Los Angeles Crab Walk Tech Car Accident Attorneys | Free Case Review
Over $150 Million Won

Los Angeles Crab Walk Tech Car Accident Attorneys | Free Case Review
$150 Million + Won!
If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

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Welcome to the celebrity car accident recovery lawyers known worldwide as Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC. Below, our experienced car accident lawyers in Los Angeles will share everything car accident victims must know about the astonishing crab walk tech and financial compensation for being injured.
In the past, Audi revolutionized road traction safety with its Quattro all-wheel drive system. Then, four-wheel steering came into play along with robotic drones and fully automated driverless tech, even for boats. With Hyundai leading the way, we are witnessing an AI revolution and an even newer version of four-wheel steering called Crab Walk Tech above and beyond anything thus far.
Many politicians proclaim this is the answer to parking problems in dense cities like New York, San Francisco, and Downtown Los Angeles. They said e-bikes would make cities safer, but no unbiased, research-backed studies have proven this.
Those who have tripped and fallen on these electric bikes would beg to differ, and it never fails to amaze them how rosy for-profit media paints these artificial disasters as good. However, many families and employees scream that driverless tech, incredibly crab-walk tech, is the first step in firing the other 3.5 million small and large truck drivers employed in the U.S.A.
Automated Driver Tech Has Its Own Sanctuary Cities?
Many car accident victims think so, and many taxpayer-funded Non-Government Organizations beg to differ. Not having to pay for a ride is the real point of all this, say many political pundits on the take. In exchange, the insurance companies now running experimental driverless cars get a pass from the politicians they fund. Every time there is a bug, like running over a dog, driving through wet cement, or dragging a small child, it helps automakers work out all such bugs so people can “own nothing” and “be happy.” – Klaus Schwab
Big City “Testing” is Where the Money Flows?
Research and development (R and D) That is where the real money is for automakers like Waymo. Like the robotics industry encourages forced minimum wage increases, Uber/Lyft, taxi services, UPS/FedEx, and DHL stand to win big as drivers lose their jobs and go on unemployment insurance. Pundits argue once the tech is working, a toddler will be less likely to be killed by a driver while being pushed in a stroller, etc.
After all, they point out, human drivers have a proven track record for running over kids, etc. Some personal injury lawyers are all in for the Silicon Valley power play; others, like Ehline Law, say not so fast, despite the alluring propaganda that all is rosy. Our best car and accident lawyer in Los Angeles, Michael Ehline, wrote this article. Below, he will share some secrets of the automated tech industry and other captivating information injury lawyers don’t want you to know.
Ehline Law Helps Victims of Crab Tech and Other Experimental Driver Tech
Ehline Law has handled hundreds of wrongful death claims for clients across Southern California and Los Angeles. Since its establishment in 2005, our law firm has built a world-famous record of success. Superhuman car accident lawyer Michael Ehline has collected millions of dollars in handsome compensation on behalf of our clients in verdicts and settlements along the way. Our goal in every situation is to fulfill the comprehensive needs of our clients by achieving the most favorable results for their car accidents.
Our top-rated Los Angeles crab walk accident lawyers concentrate exclusively on the client’s needs. Our legal team has been awarded many accolades as members and leaders in many state and national peer review organizations. If your minor child was run over by technology that promised safe maneuvering to help a vehicle fit in tight confines, we are the legal warriors you call. We take no prisoner and grant no quarter to large, greedy corporations pretending they support human rights. So, if you need a car accident lawyer and are sick of political correctness, we are the auto accident attorneys you must call.
No insurance company who knows our reputation sees litigating against us as a positive move forward. Suppose you suffered auto accident injuries in a Los Angeles car accident. In that case, our team of car accident experts will go after the at-fault driver, even if these purported defendants seem to be robots!
What is Crab Walk Tech and Why Does it Matter?
Vehicle crab walk technology, also known simply as “crab walk,” refers to a feature in certain vehicles that enables them to move diagonally or sideways while maintaining their forward orientation. This technology allows a car to move like how a crab moves, hence the name “crab walk.”
