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Welcome to the successful car accident law firm of ehlinelaw.com. Our superior accident lawyer knows you landed on this web page because you probably suffered a severe injury in a car accident involving a teenage driver.
Were You Run off the Road By a Horrible Teen Driver?
- We Can Sue the Negligent Parents and the Teen
Let’s start this conversation with a basic understanding that, in general, distracted driving accidents cause many municipal buses, commercial trucks, private SUVs, and motorcycle wrecks.
Teens wreak havoc on our roads and have likely done so since the Romans perfected a quick, straightforward logistical transportation methodology.
Our Los Angeles distracted driving injury lawyers have witnessed it. Distracted teen drivers present a clear and present danger to everyone driving on or loitering near streets, roads, and highways worldwide, especially in Los Angeles. New teen drivers with learner’s permits will share the roadways with other, more experienced drivers.
Our teen driving accident attorneys specialize in these cases. They are standing by 24/7 to take your important call so we can begin the process of negotiating with insurance companies to secure you an award of maximum compensation right away.
But even when teens drive provisionally, they will still have a lot to learn about good citizenship and expressway navigation tactics. After all, youngsters haven’t become adults, yet they are no longer little kids.
Did your teenager or another loved one suffer serious injuries caused by a young, inexperienced motorist? Our teen car accident attorneys at Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC, will help you seek compensation from the liable party. Accident victims can call us at (213) 596-9642 to learn more today about our expert legal services. You can scroll down to receive your free consultation from auto accident lawyers with a proven, winning track record for winning any car accident case for the biggest monetary amount possible.
Ehline Has Won Industry Accolades As A Top Teen Car Accident Lawyer Firm
Do you have a potential car accident claim in Los Angeles County, CA? Our lead attorney has won industry-wide recognition from peers and clients alike for winning auto accidents. And he is ready to put that experience and winning formula to work for minors and adults. Also, we do so in a wide variety of teen driving incidents. You can call immediately, or you keep reading to learn the ropes. Learn about the unique problems attributed to teen driving calamities.
Distracted Driving Remains The Number One Cause Of U.S. Teen Driving Accidents?
Yes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving (which includes texting while driving) results in over 2,800 fatalities yearly in the United States. Driving your motor vehicle will involve coordination of your hands, eyes, and vision, requiring time-developed muscle memory-based reflexes. If your teen becomes slightly distracted visually, their thoughts and attention can veer from the road, causing a deadly wreck.
Making matters worse, youngsters can be in upheaval, wanting their freedom, yet they still rely on their parent’s security, having little real-life driving experience. Because of this, these young men and women may fail to drive safely, despite taking introductory driver training education courses.
Above all, teens grabbing phones or pressing and turning radio dials while operating a motor vehicle is a terrible idea. Any distractions can cause teen drivers to remove one or both hands off the steering wheel. Let’s look at some more common teen driving distractions.
Top Distractions Our Teen Driver Accident Lawyer Sees Teens Face While Operating Motor Vehicles
The first year teenagers operate a motorized vehicle is when they remain most likely to crash. Most teen driving accidents occur after teens become distracted by friends, the car radio, or CD player, with text messages and mobile cell phone calls among the biggest teen driver distractions.
Below are some Common Distractions Teens, In Particular, Should Avoid if Driving.
More Than Half Of Teen DriversText While Driving?
True. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim more than half of teenagers text while behind the wheel of automobiles. Not all teen car accidents are caused by drivers texting while driving, but statistics show a threat.
It remains likely your kid is a better texter than you. But it’s a trade-off. After all, typically, you can drive better. Of course, this stupid act is just one of many foolish frolics youngsters engage in while operating motor vehicles on the U.S. and Los Angeles roads each year. Do any of you older drivers out there remember the crazy things we did as teens?
Some teenagers do not fully understand how texting and driving distractions can kill. As a result, many teenagers and innocent third parties die or suffer injuries related to teen texting and driving.
What’s Driving So Many Teen Distracted Driving Cases?
What happens when multiple parties are conversing and driving autos? We have an increased risk of deadly cell phone car wrecks on highways, that’s what.
- We distracted driving lawyers have seen a massive increase in teens answering and reading texts, emails, and Snapchats from brain sensory overload.
- Increases in the popularity of “smartphones” have only made matters worse.
- Despite legislation and public education, these accidents are only rising.
