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Did you know there was a time when the NFL, with the NIH’s help, could argue that contact sports made players less likely to suffer concussions or traumatic brain injury? This truth led to the Wil Smith Movie Concussion, detailing how grant money to the NIH could buy traumatic brain injury science! Modernly, it is accepted that professional athletes are at greater risk because repeated blows to the body and head can carry a high risk of receiving an insidious type of traumatic brain injury called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).
I am Michael Ehline, a Los Angeles CTE Accident attorney. In my over a decade of plaintiff personal injury practice, I have reached the pinnacle of professional achievement as a top Los Angeles brain injury attorney. Below, I will discuss repeated concussions in various life settings and the costs involved for those developing CTE with decreased blood flow to the head, especially certain athletes.
Ultimately, I’ll be glad to discuss personal injury settlements and lawyers’ success in this burgeoning field of tort law related to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy findings and treatment. You will also be directed to a link to receive a free consultation with one of my highly talented brain injury lawyers in Los Angeles.
Most doctors now agree that boxers and football players are at the most significant risk for this traumatic brain injury. For boxers, it’s obvious. Fist-wrapped gloves repeatedly peppering a face makes you “punchy.” For Hockey and Football players, constant collegial and adversarial helmet-to-helmet or helmet-to-object contact can have a similar effect as this “Rocky Balboa” like “drunk punch syndrome.”
Understanding Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Traumatic Brain Injury
After immeasurable plays, routes, blocks, and stacks, repetitive head trauma will make an appearance in the form of various symptoms ranging from aggression and erratic behavior.
The most dangerous thing about CTE traumatic brain injuries is that you can get them after hitting your head or falling. CTE is known to make people suicidal, a terrible wrongful death for families left in the aftermath. This head trauma disease provokes several mental conditions, such as erratic behavior, confusion, and dementia. Those brain trauma symptoms are unstoppable as these traumatic brain injuries tend to progress.
Traumatic Brain Injuries: CTE Connection With Contact Sports?
Boxing is generally what we think about. Wrong! Surprisingly sports like basketball, soccer, water polo, judo, lacrosse, and others pose serious CTE risks to children and adults. But some medical treatments exist to help alleviate the symptoms of these brain injuries. Unfortunately, the medical care you need to treat traumatic brain injuries is costly.
The law protects you in those situations. Below, our very best Los Angeles personal injury lawyer discusses the brain condition that exposed the NIH and NFL as corrupt, money-driven organizations with political campaign donation-funded U.S. government licenses to deceive U.S. taxpayers under the guise of public health. Speak to a brain injury lawyer now, or keep on reading about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy today.
These degenerative, traumatic brain injuries are also rare diseases that progressively deteriorate your brain. (Example: Wil Smith movie, “Concussion.”). It makes you lose control of your body by jeopardizing your motor functions. Ehline Law is dedicated to safeguarding the rights of CTE injury victims throughout California. Although any injury caused by reckless, negligent, or intentional acts is tragic, CTE can be insidious, conscious, and life-altering.
How CTE Lawyers Help
As you will soon discover, a CTE case generally involves an insurance company or two and possibly even government claims against Los Angeles County or some other agency. Recovering from a CTE, if possible at all, will be an imperceptible and painful course, requiring therapy, surgery, rehab, and recovery time.
Our best traumatic brain injury lawyer offers a free consultation to discuss your injury case privately. If we form an attorney-client relationship, we’ll do our best to resolve your head injuries through intricate and comprehensive insurance settlement negotiations that occur down the road. (Learn more about Los Angeles brain injury representation here.).
CTE brain injuries often see difficulty raised to extensive, mind-numbing civil litigation against leagues. We aren’t afraid to fight against them to further your head injury claim. You can rely on our law group to hold your hand every step of the way as we tirelessly fight for your rights inside the courtroom or on the courthouse steps.
Our lead traumatic brain injury lawyer, Michael Ehline, has a well-deserved reputation as a trustworthy advocate. His business is helping the injured and infirm get back on their feet after suffering brain injuries. Our offices will provide you with energetic representation in your time of dire need and irritability.
What Are The Various Stages of CTE Injury?
CTE generally ranges in severity by the cumulative spread of Tau Proteins. The more spread, the worse the stage and risk as follows:
- Stage 1 hot spots called Tau protein clusters reveal themselves with various tests. Here, they are few, to be microscopic.