In traditional vehicles, the wheels are typically aligned to move the car straight forward or backward. However, in cars equipped with crab walk technology, the wheels can be steered to allow the car to move laterally while facing the same direction. This can be particularly useful in certain situations, such as tight turns, off-road navigation, or navigating crowded or narrow spaces.
Crab walk technology is often seen in off-road vehicles, construction equipment, and even concept cars. It can enhance maneuverability in challenging terrains, aid parking in tight spaces, and provide extra control in specific scenarios. This technology is achieved through advanced steering systems that can independently control the wheels on each side of the vehicle, allowing them to pivot and move the car diagonally.
One notable example of a vehicle with crab walk technology is the GMC Hummer EV, which offers a feature called “Crab Mode.” This allows the car to move diagonally at low speeds, increasing its maneuverability on and off the road. However, as with all new experimental tech, the risk of fatal accidents or even a hit-and-run accident can increase.
As noted, these vehicles have difficulty recognizing EMS and even orange emergency cones. Our experienced car accident attorneys have handled similar cases on a contingency fee basis, so we know this is not some big conspiracy theory. And it’s not necessarily about a defective part. Using the San Francisco or Los Angeles area as a test bed, paying off local politicians with campaign donations is unfair to pedestrians and others imported into the city by politicians according to the car accident victims we help.
Crab Tech and Latest Examples With Electric Trucks
“Crab Mode,” or crab walk, leverages Hummer’s four-wheel steer and electric propulsion to achieve diagonal movement from a standstill. All four wheels align with the same trajectory, propelling the vehicle forward regardless of its orientation. Primarily designed to enhance off-road maneuverability, it adds flair to the Hummer EV’s “warrior” prowess by showcasing this captivating feature even in urban traffic scenarios.
Crab Walk Video Example:
The clients we represent often send in educational resources. For example, in a video shared by a podcast, a Hummer expert on Mod Mafia captured a stripped-down, pre-production GMC Hummer EV truck rolling down the freeway, using “Crab Walk” to squeeze into traffic lanes during stop-and-go traffic.
It appears to be undergoing road testing and was purportedly engaged in off-road trials. The most attractive part of the video was seeing how much more room the truck has to squeeze into the adjoining traffic lanes diagonally instead of simply parking sideways. (All the rage in San Francisco, Downtown Los Angeles, etc.)
San Francisco Citizens Have Mixed Feelings:
Many locals are up in arms, saying these recent accidents underscore San Francisco’s recurring tendency to allow significant corporate entities unrestricted freedom, resulting in overdue regulatory intervention and often subpar outcomes.
Notable examples include the proliferation of sidewalk-cluttering scooters and Airbnb’s housing impact. Advocates of autonomous vehicles stress the potential for reduced congestion, pollution, and accidents and improve mobility for disabled individuals.
Driverless Car Ambitions Amidst Doubt: While the promise of driverless vehicles is compelling, occasional incidents raise skepticism about their seamless integration into distracting, dense locales. In a recent episode, a driverless car found itself mired in a city roadwork project’s wet concrete in San Francisco.
This event occurred shortly after California authorities sanctioned the city’s expansion of autonomous taxi services, disregarding local concerns and safety reservations. Imagine the car accidents involving Construction workers that could occur here.
Regulatory Development Amidst Concerns: California’s Public Utilities Commission, responsible for overseeing self-driving vehicles, approved Cruise and Waymo to offer paid rides throughout San Francisco at any time of day, despite a 3-to-1 vote. This decision occurred after apprehensions expressed by community activists and local officials, and the politicians have kept moving the goalposts.
GM’s Cruise
Los Angeles is far behind compared to Northern California regarding this impressive technology and taxis. The urban landscape of San Francisco witnessed dynamic ride services from two distinct entities. Cruise, an affiliate of General Motors, established taxi operations in a substantial portion of the city. Meanwhile, Waymo, the brainchild of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, introduced complimentary rides for passengers.
Problems With Crab Tech Sensing Dangers?
