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Are you a church bus accident victim, torn between being a good Samaritan or obtaining compensation for negligently obtained personal injuries?
Praising God Doesn’t Mean Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook
For those involved in the church, sometimes we enjoy going on religious retreats and getaways to fast (biblical starvation diet), worship the Lord our God, spend time with our colleagues and families, and praise the right to life.
But sometimes, people charter private or even church-owned buses and end up in a catastrophic Los Angeles bus accident. Some vehicle owners fail to inspect, maintain, or update the brakes and drive trains and hide behind the bible as an excuse to be evil. Other times, hydraulics and electrical problems arise due to neglect.
Many incidents remain possible when a bus stays in disrepair, leading to conditions like burn injuries, broken bones, or even a wrongful death claim. When this happens, worshipers may soon find their way onto a hospital gurney and into surgery. Crashing buses can cause mass fatalities, and these bus accidents are typically all but ignored by the press.
Bad injuries to bus passengers riding inside flipped or careening buses are ordinary. Also, documented cases exist of people running over and hurt outside buses.
Without talented Los Angeles bus accident lawyers by your side who also respect your religion, you’ll surely be up the creek without a paddle.
Let a World Famous Church Bus Crash Attorney Help You
Ehline Law Firm is a world-renowned personal injury attorney law firm. Our lead counsel has vast skills and experience in all types of Los Angeles bus accidents. Our staff and agents are experts in investigating, prosecuting, and running congregation injury claims from religious getaways.
Even though the church and pastor may be honest, often, their drivers hire commercial transports. Most of all, the insurance adjusters don’t have those same sentiments. Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC in Los Angeles, knows how to act as a velvet hammer, treating the church with respect, yet holding them accountable for damages and remuneration, ensuring that you and the other hurt passengers are not left footing their bills.
The adjusters don’t care about you. And when it is not your fault, you reasonably expect to be adequately treated. Also, under California law, it remains the duty of a common carrier for hire to give SPECIAL CARE. Lawyers can help you get money for lost wages after a brain injury from the negligent bus company (Greyhound Bus, etc.) without even suing your pastor.
You can’t let your family starve when it was no fault of yours. Our million-dollar advocates, the top personal injury attorneys in the world, patiently await your important phone call and are standing by now!
Traveling on a Religious Transport Bus? Learn Your Rights
Churches are great places to worship the Lord Jesus Christ; sometimes, churches organize retreats and seminars for their church bodies. Some churches may even provide transportation, such as a bus or a ten or 15-passenger van.
These vans and buses may also pick up and drop off elderly congregants of the particular religious institution. But you may need a church bus personal injury lawyer when you are hurt in a crash. For example, sometimes, the church will farm out the transportation to non-church members or delegate the responsibility of driving to a non-qualified church member.
More and more bus collisions relating to churches occur each year. The bus may often have a broken air conditioner, no seat belts, and even bad brakes and under-trained bus drivers. In the Southern California heat, especially in areas like San Bernardino County and Riverside, this can lead to heatstroke, unlike in Texas, where those illegal immigrants died in a tractor-trailer truck.
So deaths from Greater Los Angeles church bus accidents such as heat stroke or a crash are a real possibility. In any event, these remain delicate issues for a congregant who is a negligent church member and wants to be a good Christian.
How Else Can a Church Bus Collision Happen?
There are many ways these accidents can occur. As noted above, a poorly trained driver remains the primary cause of bus wrecks. But like a casino tour bus accident, a church bus accident could also be due to a third party. For example, a contractor may have negligently maintained the brakes, the tires, or the lights.
If the driver’s poor vision in rainy weather was a cause, faultily maintained windshield wipers could be the culprit. So it takes a well-honed lawyer to figure all this out and find those liable to pay. Ehline Law Firm is a highly experienced church bus accident attorney who can nail down the facts and law and explain everything to the insurance company.
He has assisted many consumers in Metro Bus, Metrolink, and tour bus accidents. Plus, he has many years of experience, first as a paralegal and now he does so as a personal injury attorney.
Ehline Offers Solution to Bus Accident Problems
If you or anyone you know suffered a wrongful death, spinal cord injury, or brain injury from a church collision or accident, you will understand the problems. Also, you will want a solution to this delicate matter. Hire an attorney who was a U.S. Marine.
Ehline understands real America, not the elite America most trial lawyers seem to desire. Michael Ehline wants to help you with your church bus crash case.
The NHTSA Says Churches Use 15 Passenger Vans
The NHTSA has cautioned church groups using 15-passenger vans and provided the following public information as follows: NHTSA said that it is directing this advisory to religious groups, other non-profit organizations, and colleges that may be keeping older 15-passenger vans in service longer than usual because of tight transportation budgets.
Pre-primary, primary, and secondary schools should not use 15-passenger vans for transporting students, as they do not provide the same level of safety as school buses. It is also against federal law for schools to buy new 15-passenger vans for school transportation.
Here are some safety tips for anyone planning a church trip in 15-passenger vans:
- If you are an owner, make sure the vehicle is maintained correctly.
- Owners should ensure drivers are fully trained and experienced in operating a 15-passenger van and are appropriately licensed.
- 15-passenger vans are very sensitive to loading and should not be overloaded. Agency research shows overloading increases rollover risk and makes the vehicle more unstable in any handling maneuvers.
- Owners should ensure that appropriately sized tires are being used on their vehicles.
- Before every trip, drivers should check the tires for proper inflation and make sure there are no signs of wear. Correct tire size and inflation pressure information can be found in the owner’s manual.
- If you are a passenger, buckle up for every trip. Additional information on 15-passenger van safety can be found here.
Most buses, like tour buses, are usually not equipped with seatbelts. At least one California case says it’s a jury issue as to whether or not buses, like tour buses, should be fitted with seatbelts. “. . . therefore, the question of negligence and proximate causation for failure to equip the vehicle with seatbelts is a triable issue of fact for the jury.” (Greyhound Lines, Inc. v. Super. Ct. (Chisefski) (1970) 3 Cal. App.3d 356, 359-360.).
Make Sure You Hire a Lawyer
Failing to wear a seatbelt can spell disaster for a bus passenger. For example, an impact can jostle and throw passengers out of their seats as they thrash about violently. Of course, luggage and objects like laptops may be flying around too. So people can get impaled by items during the jostle or need to retain a burn injury lawyer.
Also, if the bus rolled down a hill or over, the people would be stuck. Their bodies fly around the cabin. Videos on Youtube show some passengers flying around like rag dolls in bus collisions.
A passenger could get thrown out of a breakaway window and ejected onto the pavement at high speed. These are called ejections and partial ejections.
A church bus accident attorney in Los Angeles can help evaluate your case and assist you in negotiating a full and fair settlement with the church bus insurance company. Our severe injury lawyer can take the at-fault party to court for you or a loved one.
Bus accident victims face a long road to recovery, including painful medical treatments after such an event. They must also figure out how they will be able to support themselves and their family members.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Caring and Sophisticated Church Bus Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles
Our professional Los Angeles church bus accident attorneys are ready to represent your legitimate interests pugnaciously. If we fail to reach a fair settlement through intensive negotiations, we are entirely geared to take your case to the federal or state superior court. At Ehline Law, our chief concern is fighting to help you receive a total and fair compensation award. This is what you deserve. Call (213) 596-9642 for a FREE CASE REVIEW with one of our veteran Los Angeles church bus accident attorneys today!