- Stage 2 reveals different cluster formations as tau proteins spread into the overall brain area.
- In stage 3, individual proteins cluster and travel to the amygdala and the hippocampus to create more prominent “hot spots.”
- Stage 4 happens once Tau protein finally spreads and completely “tangles” itself into the brain, infusing it into the spinal cord.
The reality is that some symptoms fail to present themselves in younger accident victims immediately. Most male victims generally don’t show CTE symptoms or related disability until reaching their 20s or 30s.
Medical Term CTE – The Degenerative Brain Disease
General CTE, Head Injury Symptoms, Include:
CTE symptoms may include severe depression, impulsive acts like lashing out, and other aggression we think of when we think about “roid rage.” Common in military combat veterans and hard-hitting football players, CTE is less hormonal and more about the hot spots and tau protein tangles into the spine. Nerve impulses scramble your brain and limb contact. As the victim ages into their 40s and 50s, symptoms can become deadly, altering essential functions.
The confusion, impairments, and lack of love from the feelings of abandonment, coupled with memory loss and Alzheimers-like symptoms, can make the victims give up. As this disease progresses, their delusions could cause a patient to commit suicide, kill another person, or all of the above.
Time is of The Essence in CTE
CTE severity regularly hinges on factors such as the number of weeks of head impacts and the number of times per week complex effects are experienced over time. Genetics could play a role, but physiology variables aside, CTE may be very severe in older clients. In contrast, younger victims won’t develop more than mild symptoms till they age, and the disease results in more permanent brain injuries unless promptly treated.
Although medical treatment can treat known symptoms, surgery, and care can’t be recommended until many long-term signs are spotted with an expert diagnosis. You must monitor other personality changes or difficulties of your kids in contact sports. If they are experiencing extreme anxiety or other impairment issues, get them checked out. Circumstances like a hairline skull fracture or a hematoma could be at play. Sometimes a combination of surgery and formidable physical therapy can delay or prevent CTE injuries.
Because of this, an intelligent parent or care provider would contact injury lawyers at Ehline Law. We represent clients and their families, so they have the right to legal representation. With Ehline Law wielding a sword on your behalf, you will have the confidence and serenity of knowing you have a true warrior with a proven record of fighting for young athletes and other cases of CTE under Los Angeles, California law.
Considering the serious brain injuries, the NFL developed a concussion settlement for football team members who show symptoms of this type of traumatic brain injury.
Regardless of your head injuries, you don’t need to worry about needing money for your treatment since you can contact us through our website or come to our office for a free case consultation from established brain injury attorneys. We offer you a reasonable fee contingency policy. So don’t hesitate to do it and hire the best California brain injury attorney.
Recoverable Damages for CTE Victims in California
Some CTE victims may need nursing care for life, while others may commit suicide or die due to brain injury obstacles. If you or a loved one has sustained a CTE brain injury, Ehline can help you obtain total and fair compensation.
At Ehline Law, we fight for civil court justice for brain injury victims who have been harmed in motor vehicle accidents, school sports, and other incidents. (Ex: youth sports leagues, high school sports, university athletic programs leading to head injuries, etc.).
Our highly dedicated personal injury attorneys have a proven history of assisting CTE victims in receiving full and fair compensation. Whether your claim involves a government agency, a chartered, public-private school, a private workplace, other personnel, or other responsible parties, we can give you a hand. Our top attorneys will leverage our knowledge, resources, and skills to assert your entitlement to justice for the long-lasting repercussions wreaked by long-term or repetitive head trauma. Ehline Law will fight to help you and your loved ones receive every dollar you all deserve for their head injuries.
Special Duty of Care?
Some experts argue that athletic trainers, teams, their coaches, and others (Because trauma before age 12 poses an increased risk of CTE, many youth sports organizations. (e.g., Pop Warner, American Youth Football, AYSO, and UFC may be held liable.) These experts opine these a higher standard of care must be applied since they are in a unique position of respect and trust to understand, spot, and mitigate traumatic brain injuries, especially concussions.
Golden State CTE sufferers may experience horrific memory loss problems, mood swings, bleeding, coma, and personality disorders, including major depression. Our Los Angeles brain injury lawyers have a proven track record for assisting these serious injury victims in obtaining windfall-like compensation, do or die!
