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Congratulations. You just landed on the Ultimate Guide to Compensation for a Government Claim in L.A. County.
Do I Need A Los Angeles Government Claims Attorney To Sue the City, County, or State Government Agency?
Quick Answer: It’s not required, but hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is smart if you get hurt or experience property damage from poor roads or other government negligence. You may be owed financial compensation from the City of Los Angeles or another government agency. But your claim must be filed appropriately and on time.
The difference is that hiring an experienced attorney can ensure the incident is filed correctly and managed, translating into more money in your pocket upon a successful conclusion.
About Our Superior Legal Services in Los Angeles County, CA
Do you have questions and need information about your personal injury claims under the California Government Code or some other law?
I am Los Angeles tort claims act attorney Michael Ehline. As lead counsel for Ehline Law Firm, I have been helping clients on a case-by-case basis since 2005.
I have vast expertise and skill in suing government agencies and their agents for negligence and violations of people’s fundamental rights on and off public property. I specialize in overseeing the government liability claim process and have handled these injury and death cases for almost two decades.
I can help injured victims of an accident understand their complete rights. I can also help them through the damage recovery and physical healing process. I support and pursue justice for clients dealing with government liability claims. And this is what our law firm does every single day by request.
We offer these superior legal services for people who suffered injuries caused by the negligence of another person or government employee. We put them on notice, make them aware we won’t give up, and doggedly fight to make them pay you everything you are entitled to under California and federal law!
Proven Record of success?
The result you get in your government liability or public property injury claim will be directly related to the experience of the lawyer you hire to take action on your behalf.
My law firm has handled thousands of injury claims and has won millions of dollars from:
- Negligent government building managers
- City workers in motor vehicle accidents
- Corrupt government agencies and officials.
Although our personal injury lawyers have won many cases against the California Department of Motor Vehicle, and CalTrans, motor vehicle accidents are not the only government liability cases we handle against public entities, not even by a long shot. And our personal injury attorneys can also help any government employee make a claim when they are facing injustice in a work comp or employment law case. You may even have an accident case against a negligent vehicle manufacturer outside the work comp framework in California, for example. Are you an injured government employee? Our lawyers can assist you 24/7 with any injuries, even if other accident lawyers reject them.
Don’t Mess Up Your Rights to Full Compensation
Don’t file a claim until you understand the California Government Code better. You must know the basics of how the compensation recovery process works. Call our proven personal injury attorneys to receive a free consultation with a charismatic, listening injury lawyer at (213) 596-9642.
The Tradition of Winning Government Liability Cases
In 2017 alone, the City of Los Angeles paid over $19 million in personal injury and property damage claims to lawyers and unrepresented parties. State government defendants our consumer attorneys have successfully sued, include the police (excessive force claims), sexually depraved school teachers (negligent school districts), and Child Protective Services (C.P.S.) employees. I have also won defective traffic signal phasing auto accidents against the City of Los Angeles.
My team of talented, focused personal injury attorneys has brought successful money damages claims against these public entities and others under the California Tort Claims Act. Our aggressive injury lawyers have also brought cases under the federal rules in Southern California and throughout the state using these same standards.
I wrote this page with my best lawyers to help injury understand their legal rights, options, and obligations, like the time limits under the California Tort Claims Act and Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). I have successfully used both legislative enactments against California, including Los Angeles City and County, and the federal government. I am an experienced attorney. I have correctly filed hundreds of government claims for injuries and helped thousands of victims obtain recovery after government negligence.
Get a Free Case Evaluation 24/7 From Top Lawyers
So how does a person with injuries file a claim and sue Long Beach, Torrance, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA, or another California-based government entity for personal injury claims and other damages? What is the best way to obtain a full and fair financial recovery from a governmental entity after an accident?
You can keep reading or call our consumer attorneys today for a free consultation and put our proven track record to work for you. Call our phone number at (213) 596-9642. Victims can discuss making a Los Angeles, California, claim over their medical bills and suffering 24/7.
First of all, if you seek to sue a government agency (like the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, or a city), you must:
- File a written personal injury claim, lodging your written claim documentation with the official government entity at the designated agency’s office. Some authorized agencies require lodging the plaintiff’s official claim papers with local City Clerks or another public servant at some specific physical location.
- Moreover, some cities will require parties seeking damages to use the agency’s specific claim forms or have their matter thrown out based on some absurd technicality.
- Complaining victims must look at the local rules, including online and municipal codes, and learn how to sue a government employee or public entity for injuries received on government property, including personal property destruction or theft. Telephoning the agency in question may help you discover your rights and obligations. Still, with limited exceptions, you can never ensure your claim will be proper without legal representation.
