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Did You Suffer Broken Bones During A Motorcycle Collision?
The motorcycle rider crashing during an auto accident may suffer a wide range of injuries. But common orthopedic injuries include bone fractures to the skull, feet, ankles, legs, and toes. These cases will require crutches and plenty of rest/therapy. Most of all, these ailments can mean bedridden for weeks or months.
Typically, these injuries arise when riders get ejected from the bike and tossed into an inanimate object. These objects include passenger cars, curbs, pavement, or a concrete barrier. In many cases, the rider cannot work for weeks or months. Many times, they stay permanently disabled. It can also mean quadriplegia or paraplegia. The exorbitant costs entailed with this ongoing vital treatment might become astronomical.
The veteran and supremely experienced Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys have multiple years of experience. Let us deal with these high-dollar negligence claims. You can reach our superior civil lawyers at (213) 596-9642.
Why Do Motorcycle Lawyers Want Injured Riders To Receive Fracture Injury Medical Treatment?
Taking an ambulance to the hospital and receiving medical care creates a record you received your injuries from your motorcycle accident and not some other later event. Getting medical care also helps you mitigate your losses. Victims are not obligated to exacerbate their medical condition by thinking they’re ok when it’s adrenaline masking their pain receptors.
A trial court, insurer, or civil jury will reduce the victim’s monetary damages award under California’s pure comparative negligence law if a motorcycle accident victim worsens their injuries. The more at fault you are for causing your accident and injuries, the less money the other party has to pay you for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and emotional distress.
Once victims have taken steps to secure legal treatment, they must take stock. The first thing is first, who is treating the injuries? One may want a second opinion from a surgeon or other medical specialist. A General Practitioner may not be well suited to caring for a catastrophically shattered bone. Due to financial incentives, the treatment for fracture injuries by some medical providers provides cheaper medical care for bone fracture injuries.
One example of this is the break that requires corrective surgery. After all, this remains a more precise and effective healing method. As it stands, these types of motorcycle accident-related injuries usually require a prolonged convalescent period. Sadly, an unfortunate medical program can make it take even longer.
Do I Need A Surgery Or Cast After My Motorcycle Accident Fracture Injury?
Due to the cost, victims may request the doctor use a cast on the fracture injury instead of surgery. As we discussed, many labs push this method for financial gain. However, if your emergency provider, EMT, or surgeon provides you with less costly medical treatment, it can cause more harm to your body over time. Also, the defendant can blame the medical care providers for causing your injuries, turning a simple motorcycle injury lawsuit into an expensive, unfair MICRA action. Your best, most correct surgical method is, of course, more expensive.
Cheap medical care makes the injury claim less valuable to the vulnerable patient. So, victims must choose their surgeons and physicians wisely. Your medical expenses get paid back at the end of your case, so you must contact the best care possible. First and foremost, if your doctor does not correctly set your broken bones, you might suffer permanent disabilities making you destitute and unemployable.
Most medical experts agree that broken bones, tendons, and surrounding soft tissue will become more vulnerable to future re-injury. Ehline Law helps seriously injured motorcycle accident victims find doctors and surgeons who now agree to do the surgery. These doctors are called “lien doctors,” The great thing about your case is that these experts agree to receive payment later.
These medical practitioners agree to this treat-now, pay-later arrangement because they trust our honest, caring personal injury lawyers to secure their income from the final settlement amount. In other words, we sign lien papers for the doctor, and you receive life-saving medical care today.
Our firm has a no-recovery, no-fee policy, commonly known as a “contingency fee.” And we will cover all the costs upfront to win compensation for the injured biker. At the end of the case, like your surgeon, we get our prices back when we collect our well-deserved attorney’s fee.
Most Common Fractures From Biker Accidents
There are several types of rider spill fractures, as follows:
- Non-Displaced breaks: Most people think broken bones involve a fissure that must be reset, such as the non-displaced break. A non-displaced gap remains the most common broken injury. Your bone is not displaced from its biological or anatomically correct spot.
- Open breaks: Involve a more severe condition where your bones become broken in two. Your bone spears through your muscle and flesh, exposing the bloodied, sharp spear to daylight. These fractures remain among the most gruesome and painful medical conditions a motorcycle rider can suffer during a traffic collision.