Can My Personal Injury Lawyer Sue Someone For Texting The Teen Driver Who Caused My Crash?
Maybe. In one New Jersey teen driving accident claim, text messaging was involved. In that case, the plaintiff lodged their lawsuit against the teenage driver and the land-based girlfriend texting him from a remote location. Plaintiffs argued the female texter knew the teen boy was driving, spurring a debate about whether she was responsible for the decedent’s distraction and wrongful death.
After all, the plaintiff’s attorneys quipped. She knew or should have known the driver was reading the texts instead of watching the road. Plaintiffs’ lawyers are becoming creative when seeking personal injury money damages for clients injured due to teen texting while driving. In the eyes of left-oriented P.I. lawyers, someone else is always responsible for your problems, not YOU.
Excessive Speed
Especially during COVID-19 lockdowns, we have seen an overall decrease in traffic accidents, with an overall increase in speeding-related fatalities. Driving too fast lowers driver accident avoidance response times. Teenagers crash a lot due to excessive road speeds. (Source).
Street Racing
In addition to road rage, terms like “rice rocket,” “drifting,” and “street racing” have become common among younger male drivers in particular. Since males and females are 100% biologically different (higher testosterone levels cause males to take more risks), younger men tend to be more violent and risk-averse. Hence, more males engage in reckless driving than their female counterparts. It’s called “science.” Proving you are a winner and better than the other boys is particularly important.
And if you are trying to win an impressionable young lady’s affection, what better way than winning a road race in your Subaru “ricer?” Almost every motion picture episode, Fast and Furious with Vin Diesel, involved driving fast and winning the girl, right? The statistics show that male drivers remain at far greater risk for speed-related crashes for a reason. But thousands of male and female teens are killed or wounded in annual car accidents, regardless of gender.
Drinking And Driving/Drugs (Legal/Illegal)
Most of us already know It remains illegal in all 50 states for teens to drive cars with any amount of blood alcohol if your teenager suffered injuries caused by driving an automobile while under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or drugs (DWI), parents, in particular, will face many risky challenges.
Sometimes parents are at the risk of paying. For the parent surviving their child’s severe injury or death, the grief, shock, and loss over an intoxicated child driving will be overwhelming. Relationships between friends will be crushed as the parties posture up, making the car accident case more complex. Our superior legal team at Ehline Law Firm will teach you how top teen car accident attorneys deal with teen DUI driver crashes.
Eating Or Consuming Food Or Non-Alcoholic Beverages While Operating A Motorized Vehicle?
Drivers, including teenagers, must refrain from eating or drinking while driving. As soon as you remove one hand from your steering wheel, your risk of crashing your car will increase exponentially. (Read from our distracting eating and driving lawyer here).
Ruckuses And Loud Noises
Teens, in particular, must never loudly play Power 106, for example. Sure, you want other teens to hear you playing Big Boy” in the morning on your booming woofer, with your midrange and tweeters sharply sounding off. But that distraction will block you from hearing warnings of approaching squad cars, other emergency vehicle sirens, trains, and big rig truck horns. If you can’t rely on audio cues, you will have far less accident avoidance time with an approaching vehicle.
Seeking Out And Picking Up Dropped Phones, Wallets, Purses, Objects
When you take your eyes off the road, your vehicle accident risks increase even for a split second. Bending over sideways to pick things up jammed between your seat or floorboards remains a common problem among California teen and adult drivers. You must never pick something up that falls between your car seat or floor while operating a motorized conveyance. It would help if you waited until the vehicle is idle, preferably after pulling into a parking lot, to gather something that fell.
Driving With Young Passengers Generally
New drivers, in particular, must avoid transporting vehicle passengers. Even the California Vehicle Code generally prohibits provisional teen drivers from doing so due to the associated risks. Parents of children also remain at increased risk of crashing while transporting their little ones. Simply put, this remains a distraction, unwise for all cautious drivers.
Playing With Dash/Center Console Knobs/Dials
You already know from the vehicle manufacturers’ warnings that you should not play with your GPS or conduct data entry while driving cars. Stop adjusting your radio, heater, air conditioning, and mirrors if you’re engaged in-vehicle driving.
What Are Some Important Teen Vehicle Crash Statistics?