According to Rachel Gordon, a San Francisco Department of Public Works spokeswoman, a Cruise vehicle recently ended up in wet concrete in a construction zone. She claimed that a marked road paving project on Golden Gate Avenue, equipped with flag-waving workers at each end of the block, was ignored by a driverless Cruise vehicle equipped with Crab walk tech.
Rather than discuss the dangers to Caltrans workers and pedestrians, she stated, “That portion of the road has to be repaved at Cruise’s expense” and “Fortunately, no one was injured.” However, she ignores that society as a “person” was injured. Extra work and lost productivity is also legal injury, says attorney Michael Ehline.
His focus is on traffic accidents, and he has won some of the largest verdicts and settlements for bus accidents, motorcycle collisions, and passenger car accident cases under California’s car accident laws. Driverless cars have become a regular sight in San Francisco, a city known for technological advancements. These cars are often seen on test drives, collecting data in each specific case that helps improve their self-driving abilities.
Examples of Other Problems With Driverless Tech Vehicles
While the press says there haven’t been any reports of serious injuries, fatalities, or accidents caused by driverless cars in San Francisco, there have been a few unsettling reported car accidents.
- Vehicles have driven over and pinched off fire hoses
- Automated taxis have stopped in the middle of the road
- Driverless cars have entered construction areas and stopped in wet concrete
- At least 10 Cruise vehicles stopped at a music festival in San Francisco’s North Beach due to “limited bandwidth issues” affecting their ability to control some vehicles remotely and navigate them through traffic.
- A Cruise vehicle entered the firefighter area and “failed to stop” until a firefighter began banging on the vehicle’s “hood and smashing the vehicle’s window”
- At least one driverless Waymo vehicle blocked a fire truck that was trying to back the fire truck into a fire station.
Of course, driverless car companies have been vocal in defending their “safety” records, saying the information is not classified. They assert their technology retains a better safety record than the thousands of people who lose their lives yearly in traditional car accidents in the United States, which is amazing.
Cruise Counters Everything is Awesome
Cruise pointed out its vehicles were well beyond their expectations, declaring:
“Throughout our first million driverless miles, our AVs were involved in fewer collisions, were the primary contributor to fewer collisions and were involved in fewer severe collisions with meaningful risk of injury than human drivers were in a comparable driving environment.”
What Do Other Experts Say
Paul Leonardi, a professor of technology management at the University of California, Santa Barbara, agrees with the car makers, asserting it would be foolhardy to assume driverless could operate trouble-free from their introduction to real-life problems. Like all machine learning technology, these automated vehicles must work in real-world conditions to get smarter over time.
“It needs to experience a diverse set of use cases so it can learn, and driving into wet concrete is one of those use cases,” Professor Leonardi said. “We might frame this as a positive that all it did was get stuck in the concrete,” going on to state [we] “can learn from it and the machines can figure out what to do better next time.”
How Do Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers Prove A Crabwalk Case?
Before a lawsuit could even arise, you should make your negligence claim a reality. California has a no-fault insurance system, assuming another driver hit the driverless car you rode in. Also, ordinary negligence law would cover negligent or reckless actions directed toward other drivers or liable parties. So, in the above example involving wet concrete, the operator of the automated vehicle, even if it’s a transportation company, would be the main defendant. However, if the transport company is distinct from the vehicle maker, they may need to cross-complain against the automaker, as discussed below.
So, what about car accidents involving impressive technology that is not quite ready for prime time? What if the empty delivery vehicle crab walked itself into a parking stall and crushed you or a small child? Who would you go after, and how? Enter the complex world of motor vehicle product liability our auto accident attorneys deal with daily in Los Angeles.
Suing an Automaker For Defective Crabwalk Tech
Proving a product defect case in the context of a car accident in Los Angeles or anywhere else involves demonstrating that the car or one of its components was defective and that the defect directly caused or contributed to the accident and resulting injuries.
