to alleviate pain and anxiety, etc.
- Physical therapy
- Bed Rest.
The risk factors for the post-concussive syndrome are increased by the patient’s age and prior historpatient’sussions. Following a head injury, doctors recommend avoiding contact or physical exertion. Sustaining another concussion increases exponentially if a second trauma occurs before the first is healed. This secondary impact syndrome causes death among 11% of victims.
Repeated concussions can have severe and debilitating long-term body effects. Football players, athletes, runners, or anyone who suffers from repeated concussions can develop into CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), Dementia (usually Alzheimer’s disease), or Lou Gehrig’s disease onset by a brain Contusion.
A cerebral contusion is a bruise to the brain tissue. (Ex: blow to the head during boxing or a car accident). More extensive contusions may require surgery.
Cerebral contusions typically occur in the cortical tissue beneath the impact location. Blood vessel leaks and microhemorrhages characterize this medical condition. Contusions will generally manifest near where an impact or surgery occurred. But not all contusions remain physically impact site related.
A discoloration should not be left untreated as it creates swelling, which can lead to life-threatening consequences. For example, intracranial pressure or permanent damage compensation remains possible. The severity of your brain injury depends on the brain anatomy impacted.
Moderate to Severe Swelling?
Brain swelling and tissue inflammation are most severe in 5-6 days following a hard head impact. Additionally, toxins are released by the trauma, which swells and infiltrates surrounding tissues.
Coup And Contrecoup?
A Contrecoup brain injury results when the head is impacted first on one side and then on the other. The first impact causes a discoloration on one side of the brain; if there’s enough force behind itthere’sdisloration will form on the other side.
A coup injury occurs directly under the area of impact. A contrecoup injury occurs on the side directly opposite the impact. In a coup-contrecoup, both sides of the brain are damaged.
Penetrating Brain Injury
A penetrating skull injury forces skull matter into the brain, often from gunshot wounds or stabbings. Removing objects from brain matter can be as fatal as leaving the debris in place. Whether you were blown up on a military battlefield or hurt in your local community, our best attorney can explain everything. This charismatic attorney will discuss all the federal and state laws covering your matter.
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Hematoma or Blood Clot
A hematoma is a clump of blood or other liquid between the skull and the brain. Sometimes, this swelling occurs inside your head cavity instead of outside the skull between your scalp. Ehline Law Firm’s top brain injury lawyerFirm’s victims nationwide suffer from this illness.
Brain Trauma With No Head Impact Elements?
Brain injuries can be caused by whiplash with no head contact or loss of consciousness. Over 20% of car accidents involve head injuries, according to Ezriel Kornel, M.D., F.A.C.S., and Michael Freeman, Ph.D.
Some may be stricken with Hemidi-Astrocytic Chiari Malformation, causing partial brain protrusion through their skull’s base.
One coskull’sentially suffers a TBI from whiplash. This is because of rapid acceleration/deceleration forces. These are commonly experienced in a rear-end car accident. This could result in your grey matter impacting opposite sides of your skull.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
Diffuse axonal injury is a severe disorder resulting from trauma to the back of the head. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is caused by a sudden deceleration coupled with acceleration. This movement creates a whiplash effect.
Diffuse axonal injuries can be challenging to identify because they can happen in accidents with no apparent signs of injury. Victims won’t experience loss of conscwon’tess or head impact.
The jostling of the brain disrupts nerve cells and hinders their ability to transmit vital messages across neurons. This type of traumatic injury often arises as a consequence of car crashes.
Victims of diffuse axonal injury often experience bleeding and are unconscious. Insurance companies and doctors will be hard-pressed to overlook a DAI since they have severe impairments.
Anoxic Brain Injury
A prolonged lack of oxygen (anoxic) can lead to wrongful death or permanent damage.
Brain Damage Severity Problems
Brain injuries can create tough challenges in the aftermath. Though they come in a wide variety, traumatic brain injuries tend to cause severe damage compared to other ailments. Traumatic brain injuries are difficult to manage.
We still don’t understand precisely how contains function. Damages can manifest in devastating ways, including physical and cognitive difficulties.
Damages Paid For A Brain Injury Lawsuit?
There are two main financial damages, economic (tangible) and non-economic (intangible).
The overall value of any settlements or verdicts is determined as follows:
Economic Damages
We advise our clients always to measure a head injury claim against their overall financial status and not simply rely on the estimate for medical costs because those figures can vary widely.
Sometimes medical bills are one of the damages to consider after a traumatic brain injury. Those expenses add up, with prescription drugs, therapy sessions, and checkups only driving prices higher.
Victims may experience loss of income from taking time off work treating. Many people end up losing their wages, jobs, or careers.
Non-Economic Losses
The damages are immediate and far-reaching when someone suffers a traumatic brain injury. The person might put their entire family through intense pain and suffering. Besides companionship issues, families face tangible consequences like economic loss.
Migraines, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue are familiar with traumatic brain injury.
Standard non-economic damages include:
- loss of consortium
- mental anguish
- pain and suffering.
Ehline Law Firm Client Testimonial
“Outstanding follow through fo” my brain injury lawsuit! Mike did great handling my case. Irene always called me back and helped me repay my lost wages. I recommend Ehline Law CA without reservation for anyone injured in car or motorcycle accidents!” – Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Chuck L.”- August 2021
Read more reviews on Martindale Hubbell!
What Do Other Clients Say?
“Mike Ehline always called me back right away and explained the details about my rights to sue for my accident claim. He resolved my car accident case against the guy who hit me quickly.” – Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diana M. – August 2021
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- Leveraging Our Goodwill to Your Advantage
As brain injury attorneys, we can access the best technology for evaluating and treating traumatic brain injuries. We’ll help clients receive We’llest medical care for their TBI case on a lien. Our team has won legal and medical battles against insurance companies. Let us fight for you too! According to scientific research, no solid object contact requirements exist. (Ex: shaken baby syndrome)
Brain Injury Lawsuit Statute Of Limitations
In most states, your time to sue for traumatic brain injury compensation is dictated by a statute. Time for suing the government or a private party may be shortened as a matter of sovereign or qualified immunity. Don’t sleep on your rights. HiDon’tjury attorneys with a proven track record today for your case.
Get A Free Case Evaluation From USA Brain Injury Attorneys Today
Our United States Injury lawyers have experience handling brain injury victims. We help individuals nationwide with legal challenges from insurance companies and defense attorneys.
Our injury law firm handles cases for any person dealing with negligently caused closed-head injuries. Call our office today by dialing our phone number at (833) LETS-SUE to learn your options. You can also set up a confidential, complimentary appointment. Use our convenient online website contact form.
1. Alexander, M.P., Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Pathophysiology Natural History and Clinical Management, 45 Neurology 1256, 1256 (1995)