- Closed bone injuries: These remain common with crushed feet and ankles. However, the comminuted skull injury remains a common head-related condition. No bone pops the skin membrane. But, instead, the damage gets sealed up. Also, it could involve multiple shattered or broken bones. In the case of a comminuted skull break, bone chips can get knocked inward. You may have these objects lodged in your brain tissue, requiring a brain or neurosurgeon to remove them. And afterward, your lawyer and physician can not rule out brain damage.
- Displaced: This one is similar to an open break. Except here, the snapped bone gets broken into two or more pieces. Typically, the correct anatomical position of the bone becomes perverted into a non-natural place due to the jarring and jolting event of slamming against a still object. Arachnoiditis may also develop from these injuries.
You Shouldn’t Endure A Motorcycle Insurance Claim Or Lawsuit Without A Lawyer
Enduring this type of tragedy can make you feel like you’re up against the creek without a paddle and completely isolated. It’s bad enough to be immobile. Sadly, these shocking events are life-altering and extremely hard for an unrepresented individual to cope with.
Knowing how your bills will get paid remains a constant concern. Also, knowing how a person will keep their job and afford hospital care compounds the burden. How can a person relax and heal with all of this upheaval? So what is the answer? Our legal pros at Ehline Law Firm Law are motorcycle injury lawyers who can help remove Damocles’ Sword. Let us take it from over your head.
Motorcycle accidents remain the nexus of many lifelong hip, pelvis, and shoulder injuries. Surgical options could include titanium hardware screwed into your bones. And this is to set the bones properly.
What About Bone Fragment And Wire Mesh Surgical Treatments After My Motorcycle Crash?
The best way to mitigate an injury is by learning proper safety tactics that will likely be needed in a crash. We learned how to surf our bikes during our motorcycle safety courses and even remembered tucking and rolling. But without muscle memory, most people suffering the shock of a car striking their motorcycle will extend their arms and fly headfirst into the pavement. Any of us who took Judo, wrestling, or jiujitsu knows the standard methods of breaking a fall.
The idea is to use your arms and forearms and tuck up like a baby in the fetal position as we are ejected from our steel horse. If the motorcyclist cannot break their fall like a judo master, they can easily suffer crushed bones and other ailments. Because most motorcycle riders lack proper falling training, they regularly die bones in motorcycle wrecks.
Fallen motorcycle riders commonly suffer bracing injuries, including their hands, fingers, arms, and wrists. Sometimes, the rider’s broken or crushed bone fragments will need wire mesh to hold them together like a spider web while the bones and wire calcify together and heal strong. Sadly, significant injuries to the hands, fingers, arms, and wrists are common riding injuries in Los Angeles.
As previously discussed, medical care and surgical bone resets may be painfully unbearable. Unfortunately, most joint injuries cause victims to become future candidates for arthritis and bursitis. Permanent injuries can include patella-femoral pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and complex regional pain syndrome.
Pain Killer Addiction After A Motorcycle Accident-Bone Fracture Injury?
Another less discussed development is the unwanted addiction to painkillers. Some pain meds cause dry mouth, constipation, sleeping too much, or insufficient sleep. For instance, conditions may include insomnia and even sleepwalking and hallucinations. These medicines can lead to wrongful suicide cases.
No doubt, when you’re seriously injured, you require an expert team of top-notch Los Angeles injury lawyers to help you so you can heal. So, you should hire the best injury lawyers in Los Angeles County.
You should contact the top-notch California personal injury attorneys at Ehline Law Firm. Michael Ehline, Esq., fits that bill. He offers a free, no-obligation consultation at (833) LETS-SUE. You can also fill out our convenient online form today for quick, easy potential attorney-client communications. Michael is available for meetings and depositions in offices throughout California and Greater Los Angeles, to name a few.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Motorcycle Fracture Injury Lawyers in Los Angeles County, CA
You must never delay in seeking legal representation after suffering a motorcycle accident. A motorcycle fracture injury attorney at Ehline Law Firm can help you win compensation. It would help if you never blew the statute of limitations in your case because you can ruin your chances of getting money damages compensation.
We have recovered over $150 Million for clients just like you. If you want a free consultation or legal advice, our compassionate, trustworthy attorneys will listen to you with full attention. If you choose to retain our valiant negligence law offices, our experienced, talented staff will get to work on your case. We are the tip of the spear and will prove it after we win you the maximum compensation under the law!
Don’t forget we have offices in Los Angeles, Torrance, Carlsbad, San Francisco, Riverside, and San Bernardino, CA.