Our Los Angeles car accident lawyers typically follow these steps to prove a product defect car accident claim:
Evidence Gathering Process
We start by collecting all available evidence related to the accident. This may include Traffic Collision Reports from the CHP, Sheriff or local municipal police agencies, percipient witness statements, photographs, video imagery, medical records, and expert opinions specialing in auto accident reconstruction, engineering, and city contract interpretation.
Identify the Defect
Lawyers must determine the defect that caused or contributed to the accident. Defects can be categorized as design defects, manufacturing defects, or marketing defects (failure to provide adequate warnings or instructions). There may be no insurance company, as many billion-dollar companies are self-insured. So don’t expect their well-paid team of product liability attorneys to roll over and pay just compensation without a hard-fought battle with the legal experts.
Our impressive record of success comes in handy when negotiating with sneaky, underhanded corporations seeking to escape liability for causing Los Angeles car accidents.
Establish Negligence or Strict Liability
Depending on the legal theory applied, your car accident lawyers must prove that the defective product’s auto manufacturer, distributor, or end seller was negligent in designing, manufacturing, distributing, or marketing the product or that the product was inherently dangerous (strict liability). Sometimes, both theories might be applied by a legal practitioner, depending on the facts, car accident injuries, etc.
Consult Experts To Assist and Investigate What Happened
Product defect cases in a Los Angeles car accident will often require the assistance of experts to obtain favorable opinions showing it was more likely than not below the industry standard of care for the defendant(s) to allow the defect responsible for the accident into the stream of commerce. Our lawyer group may consult professional engineers, accident reconstruction specialists, medical experts, and other professionals worldwide to provide testimony on how the defect caused the accident. We advance all costs and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning if we don’t win, we don’t get paid, which is something not many car accident lawyers can brag about.
Collect Manufacturer’s Records
Our Los Angeles-based law firm will seek out and request documentation during the discovery phase if we are forced to file a lawsuit. This is vital evidence from the manufacturer or involved parties that could provide important information about the product’s design, manufacturing process, quality control procedures, and any previous recalls or complaints related to similar defects. Expect a fight. These companies won’t just roll over and pay a stunning sum for a car accident when they can obfuscate and pay you NOTHING!
Establish Causation
Our well-respected team of product lawyers understands the importance of demonstrating a clear link between the defect and the accident (causal connection.). This may involve proving that the defect directly caused the car accident or made the injuries worse than they would have been otherwise.
Demonstrate Damages
In addition to proving the defect, your lawyers must be extraordinary to get you all your damages, aka money. They must establish the full extent of injuries suffered by the injured party, and this is where experts and paralegals come in to help catalog and analyze the data.
This is vital evidence in a car accident case. Even a minor car accident could include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other relevant losses.
Negotiation and Litigation
Once the evidence is gathered, your car accident lawyers may attempt to negotiate a settlement with the responsible parties, including manufacturers, insurers, and others. The case may proceed to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached.
Trial Preparation
Our most experienced car accident lawyers prepare the client for trial by organizing evidence, identifying key witnesses, and developing a competent narrative highlighting the defect’s role in the car accident.
Presenting the Case
During the trial, your car accident lawyers present their evidence, call witnesses (your doctor or other party), cross-examine opposing witnesses in court, and argue with the judge and jury. The other side argues on behalf of the defendant to get a non-liability verdict.
Verdict or Settlement
The case concludes with either a verdict reached by the judge or jury or a settlement agreed upon by the parties involved in the car accident litigation. But proving a product defect case in car accidents requires legal expertise, technical knowledge, and substantial resources.
Car accident lawyers commonly work with experts in various fields to build a strong case and secure a favorable outcome for their clients. When you have been involved in a car crash, you should ask yourself who’s responsible.
Our law offices have many years of experience working to resolve the cases they represent. Our best-trained car accident attorneys can examine issues thoroughly. Los Angeles, California’s car insurance laws can be very confusing regarding suing over crab walk tech and car accidents. The liability and negligent legal concepts are relevant to a successful settlement of your California car accident.
What Damages Can I Recover From a Crabwalk Car Accident Claim?
