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U.S. Marine

Michael Ehline of Ehline Law Firm created this page to assist people who are hurt by big trucks. These are the large shipping container tractors with trailers moving in and out of the Port of Long Beach and the city at large.
Ehline Law Firm has years of valuable experience and has won significant awards granted by courts and juries. Because of this, the Ehline Law Firm has the respect of friend and foe alike. The firm has sued in numerous cases, including commercial rigs.
We have sued in cases involving:
- Mac or Peterbilt trucks with balding tires.
- Cases we help with often involve tire retread and tire cutting/grooving blowouts.
- Sometimes, the trucker relies upon the rig’s trailer brakes. Companies often do this instead of applying their rig brakes to save money.
Getting involved in an 18-wheeler accident in the LBC usually results in significant injuries.
Injuries like this can include:
- Head trauma
- Spinal cord injuries
- Paralysis
- Multiple fractures
- Death
- Internal bleeding.
Have You Been Injured in a Long Beach Big Rig Accident?
Many truckers use their vehicles as portable parking lots for new and used cars. This helps to get vehicles quickly from the port to the local car dealership. Many are in and out of the port daily, stacked upon these large trailers.
- Shippers may get loaded up with hazardous chemicals depending upon the Bill of Lading.
- But some are merely bob-tailing with nothing in tow.
- Sometimes, the driver is only deadheading the empty truck back to another job.
- Intermodal containers remain very common along the 710 freeway.
But most passenger car occupants are clueless about the dangers they face from big rigs. They don’t know what is rolling down the highway in these storage containers. In all events, the trucks themselves have thick, sturdy frames. Thus, they can easily crush the occupants inside a small car or SUV, like inside an empty aluminum can. Therefore, the chances of killing people inside small vehicles are increased.
Dangers become compounded when considering shippers’ attempts to save money by skirting safety regulations.
- Tire carving and bad retreads are safety problems.
- Using trailer brakes instead of rig brakes increases the chances of blown treads. This is especially true when carrying an oversized load.
- Bikers and people on foot are always at risk of flying treads.
Also, one should never drift, tailgate, or crowd next to a big rig when traveling. If a person gets injured as a result of a safety violation or mere negligence, none of this matters. So, while lying in the hospital, you only want to get better.
What About Truck Accidents in Long Beach?
Long Beach has a significant number of railway and flatbed trucks in operation at any given time, in stark contrast to many other California cities.
Coinciding with this is the fact that this port city is home to:
- Some of the worst commercial driver wrecks in the U.S.
- Noncommercial vehicle occupants are at daily risk on the freeways and streets. This port city’s roadways are often congested, and driving is risky in some areas.
- DANGER: Many big rigs run along I-710 between Artesia and Sepulveda Boulevards.
And this is just east of Carson. These busy roads have many cars, motorcycles, and freight liners. Traffic phasing problems have occurred near the Long Beach Airport at Signal Hill. Faulty signals mean a higher risk of an accident. Other high-risk areas include Palm Beach at the intersection of Ocean and Shoreline Drive.
What are Some Other Increased Dangers You Face From Trucks in Long Beach?
Your dangers become increased when you factor in people:
- Making unsafe lane changes.
- Running through red lights.
Recently, a person ran the stop sign at Long Beach Aquarium and rear-ended another vehicle. Sometimes, trucks tailgate on these same winding roads and roundabouts. Other times, passenger cars and trucks don’t signal and make improper turns. Therefore, even when a less experienced driver is careful, collisions may be unavoidable. Compounding your dangers is that any big truck could lose control.
Examples include:
- Filled cement mixers that lose control.
- Fishtailing trailers are losing control.
Several tons of metal could come crashing down on your car.
What do fire trucks, cargo, and military transport trucks have several things in common?
- They are all high up off the ground.
- Cabs that are hard to see from.
- There are many blind spots.
- These vehicles are noisy.
- Plus, truck drivers are often unable to hear horns and other warnings.
- So, setting aside environmental dangers, these behemoths are an immediate threat.
Anyone on the road is a potential truck crash victim. In fact, in the U.S., a traffic accident kills a person every twelve to fifteen minutes. Roadway collisions with motorized vehicles of this size often result in serious injuries. These injuries can change the victim’s life forever.
What is a Jackknife Accident?
Serious injuries can be sustained when an accident occurs due to a collision with a jackknifed big rig.
- Definition of Jackknife
Jackknifing of a big rig occurs when the trailer pivots and the truck and trailer create the shape of a “V.” When this happens, the container slides across several lanes of traffic.