Sports Concussion Recovery Protocol
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has suggested that:
- Athletes with slight concussions must take steps to stabilize their bodies and damaged brain tissue with bed rest. They should not be sent back out into physically demanding or other types of mentally taxing tasks after suffering repeated head trauma.
- A second jolt or blow to the head in a motoring contest, judo match, or other sporting contest can increase the brain tissue damage from the last concussion, increasing the chance of longer-term brain damage or future sudden onset prognosis for a child, etc.
There is no excuse for an employee to be stressed like this, regardless of the route their coach needs to run or the motivation for the team score. The greed of your coach or team will expose their greedy underbelly to the wrath of a lawsuit by Ehline Law Firm in Los Angeles. Employers to negligence liability are just one way to hold a party liable for a change in mood, memory, coordination, sleep, and fatal tendencies after suffering closed head injuries.
Participating in sports other than football can cause or contribute to CTE and other permanent damage, including loss of impulse control.
Other liable parties besides the NFL or NHL can include schools and organizations like AYSO, UFC, and others involved in:
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Field and ice hockey
- Grappling
- Jiu-Jitsu
- Judo
- Kick Boxing
- Lacrosse
- MMA (Other vulnerable martial arts)
- Motorcar crash claims
- Pony riding
- Riding horseback
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Water polo
- Wrestling.
Given the fact that the risk of CTE increases the longer an individual participates in contact sports, numerous other negligent parties may be involved. A highly skilled personal injury attorney must hold them accountable and find the proper medical treatment for these poor victims.
If you played in a pee-wee, little league, youth sports organization, or even martial arts, you could sue a private actor. Suppose your CTE was caused at the high school or college level. In that case, your school district and other government agents might be partially responsible for covering your CTE or other brain injuries and swelling, including Hypoxia, or sustaining tumor-causing brain cancer, dizziness, infection, numbness, or inflammation.
Because there are strict statutes of limitations, you must ally with a stalworth, always attacking the plaintiff’s law firm. Your selection of a proper legal representative is someone who will send you to the right doctor on a lien basis, who will be equipped to test for CTE and other traumatic brain injuries properly. If you have a valid claim, you may be awarded compensation, including economic damages (e.g., medical bills and lost wages), and non-economic damages, including pain and suffering.
Punitive Damages?
Additionally, punitive damages are sometimes present in permanent brain damage cases. The court may instruct a jury to punish overly egregious conduct for sending a message to others considering harming professional football players and others with legal claims after receiving skull fractures and being forced to continue playing, as an example, because strict deadlines apply in worker’s compensation and other CTE personal injury claims. These cases can become more complex when you consider that some injuries won’t rear their head until months or years after the repeated shaking and jolts to the head body and damage to brain cells.
Although there are delayed discovery rules and age-related exceptions, these can be complex for even the most experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyers to navigate. The smart way to safeguard your rights to justice is by consulting with Ehline Law at the outset of any sports injuries or related brain injury cases that require immediate medical attention or caused a permanent disability like brain damage.
Medical Care and Therapy
If you or a loved one is showing signs or symptoms of CTE personal injuries, you must receive immediate medical attention. After obtaining emergency care and medical stabilization, contact Ehline Law. The personal injury attorneys at our law offices can help people with cognitive problems receive meaningful financial compensation. Our law firm won’t charge attorney’s fees unless we recover for you by settlement or other legal action.
Contact Our CTE Personal Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles
Please contact our office today for a free evaluation of your case. Our aggressive legal team has won over $150 million for satisfied customers. Don’t ever doubt that here at the Ehline Law Firm. We provide legal advice dispensed by the best California brain injury attorneys. We provided legal services for car accidents, including “workers’ compensation claims” involving heavy machinery or other negligence suffered on the job leading to Taste insomnia (Bad taste in the mouth), difficulties perceiving water temperature, and other long-term effects attendant with TBI cases.
We are eager to assist you if you are injured in Los Angeles by someone else’s negligence. We will protect your rights and make the liable parties pay the total owed, do or die! Whether you got injured playing football or had a car crash, don’t hesitate to call us at (213) 596-9642 or use our website and give us your name and phone number to hire the best San Francisco, Los Angeles area lawyer you can ask for!