In California, individuals who survive accidents are typically eligible for economic and non-economic compensation based on the circumstances of the accident. These types of payment are designed to address various aspects of the harm suffered by the survivor. Your car accident lawyer has to prove every element of your case, from duty, breach, and causation, to damage. Let’s win your car accident claim today by calling (213) 596-9642.
Let’s break down what economic, financial recovery, and non-economic relief look like in Los Angeles:
- Economic Damages: Special damages are intended to cover the quantifiable financial losses and expenses resulting from the accident. A car accident lawyer uses various age-old techniques to prove your losses, which can be tricky if you’re self-employed.
These types of damages can include:
- Medical Expenses: This covers costs related to medical treatment, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and any ongoing medical care for common car accident injuries like spine injuries, brain injury, whiplash, and less common wrongful death claims.
- Lost Income: Economic damages also encompass compensation for the income lost due to injuries. This includes lost wages, reduced or lost salaries, bonuses, vacation pay, and other income the survivor would have earned if not for the car accident.
- Property Damage: If a survivor in Los Angeles damages the survivor’s property (such as a vehicle), the repair or replacement costs can be claimed as economic damages.
- Non-Economic Damages: Non-economic damages are less tangible and relate to the emotional and subjective impact of the accident. These damages aim to address the pain, suffering, and emotional distress experienced by the survivors after their auto accident.
These awards can include:
- Pain and Suffering: This compensates for physical pain, discomfort, and emotional distress caused by the accident and subsequent injuries.
- Emotional Distress: Emotional distress damages cover psychological effects like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues stemming from the survivor’s trauma.
- Loss of Enjoyment: If the survivor’s quality of life has diminished due to a terrible car crash, they may be entitled to financial compensation for the loss of enjoyment of activities they once participated in. Our team of legal beagles in Los Angeles wants to help you achieve that goal.
What is My Los Angeles Crabwalk Car Accident Case Worth?
The typical settlement ranges between $15,000 and $30,000. However, determining the worth of a car accident case, including a “crabwalk” accident in Los Angeles or anywhere else, involves a comprehensive evaluation of various factors noted above. Your case could prove higher or lower in value without specific details categorizing the accident, serious injuries, and other circumstances. The insurance company won’t pay you a dime more than your car accident lawyer can prove as reasonable for motor vehicle accidents in scope and scale.
How Does Comparative Negligence Impact Car Accident Claims?
Aside from basic California car accident laws, a car accident injury claim for negligence means negligence of both parties can be a factor in you recovering the total amounts due. Comparative negligence is one of the ways to reduce the settlements or judgments awarded in auto accidents.
These eye-opening cases arise where the accident victims were negligent in causing or increasing their risks or damages in a given topic. If the victim was primarily liable for causing the accident, the defendant is only responsible for de minimus amounts of damages. Here is another example: let’s say you are 10% responsible.
Under the comparative negligence defense, coverage of your damages would decrease by 10%, which you would lose when seeking recoverability of the total award. Our terrific auto accident lawyers will explain this in more detail during your risk-free consultation, which will also be confidential. Even if you no longer live in Los Angeles County or were visiting, don’t speak to the insurance adjuster until you speak with our most talented personal injury attorney first!
Contact the Best Los Angeles Crab Crawl Accident Lawyer
We just covered crab walk technology failure car accidents and what both sides of the argument have to say about safety on California roads. Did you or a family member get into a severe accident involving this potentially defective vehicle technology? Did someone you love pass away in a wrongful death that remains unreported in the news? Additionally, we want to hear your side of the story and stay committed to handling your phone calls to further this goal. We don’t think there is a law firm in LA that offers car accident victims immediate legal advice like ours does. Clients can count on us to win.
Please give us an opportunity to review your legal needs without any hassle or upfront costs. We provide the best auto collision law firm in Los Angeles because clients know they can trust us to win their serious car accident or wrongful death claims. Don’t blow the statute of limitations and waive your right to pursue damages and a full recovery. An accessible, skilled car accident attorney is awaiting your call at (213) 596-9642 or webmail contact today for the best possible outcome.