Sure, teen car drivers pass a test to obtain a license to drive. But driving well takes a lot. A permit and, ultimately, a driver’s license is part of it. Unfortunately, teachers can’t teach kids everything in a class. Sometimes we need to experience things firsthand, like driving a car. The teen will require a lot of hands-on experience to develop those driver skills critical to accident avoidance.
- Teen drivers remain primarily responsible for causing the most traffic deaths of U.S. citizens ages eight to 34.
- The NHTSA statistics show that one distracted driving crash occurs each 12 to 15 minutes, with associated collateral harm causing approximately 2.5 million moderate to severe injuries yearly.
- More than 1/3 of Teen Deaths Are Caused From Teen Driving? Yes, true. Most teens don’t die from drugs, suicide, gangs, or shootings. Teen driver car crashes cause close to 36% of all teenage deaths. (Each year, at least 5,000 teenagers aged 15-19 die in U.S. nationwide car accidents). (See CDC Website). Hence, this age group remains at a higher risk than any other age group for crashing cars.
- Every mile driven by teens 16 to 19-year-olds teens will come with a four times greater risk of crashing when compared to a similarly situated adult driver.
- In the United States, teens make up approximately 10% of the population, yet male and female drivers below age 24 will cause close to 30% of all road accidents.
What Are Some Helpful Driving Tips For New Teenaged Drivers Planning On Operating Motorized Vehicles?
These safe teen driver tips don’t cover everything. Let us know if you can think of more by calling (213) 596-9642.
Tips to help young drivers avoid a crash and drive safer:
- Stay off your cell phones during driving: You must refuse to text and drive or read text messages.
- Avoid bad weather conditions: Your teen should stay off wet roads. Could you not do it?
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel, and don’t take your eyes off the road. It is only a matter of seconds to death.
- Make sure the windshield is clean both during daytime driving and night driving. Reflections from the sun or headlights on a dirty windshield can result in momentary blindness.
- Wear sunglasses during daytime driving to avoid being sun blinded.
- Wear your prescription glasses or contacts. It’s the law!
- Before going on a green light at intersections, make sure it is clear of vehicles before proceeding.
- Come to a complete stop at stop signs and lights before proceeding to ensure it is safe.
- Use turn signals if turning or changing lanes early enough to warn other drivers of the planned maneuver.
- Obey speed limits: Remember that the higher the speed, the less time there will be to react or stop. Your speed rate is one of the most significant factors in teenage driver accidents.
- Respect the other drivers on the road: Don’t drive like you are the only road vehicle.
- Refuse to drive and take drugs: Even if they are over-the-counter medicines, many pharmaceuticals cause drowsiness.
- Don’t drink alcohol and drive: It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if drunk. And it can inhibit proper reaction times. At no time should you ride with anyone who has been drinking. Instead, take a taxi or bus. Maybe call your parents for a ride?
- Fill Er’ Up: Forget about driving with an empty gas tank. If so, you could stall your vehicle in traffic and damage internal mechanical engine/transmission parts. Gas lines and motors can get fouled easily, especially diesel engines.
- Ensure the headrest of the seat is adjusted correctly behind your head. A headrest behind your neck can cause whiplash or severe brain injury if you crash.
- Wear seatbelts: It is the law. Also, it is a way to reduce vehicle collision injuries. (Refuse to allow extra passengers in the vehicle if they exceed the number of seatbelts).
Not Wearing Seatbelts And Foolish Mistakes Teens Make Increasing Car Accident Injury Risks
The sad truth is many teen drivers and teen passengers don’t wear seatbelts, which is foolish for two main reasons:
(1) You cannot collect total damages. (Source.)
Note that the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Veh. Code, § 27315) applies only to persons 16 years or older. (Veh. Code, § 27315(d)(1).). No case law exists that people under 16 have fault for failing to wear a seatbelt.
(2) Occupants who don’t wear restraining devices make injuries worse. What could have been whiplash may now be a ruptured disc. Or it could cause lacerations and head injuries. And getting launched through the vehicle’s windshield happens a lot. Everything becomes worse than it may have been when not wear your seatbelt.
Of course, California law mandates that negligent parties be held accountable. But failing to wear your seatbelt can severely limit the fault party’s legal and financial liability.
Kids Won’t Usually Admit The Car Accident Was Their Fault?
True. Initially, the deponent, especially an adolescent, may be afraid, and possibly his peers could find out what they said, branding your teen as a “snitch.” Or your teen may fear punishment by parents since parental assets may be at risk. Your teen may think saying the wrong thing will cut them off from their family’s love since these kids have never lived alone.
