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Welcome to Ehline Law’s Ultimate Guide to Understanding California Minor’s Compromise Procedures. Below, our tier-one injury attorney, Michael Ehline, tells you everything you need to be new as a practitioner or a movant.
Wrapping Up a Case Involving a Minor Child
While a minor may be involved in a personal injury settlement, it’s not handled traditionally. Instead, special rules under the State Legislature apply. It’s not hard to see how there may be concerns about a settlement agreement, including a minor child. Therefore, the minor’s compromise can afford some level of protection.
Family members, attorneys, and others may wish to take advantage of the child’s settlement funds. A court may nominate a guardian ad litem or conservator if no custodial parent or trusted guardian is available.
Additionally, you may find that the court reduces applicable attorney fees. There may also be a court order to have a bank trust set up until the minor reaches majority age.
Note that an older or incompetent person in California is entitled to a similar process.
Why Have a Minor’s Compromise in a Personal Injury Case?
A child has a right to whatever personal injury settlements may have been granted via court approval.
This may include compensation for emotional damage, medical bills, or wrongful death (in a case where the claimant is a minor.).
While the child should be able to receive this regardless of age, there must be a baseline of understanding of expectations following the personal injury lawsuit.
So, how does one answer the question, “What is a minor’s compromise?” It’s a process guided by state law that protects the child while ensuring all involved understand the stipulations.
Parent, Conservator, or Guardian Ad Litem
Only the custodial parent or legal guardian, i.e., the one who lives with the child, can sign a minor’s compromise to guarantee receipt of payment.
Without any such party, the court may nominate a guardian ad litem or conservator for the minor’s compromise.
Any of these parties may petition the court to transfer the personal injury settlement agreement funds to:
- A special needs trust’s trustee for the minor’s benefit as described in Probate Code Section 3604. This applies to minors entitled to public benefits because of high medical expenses or disability.
- A trust’s tree that a minor becomes eligible to revoke at 18.
- A custodian as identified by the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
- A single premium deferred annuity or a financial institution-based insured account requires a court order for withdrawal.
In the absence of a guardian, when a court wishes to approve a compromise, it can take one of several alternative steps such as:
- Funds transfer for deposit to a county treasurer (with special conditions met)
- Purchase a single premium deferred annuity and allow withdrawal only with a court order
- Complete a transfer to a special needs trust’s trustee based on Probate Code Section 3604.
- Decide on a guardian to transfer the funds.
What Does the Settlement Process Look Like
Personal injury attorneys are hired as they typically would be for injury matters. Provided that a settlement agreement is reached and approved in the minor’s claim, the funds are sent to the blocked account or whatever other holding method is deemed fit.
An expedited petition for a minor’s compromise may be filed if needed.
Both the personal injury lawyer and the petitioner for the transfer typically have 30m days to demonstrate to the court that the funds have been received and deposited as expected. At this point, the personal injury settlement is considered complete.
Note that these settlements are final, so there’s no reopening of the case thereafter. For example, the money awarded may not have been enough to cover the extent of the damage. Even in such a situation, no exception is made.
This is why personal injury attorneys are essential just before you get to this stage of the process. You typically can’t complete a case settlement unless the extent of value, harm, and recovery is understood correctly. Lean on the expertise of your attorney as much as possible.
Besides reviewing the settlement agreement and negotiating its terms effectively, your lawyer will also account for getting the best possible net recovery.
Additionally, if the case is subject to litigation, the lawyer will help protect you from unwarranted delays or sanctions in the minor’s compromise.
Where the Money Goes: A Deeper Dive
Earlier, you got a brief overview of where settlement proceeds could go following a minor’s compromise.
Here’s a bit more of an in-depth look at the alternatives:
- Minor’s settlement trust – This trust will require ongoing court supervision. Typically, it’s the go-to option for larger settlements or may come with annuity payments while the minor is under 18. The minor must be able to revoke it upon reaching legal age. The flexibility this option offers is due to its authentic appeal.
- County treasurer transfer – Under the Probate Code, a system allows for a court order that causes the settlement proceeds to be transferred to a county treasurer-maintained account. It bears many similarities to a blocked account but is managed by a government representative. While it’s available, this option is rarely used.
- Distribution to parent as trustee – In cases where the settlement totals less than $5,000, no oversight or bond is needed to pay the money to the parent. However, it must be held in trust until the minor reaches legal age.
- Distribution to special needs trust – A special needs trust should be considered if the child has a disability, though not every child with one will need to have such a trust set up. The advantage here is that children with disabilities will be prevented from working during adult life. Holding the assets in such a trust can maintain eligibility for public benefits that may come with certain resource limitations.
- Blocked account – This is the standard form of the county treasurer option and is the preferred way of going about these cases. However, the funds are placed into an account only accessible to the minor upon becoming 18 years old. It’s easy to set up and administer, and the child receives the money outright when it comes. Judicial council forms mark the start of the process. The court signs the form to deposit the money into this kind of account (MC-355). The financial institution then signs a corresponding form acknowledging the order. A parent can be completed ex parte by a parent who submits a withdrawal request, which may be granted as an order from the court.
How to Choose the Right Option for the Minor’s Claim
Unfortunately, these situations don’t always involve selecting something right for the child.
For example, consider a blocked account if a significant settlement is not needed during minor years.
A disabled child who will have problems securing gainful employment because of said disability is better suited to a special needs trust.
It may also help to talk to your lawyer to get a recommendation based on your situation.
Contact an Experienced Attorney to Help Safeguard Minors in a Personal Injury Settlement
A personal injury claim is just as crucial to a minor as it is to an adult. At Ehline Law, we are familiar with all elements of these cases, including minors’ compromise stipulations, filing fee requirements, the code of civil procedure, and more.
Additionally, we represent clients across many personal injury matters, such as slips and falls, car accidents, truck accidents, and more!
Call (833) LETS-SUE today for a free consultation!
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