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Consumer Resources for Los Angeles Proper:
Do you want to file a claim with an insurance company for a Los Angeles County car accident that was not your fault? Maybe you want to hire a car accident lawyer but are unsure how to proceed with a bodily injury or property damage claim. Welcome to our car crash resources and links page. I am top rated Los Angeles injury attorney, Michael Ehline. I am here to talk with you and supply you with helpful secrets typically only shared within the injury law profession. Personal injury motor vehicle accidents are a common occurrence in Los Angeles County.
But you may want to avoid traffic or a car accident altogether and don’t know what apps or website best discusses all these information items in Southern California after a road trip from Fresno, which led to an accident in Los Angeles, for example.
Here, our best car accident lawyer in Los Angeles will provide you with what our law firm thinks are the top car accident resources for L.A. County motorists. We think these can help you before or after a car accident when dealing with insurance companies as well as your pain and suffering. Please browse around our resources and tell us what you think before asking about filing a personal injury lawsuit.
Pre-Car Accident Apps and Websites:
Below are some of the best apps and websites dealing with traffic accident avoidance so you can avoid dealing with insurance companies altogether.
- L.A. City Traffic Reports: This amazing website by the City of L.A. covers traffic in major LA cities, so many people can hopefully avoid traffic, associated fender benders, and expensive medical bills. We rate this as a beneficial source of information for you and your family.
- NAVBUG is a website that offers: “Traffic and Accident Reports in Los Angeles, California, and road condition live updates from the news and police records.”
- C.H.P. Traffic Incident Information Page: Provides real-time updates of traffic conditions, wrecks, and SIGALERTS on the freeways, highways, and other roadways like Fast Track under the jurisdiction of the California Highway Patrol both in and out of Greater Los Angeles County, CA, and various types of car accidents and pedestrian accidents.
Post Car Accident Information:
The reported facts show that in the U.S., at least one human passes away from some wrongful death injury every 3 minutes after being involved in a car accident. Deaths from people injured in a car accident claim the lives of many victims each year. But when the injuries are not fatal, there are financial consequences to society as a whole, especially if the victim doesn’t have health insurance. For this reason, we offer a free consultation to discuss your auto accident before contacting your insurance carrier, ruining your chances at full and fair financial recovery for all traffic accidents.
An auto accident can impact everyone around you when you are a victim. For example, think about the costs involved in the treatment of personal injuries alone. No matter what, trauma care from a bad wreck can pose enormous burdens on our hospital emergency departments (E.D.s), not to mention the hoops you must jump through to file a lawsuit.
No matter what, preventing traffic injuries caused by human error on surface streets, highways, bi-ways, sidewalks, and freeways should be ideal for keeping you, or you’re close loved one safe. However, people and machines can fail in many ways. So vehicle collisions and other car accident cases still occur daily, and mostly without warning to you or your family members. But our car accident lawyers can help build your insurance claim and fight the insurance industry in general.
Until our entire society takes steps to prevent auto accidents, it is up to you to mitigate your losses from automotive wrecks. The goal should be to enhance your life as much as possible after the calamity of a bad crash.
The main consequences of bad crashes remain disability, death, and loss of livelihood—the more severe the possible injury, the fewer the chances of a full recovery. Limiting suffering means getting immediate care to the survivors.
Reintegration into society means a lower burden to taxpayers and family member care providers. So our best car accident attorney, Michael Ehline, has provided some great resources dealing with pre-hospital, hospital, and rehabilitation if you were involved in a bad car crash or pedestrian accident with the right of way in Los Angeles County, CA.
- Delivering post-crash care – World Health Organization. https://who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_traffic/activities/roadsafety_training_manual_unit_5.pdf: A critical factor in a crash involves the qualities of those who first arrive or who are already at the collision scene. So this great paper covers, among other things, first responder duties and obligations, traumatic care, organizing help, and setting up evacuation perimeters at the crash scene. Also, you will see how to streamline getting helpers to the scene t. Also discussed are the fastest ways to take the person hurt to the best local hospitals as well.
- What to Do After a Car Accident: Although we dislike most insurance carriers as a source of reliable information, we think State Farm Insurance hit a home run with their auto liability insurance “to-do” list. Here you will learn how to nip the insurance process in the bud. Webpage covers setting up and processing a claim. The cool part about this site is that it isn’t just for their insured crash victims. Nope, this free access page can help you or anyone interested in getting dents, and scratches, and even obtaining a rental car with no charges.
In closing, Los Angeles County and City are not the only ones responsible for safety on the roadways. Our society as a whole must be ready to prevent road traffic injuries.
Beyond that goal, post-accident personal injury mitigation is shown to enhance those injured person’s quality of life.
Additional Citations, Statistical Journals, and Educational Materials:
- Emergency Department Visits Associated with Motor Vehicle Accidents, 2006, Statistical Brief #84 Lan Zhao, Ph.D., Jennifer Lucado, M.P.H., and Carol Stocks, RN, MHSA. Published: January 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53598/: This journal offers data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Hence, it covers characteristics of emergency department (E.D.) visits resulting from M.V.A.s in 2006. Also covered here are patient characteristics. Things like age, sex, and residence are compared between MVA-related and non-MVA-related visits. Last, there is a handy comparison of patient discharge locations, hospital characteristics, and how the insurance and non-insurance payments are covered for both.
- Causes of Injuries Treated in the Emergency Department, 2010, Andrés Villaveces, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., Ryan Mutter, Ph.D., Pamela L. Owens, Ph.D., and Marguerite L. Barrett, M.S. by A Villaveces.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Published in 2013. https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb156.pdf.
Above, we provided just a few resources to help you get back on your feet or prevent car accidents. It would be best to remember that a roadway defect can lead to single-vehicle accidents. Because of this, you must retain the services of a personal injury lawyer who understands how to preserve the general six-month government claims statute of limitations.
Forming an attorney-client relationship with our talented legal team gives accident victims involved in a car accident a leg up on the insurance company and other at-fault parties.
Our best personal injury attorney can be reached at (213) 596-9642 to discuss these resources or give you an idea about the potential value of your Los Angeles car accident case, whether it’s a fender bender or hit and run. No matter what, we take all cases on a contingency fee and charge nothing for a free consultation after auto accidents. Please enter your contact information or call us to learn more about our ultimate car accident resources before speaking with insurance adjusters about your critical car accident case. We are available 24/7, so don’t delay! Hablamos Español.