A proven negotiator at Ehline Law Law Firm will help get to the bottom of your accident, finessing when needed and strong arming as necessary. Ehline has the skill to get to the truth of the matter.
What Are Some Common Injuries Related To Teen Car Accidents?
Some commons types of teen driving injuries resulting from a car accident may include:
- Mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- The spinal cord, upper and lower back injuries, including neck injuries, and paralysis (Spine injuries caused by whiplash, for example),
- Hermorhaging/bleeding from internal organ damage (Including severe internal bleeding and brain bleeding),
- Aortic dissection “tearing” is caused by the sudden onset of the powerful chest or back pain after a car crash.
- Broken bones, fractured bones, and crushed skulls,
- Nerve and neurological complications/damages,
- Post-traumatic stress syndrome/disorder, including severe stress and depression.
- Wrongful death. (Read more about what criminal death attorneys say here).
Compensation For Teen Driver Car Accidents
If your teenager suffered injuries related to their car accident, they might have the legal right to pursue compensation for any damages or losses.
How Much Money Can I Get For My Teen Driver Accident-Injuries?
Like you, all accidents are unique. Because of this, there is no valid personal injury compensation calculator. Instead, your lawyers must gather evidence to get you maximum compensation. If your teenager has evidence they suffered injuries or losses caused by negligence, California law gives them the right to seek monetary compensation covering their damages and losses.
You can recover money compensation damages for your:
- Property damage,
- Medical bills/Medical Expenses,
- Lost wages,
- Pain and suffering.
Above are just a few injuries and losses your teenager may receive compensation for related to their car accident.
What Parties May Liable For A Teen Driving Accident?
Supervening, and intervening causes of these wrecks can come into play. These include defective car parts. And they involve roadways in need of repair. The harm the teen driver or other party caused can surpass their insurance coverage, so you may need to seek alternative forms of compensation. In other words, your lawyer must seek out other parties with funds to pay you.
Here are some parties potentially liable for causing, contributing, or collision, making them jointly and severally liable as supervening, intervening defendants:
- Parents or guardians: It could be the case that the teen was on the clock at work for the parent. And the youth could be under the supervision of an instructor. Maybe the parent is in charge? Perhaps that instruction or guidance led to the accident? Our excellent lawyers will leave no stone unturned to find out.
- Road maintenance workers: Sometimes, CalTrans or a city road construction crew may hold some fault for creating or failing to fix a dangerous road condition.
- Vehicle manufacturers/parts makers: Assuming your car was under recall or had a defect causing an accident, you can seek financial recovery from all parties in the chain of commerce.
There are many more potentially liable parties to pay for your teen driving accident damages. Our superior car crash lawyers in Los Angeles will seek to identify every detail of your crash. If we successfully find more liable parties, you may end up pocketing more money. If the evidence shows parents are on the hook, we’ll sue them also.
As we noted previously, other parties may have played a role. Because of this, they will remain jointly and severally liable to you for personal injury payments. We will take affirmative steps to locate all responsible parties as co-defendants, getting you the most money possible.
Alternative Car Insurance Coverage For Teen Driving Accidents?
The teen driver’s bond or insurance coverage may expire in some teenage driving accidents, putting their parent’s assets at risk. In some cases, our Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyers have opened homeowners’ policy claims to cover an amputation, for example. Examples, where your homeowner’s policy may provide insurance payments for your teen-caused driving accident injuries include cases where people are run over on foot (pedestrian accidents). Our severe injury attorneys have had luck opening up commercial policies, and sometimes we will bring in the city, county, or state as government claims defendants.
No matter what, when insurance is involved, the responsible wrongdoer will have trained legal help. Usually, your opponent will have expensive defense attorneys or employ dedicated house counsel. These professional defense lawyers will try and shift blame to someone, anyone other than their clients. Your failure to retain legal counsel means you will probably never receive a complete financial recovery.
Teen Car Crash Lawyer Tips For Protecting Your Personal Injury Claim?
In many motoring collision cases, teenagers lack the life skills to understand what steps to take following a severe car accident. Sometimes, scared teens may think they are guilty, admit fault, and begin apologizing, even when the wreck wasn’t their fault. Could you not do it? Teach your teen driver to build their claim in advance.
