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Road Signs to Bodily Injury-Related Suicide


Road Signs to Bodily Injury-Related Suicide

Road Signs to Suicide | Self-Slaughter Prevention

Suicide Symptom Spotting

Road Signs to Bodily Injury-Related Suicide

Suicide prevention does not get nearly enough attention. You must spot your loved one’s suicide symptoms quickly, or you will be denied the ability to intervene and help them out emotionally. Our friends and loved ones may be contemplating suicide or have already attempted to end their lives. Meanwhile, we’re in the dark. We miss the signs because we do not know common predictors and indicators. The more we understand, the more we can help the people around us.

But setting an example of calmness and happiness is vital when interacting with someone who may have lost a job after a car crash, for example. Or there could be personality changes that have awakened different types of suppressed memories. These new cognitive experiences could even lead to a stroke and loss of critical bodily functions.

Who Is At Higher Risk Of Suicide?

Statistically speaking, some people are at higher risk of suicide attempts, although these attempts affect many demographics. While upbringing and a positive mental attitude are vital to staying alive, other factors can come into play. Below, our expert, authoritative Los Angeles injury lawyer, Michael Ehline, will go into the keys to keeping friends happy and family alive. Just as great lawyers must inspire confidence and trust in their clients at the outset, you, too, must set the example for a patient in need of guidance.

Here’s a rundown of people in these higher-risk groups:

  • Have a diagnosis such as borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, or a mood disorder.
  • Or they are related to people who are suicidal or who have committed suicide. Are older (the older the person, the more likely the chances of “successful” suicide, except for ages 15-24)
  • Fall into the 15-24 age bracket.
  • Are you grieving the loss of a loved one?
  • Are under excessive stress.
  • Are impulsive.
  • Live alone.
  • Are unemployed.
  • Are you seriously or chronically ill?
  • Were recently released from the hospital
  • Caucasians are more likely to kill themselves, and Protestants tend to be more successful with their suicide attempts than Catholics and Jewish people.
  • Women make more suicide attempts, but men succeed more often.

People try to kill themselves even if they do not meet the criteria above. However, you may want to pay extra attention to friends and loved ones who fit somewhere on the list.

What Are The Major Warning Signs Of Suicide?

Certain telltale behaviors are significant indicators of suicidal thoughts.

Let’s look at them:

  • An actual suicide plan
  • Directly warning of suicide
  • Giving away cherished possessions
  • Statements such as, “The world would be better off without me.”
  • Sudden well-being Intoxication
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression.

It is usual for people contemplating suicide to experience contradictory thoughts. These thoughts may be both life-preserving and self-destructive. If a loved one is suddenly upbeat and giving away possessions after being depressed for a long time, these are signs of an imminent suicide attempt. Even when things are happy and easygoing, use your sixth sense when you are getting mixed signals. Look out for happy drunk texting and less than satisfying hangover texting. Check on your loved one as soon as possible, and open the lines of communication. Always be prepared to be a giver of positive, happy thoughts and be a good listener.

What Can You Do?

If someone you know is considering suicide, your goal is to get them the help they need.

In the meantime:

  • Focus on getting the person through the immediate crisis at hand.
  • Minimize the person’s isolation by mobilizing their interpersonal network. (or a system of some kind if they do not have one).
  • Emphasize to the person that you care about them.
  • Highlight the person’s strengths.
  • Validate the person’s feelings and problems, and acknowledge their wish to die.
  • Discuss the issues that created the crisis and future prevention.
  • Give realistic hope that these current problems can be solved (and prevented in the future).
  • It may help set out a “verbal” contract, which many professionals use. They ask that clients call them before attempting suicide, and you can do something similar.
  • Mandate that your loved one gets in touch with you.
  • Strongly encourage your loved one to seek professional help.

Hopefully, they will learn coping skills for the issues that made them consider suicide and develop solutions. Professionals can also help diagnose or treat contemporary topics such as substance abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, or depression. If you need a local car accident lawyer after your injuries and loss of work from the stress that made you suicidal, use our online form or call us at (213) 596-9642. A local civil attorney near you can discuss the types of treatments and damages available to help cover psychological treatment costs. Major publications acknowledge Ehline Law as a featured brain injury expert.

We have also earned millions of dollars for patients who became our clients. A happy experience with a caring, compassionate lawyer can undoubtedly get you on a path to healing. Because of this, our listening and loving lawyers are standing by, waiting for your important call. Let’s turn this around. Ehline can help give you the positive results you seek in a local attorney. Most of all, our aid can help to provide you with a long, lasting life.

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633 W 5th Street #2890 Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 596-9642.
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Michael Ehline

Michael Ehline is an inactive U.S. Marine and world-famous legal historian. Michael helped draft the Cruise Ship Safety Act and has won some of U.S. history’s largest motorcycle accident settlements. Together with his legal team, Michael and the Ehline Law Firm collect damages on behalf of clients. We pride ourselves on being available to answer your most pressing and difficult questions 24/7. We are proud sponsors of the Paul Ehline Memorial Motorcycle Ride and a Service Disabled Veteran Operated Business. (SDVOB.) We are ready to fight.