- Even when you follow the Draconian rules of the governmental entity, your claim will be denied within six months by their standard public agency “letter to sue.” (also called a “denial.”) Sometimes your damages claim won’t even be officially rejected by the public entity. But that does not prevent you from sleeping on your personal injury lawsuit rights to seek a fair recovery claim against these government entities on time. Sure, you have to file a financial recovery claim, but you can’t just sit on your hands after the government claim is filed.
Filing Summary: As a plaintiff, you must make sure it’s the right government claim form and filed with the correct government entity with government liability, all within six months, unless an exception applies under the California Government Code or federally, etc.! (In most cases, our experienced trial lawyers can handle the claim and settlement negotiation process on your behalf, depending on the circumstances.)
T.I.P.: Statute of Limitations: The statute of limitations inhibits most suits against public servants unless your official claim form was filed within six months from your injury or loved one’s death date. After it’s submitted, accepted, or rejected, you still won’t be afforded the standard two-year statute of limitations customarily granted for personal injuries claimed in California against the responsible party.
Most people find Litigation almost normal when pursuing a negligent wrongdoing case against a bureau or other government agency.
But our attorneys are familiar with the local court structure and government agencies. And we stand ready to fight for your rights in such matters.
Skilled Lawyers Can Help Injured Victims Fight The Power?
Yes, this is true. Sometimes your only tool for receiving justice from the state will be a responsible, aggressive, skilled lawyer. After all, facing a severe accident or injury is hard enough, even with help from a decent lawyer. The experienced injury attorneys at the Ehline Law Firm have received above-average training against government agencies, standing ready to help people with their government claims during this challenging time.
We have experience with tort claims against metro defendants, ranging from potholes damaging car suspensions, causing automotive chain collisions, and scumbag police harming or killing the citizenry. We can go to work immediately on your behalf.
And the same goes for bad lighting or inadequate warning signage. And lawyers can discover other factors that could have caused an injury. L.A. City has its form here, as does the County for making a grievance. And this is just how you start the govt claims process.
The proof is in the pudding. We have a proven track record of winning and have won over $150 Million for clients. Are you a potential claimant? If claims must be filed, it makes sense to form an attorney-client relationship with our superior law firm immediately for that express purpose.
We will investigate and diligently pursue justice on your behalf, come hell or high water, seeking the identity of any deep pockets with money to cover the risk and failure to keep you safe.
Tort Claims Act Specialist
Personal injury cases frequently involve a reckless or negligent party working for some out-of-municipal control agency, like bad cops or a scumbag government bureaucrat living off the taxpayer, Soviet Style. In these cases, the city, County, or state is sovereign, usually immune from lawsuits unless an exception applies.
But if your case involves civil rights or a related issue, you can still sue an agency beyond six months using Title 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. And no one has our knowledge of the law and civil rights violations. Our superior attorneys will take steps to preserve your rights anytime a rogue agency or agent thinks they are above the law.
What Is A Government Tort Claim?
If California or L.A.’s agents were negligent, harming you or a loved one, these agencies and scofflaws under their employment would remain immune from suits unless your politicians passed a tort claims law allowing you to sue them. Otherwise, the state is sovereign, letting the government step all over you. And suing your servants is no task for novices.
Before you can file your lawsuit in your local Superior Court, you must gather evidence, identify liable parties, and do everything else right, including working within unforgiving time and claims service restrictions for your lawsuit. No matter what, the skilled attorneys at Ehline Law Firm can work through this myriad of public servant-created roadblocks, fighting all along for your decisive victory against the deep state.
Why Must You Retain A Government Claims Attorney?
Need a savvy; specialized tort claims act attorney? If so, Ehline Law stands ready to provide its legal team and be your double ace. Our fierce reputation was built year by year, fighting and winning for clients, scoring kills, and winning hundreds of cases across California and the United States.
We can take on the city of L.A., or state agencies, suing them if they violate your civil rights or harm citizens injured using poorly maintained public property.
Choose wisely. These are the times that holding the government to account is crucial to your welfare. Our highly recognized, top-notch civil lawyers will work within or around the statute of limitations, and we have won critical cases for our clients in the most precarious cases and make sure defendants are held liable.
Contact Tort Claims Act Lawyers In Los Angeles Today
We consider consumers our friends and our trusted partners. Let us ensure Big Brother accepts your claim rather than rejecting your concern based on technicalities like timeliness. We don’t win a penny unless you do.
Please consult with us so you don’t blow any statutes or simply want to hire the best tort claims act lawyer in Los Angeles County, CA, for maximum results.
Victims can now schedule a call with our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at (213) 596-9642. Alternatively, they can use our convenient website contact form to tell us about their potential government liability case by email.