Tell your teen driver to:
- Never admit anything to anyone
- Exchange proof of insurance and valid driver’s license/registration
- Gather witness names, addresses, and phone contact information
- Call 911 (You need to get emergency help after an accident)
- Call an ambulance: Receive a medical evaluation by taking an ambulance to the hospital. This will ensure that their health receives proper assessment and treatment and provides a basis for a personal injury claim to be founded and established legally
- Snap pictures: Use your smartphone to photograph vehicles, body damage, and debris fields at accident sites
- Never sign an insurance company’s general release: You must recognize that any insurance company payment draft you deposit can block you from seeking additional car accident compensation later. For example, what if your back injury turns out to be a disc burst fracture later? Too bad you signed a general release of all claims and deposited the settlement check. Game over should your condition worsen later
- Journal and document things: Accident victims must keep complete documentation of their injuries, including medical bills for their physical and psychological suffering. It would help if you provide work-related losses and time parents take time from work to help their teenager make a doctor’s appointment or continue receiving therapy sessions. You must keep pictures and copies of vehicle property damage repair and replacement bills. It would be best if you also documented your daily pain and suffering. These day-in-the-life videos/reports will help your lawyer prove your motoring accident losses.
How Can A Teen Car Accident Lawyer Help Parents And Their Teens?
Your family will feel overwhelmed after your teenager suffers serious injuries from a car accident. Parents will be very stressed, and their kids will be scared, facing higher insurance rates or suspension of their driving privileges.
Suppose your teenager suffered any damages or loss in an auto accident. In that case, you could learn how our teen car accident lawyer at Ehline Law Firm will help ensure your valuable legal rights remain in place. At the same time, we pursue monetary damages compensation on your and your loved one’s behalf.
It would help if you refused to waste your valuable time. We will give you a free, private consultation right over the phone. With Ehline Law at your side helping, things can only get better. Would you like to receive your free case review today? Greater Los Angeles accident victims should call our experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at (213) 596-9642 and let us help win your case.
New Legal Theories – Suing Teens For Texting And Driving Near You Civilly
All the humor aside, teens, texting, and driving are a problem at a national level. Increases in the popularity of “smartphones” have only made matters worse. So then we are facing multiple parties conversing and driving. But we also see a massive increase in teens answering and reading texts, emails, and Snapchats. All this time, these youngsters are operating motor vehicles. So we have an increased risk of deadly cell phone car wrecks on highways. And despite legislation and public education, these accidents are only rising.
New Theory Of Liability For Teen Driving Crashes?
Text messaging was involved in one New Jersey teen driving accident, causing the plaintiff to file a lawsuit against the teenage driver. But here, the plaintiff sued the land-based girlfriend for texting from a remote location, arguing the female texter knew the teen boy was driving, spurring a debate about whether she was responsible for the decedent’s distraction. We also see plaintiffs suing the person sending the text message since they knew or should have known the driver was reading the texts instead of watching the road. This example remains one of many in how plaintiffs’ lawyers are becoming creative, getting the most leverage when seeking personal injury money damages for their injured clients.
Teen Vehicle Crash Statistics
- These accidents are the primary cause of death for U.S. citizens eight to 34 years old.
- The NHTSA says one distracted driving end happens every 12 to 15 minutes, with related collateral damage injuring at least 2.5 million people yearly.
- Vehicle crashes remain the leading cause of death in the U.S. for teens, with car crashes causing close to 36% of all teen deaths.
- Each year at least 5,000 teenagers aged 15-19 die (See CDC Website), placing this age group at a higher risk than any other age group of drivers.
- For each mile driven, teens between 16 to 19 are four times more likely to crash.
- In the United States, teens equal about 10% of the population, yet male and female drivers below age 24 will cause close to 30% of all road accidents.
Common Distractions that Teens, In Particular, Should Avoid if Driving:
- Drivers, including teenagers, should avoid eating and driving. Only one hand is on the steering wheel. So it is dangerous.
- Don’t play the radio loud. That creates a distraction and blocks hearing warnings. So now, you cannot detect vehicle horns or sirens from emergency vehicles.
- Stay off cell phones if driving. Turn the phone off until you reach your destination.
- Refuse to text and drive or read text messages.
- Don’t pick something up that falls on the seat or floor if driving. Wait until the vehicle is idle.
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel, and don’t take your eyes off the road.
- New drivers should avoid transporting vehicle passengers. Since this may cause a distraction, it is unwise.