Thus, it can occur when the truck driver applies the brakes suddenly. The trailer sliding can hit other vehicles on the roadway. Hence, sometimes it results in severe injury or death.
What Are Some Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics?
- The Long Beach population is approximately 440,000 people.
- People are packed in like sardines into their infrastructure.
- In 2011, at least 63 people were in wrecks in Long Beach.
- During that same period, 26 total people died.
- Five deaths were related to drunk driving.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says motor vehicle collisions are the number 1 cause of death for Americans ages 8 to 34.
- There are 2.5 million people hurt in crashes yearly.
- Half of these people become permanently disabled. So this means they lose cognitive function. Many suffer from brain injuries. Some even become paralyzed from the neck down.
- Due to the multiple parties and potential sources of recovery, these are complex claims.
- These types of cases require a staff of trained tort law specialists.
How Will The Services of a Long Truck Accident Lawyer Benefit You?
When hiring an attorney, they should have a good reputation and be skilled. Having a representative who understands the industry jargon is fantastic. But it is even better if they know the regulations and legalese. Having a champion to act as your legal sword and shield is paramount. So, immediately after a bad wreck, you need an aggressive representative.
- Legal representation cannot be delayed.
- If so, it can mean missing the deadline to file legal documents.
- Also, delays mean witnesses can’t remember details or are challenging to locate. Consequently, crucial evidence could be lost.
Ehline Law Firm has a stellar record of getting clients money in personal injury cases. Ehline Law Firm has multiple years of experience. This is necessary to handle the most complex injury cases.
Parties Commonly Named in Truck Accident Lawsuits Include:
- Truck drivers.
- Truck owners.
- Employers of the truck driver, such as when the accident occurs during the work schedule.
- Vehicle manufacturers, when a poor design or defective part contributes to or causes the crash.
- Truck mechanics, when there have been improper repairs or a known defective part is used.
- Government entities maintain roadways, signs, and signals that create a hazard.
Accident claims go against the insurance company of the at-fault party. Parties who are underinsured or uninsured may file complaints with their insurance. And this is to recover damages. However, insurance adjusters will look out for their own best interests.
So, they may not offer a fair settlement. If this happens, lawyers may suggest filing a bad-faith action against your insurance.
What About When Truck Accident Claims Cannot be Settled?
In some cases, truck accident claims are resolved through skilled negotiation. This is a form of mediation without filing a lawsuit.
Unfortunately, sometimes, you can be forced to file a case and maybe to a jury trial. So if Ehline Law Firm can’t settle, we name all known defendants and sue those negligent parties. We go the extra mile to get you paid either way.
Your settlement or award of compensation may include:
- Medical expenses
- Rehabilitative costs
- Assisted living services
- Lost wealth and income
- Reduction of, or loss of future earnings
- Pain and Suffering.
But what if your truck accident results in a fatality? Well, in that case, your surviving family may file a wrongful death case in the Long Beach Courthouse. This legal claim will help your surviving family recover from the loss of financial and other support by the passed-away victim.
It also helps get you paid back for:
- Lost love
- Companionship
- Other intangibles.
But the decedent’s estate can also file a legal action called a “survivors action.” This would be a claim to recover compensation for the victim’s heirs and the decedent’s pain, etc.
Contact Us Now For Help
All of this stuff sounds confusing, right? But that’s ok. Our supremely confident, trustworthy Long Beach trucking accident lawyers can help you decipher this process.
We will assist you in protecting your rights and obtaining the recovery you deserve. To that end, we offer you a free telephone consultation 24-7.
Schedule a Free Telephonic Consultation With A Long Beach Truck Accident Lawyer Immediately
If you can’t meet in our offices, we can come to you at no cost. Call (888) 400-9721 or use the contact form on the Ehline Law Firm website to schedule an appointment now.
Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC
5001 Airport Plaza Dr #210
Long Beach, CA 90805 US
Phone: (562) 731-0668.
Long Beach personal injury lawyers proudly serve the following Long Beach zip codes: 90711 / 90712 / 90731 / 90740 / 90755 / 90801 / 90802 / 90803 / 90804 / 90805 / 90806 / 90807 / 90808 / 90809 / 90810 / 90813 / 90814 / 90815 / 90822 / 90831 / 90832 / 90833 / 90834 / 90835 / 90840 / 90842 / 90844 / 90845 / 90846 / 90847 / 90848 / 90853 / 90888 / 90895 / 90899
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