- Stop adjusting the radio, heater, air conditioning, and mirrors if driving.
Supervening and intervening causes of these wrecks can come into play. These include defective car parts. And they involve roadways in need of repair. But I fail to perceive these threats or take evasive action in negligence. For example, teen drivers can lose control and hit a power pole or a tree after skidding on-road debris. But this is something an experienced driver would avoid. Many teen distraction cases see vehicles colliding with animals and pedestrians.
What Are Some Helpful Driving Tips For Teenagers Planning On Operating Motorized Vehicles?
The first year a teenager drives a car is when they are likely to be in a crash.
And here are some tips to help young drivers avoid a crash and drive safer:
- Drivers and passengers should always wear seatbelts: It is the law. Also, it is a way to reduce injuries in a collision.
- Refuse to allow extra passengers in the vehicle if they exceed the number of seatbelts.
- Make sure the windshield is clean both during daytime driving and night driving. Reflections from the sun or headlights on a dirty windshield can result in momentary blindness.
- While driving, wear sunglasses during the daytime to avoid being blinded by the sun.
- Wear your prescription glasses or contacts.
- Before going on a green light at intersections, make sure it is clear of vehicles before proceeding.
- Come to a complete stop at stop signs and lights before proceeding to ensure it is safe.
- Use turn signals if turning or changing lanes early enough to warn other drivers of the planned maneuver.
- Obey speed limits: Remember that the higher the speed, the less time there will be to react or stop. Your speed rate is one of the most significant factors in teenage driver accidents.
- Respect the other drivers on the road: Don’t drive like you are the only vehicle on the road.
- Refuse to drive and take drugs: Even if they are over-the-counter medicines, many pharmaceuticals cause drowsiness.
- Don’t drink alcohol and drive: It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if drinking. And it can inhibit proper reaction time. At no time should you ride with anyone who has been drinking? Instead, take a taxi or bus. Maybe call your parents for a ride?
- Forget about driving with an empty gas tank: If so, it could stall in traffic and damage parts. Gas lines and motors can get fouled.
- Ensure the seat’s headrest is adjusted correctly behind your head: A headrest behind your neck can cause whiplash if you crash.
- Keep your eyes off of the roadway: It is only a matter of seconds to death. This lessened time to react is due to shortened stopping distance from speed.
Foolish Mistakes Teens Make That Increase Risks Of Injury Post Car Accident
The sad truth is many teenage drivers and occupants don’t wear seatbelts, which is silly for two main reasons:
(1) You cannot collect total damages. (Source.)
Note that the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Veh. Code, § 27315) applies only to persons 16 years or older. (Veh. Code, § 27315(d)(1).). No case law exists that people under 16 have fault for failing to wear a seatbelt.
(2) Occupants who don’t wear restraining devices make injuries worse. What could have been whiplash may now be a ruptured disc. Or it could cause lacerations and head injuries. And getting launched through the windshield happens a lot. Everything becomes worse than it may have been.
Of course, the law mandates that negligent parties be held accountable. But failing to wear a seatbelt can severely limit their legal and financial liability.
Kids Won’t Usually Admit The Car Accident Was Their Fault?
True. Your teen may think saying the wrong thing will cut them off from their family’s love since these kids have never lived alone. No matter what, if insurance is involved, the other side will have trained help. Usually, your opponent will have expensive defense attorneys or employ dedicated house counsel. These professional lawyers will try and shift blame to someone, anyone other than their clients. Not having your attorney means you will probably never receive a complete financial recovery.
What Other Parties May Liable For A Teen Driving Accident?
The harm caused can surpass the insurance coverage. In some cases, we file a claim against the parents or guardians. It could be the case that the teen was on the clock at work for the parent. And the youth could be under the supervision of an instructor. Maybe the parent is in charge? Perhaps that instruction or guidance led to the accident? Our excellent lawyers will leave no stone unturned.
Schedule a Free Case Review With Teen Driver Car Accident Attorneys Right Away
We will give you a free, private consultation right over the phone, along with a bit of hope in facing the adverse changes in your life. With Ehline Law at your side helping, thongs can only get better. Greater Los Angeles accident victims, including parents of injured teen passengers or those who suffered traffic fatalities, should call our experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at this phone number (213) 596-9642. After that, let us help win your case using our proven track record and secret formula of success.
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